Getting back on track.

Does anyone have any tips on losing weight and eating healthier? I have been slacking a lot and need to get back on track. Also any workout routines? It would be greatly appreciated


  • sarevalo3
    sarevalo3 Posts: 6 Member
    I am currently trying to shed weight post baby. What is really working for me is making a big batch of soup and having it for lunch and dinner. I love the taste and it is very filling. That in addition to working out most days works for me. Plus seeing the numbers on the scale decrease regularly is a big motivator!
  • lili200
    lili200 Posts: 200 Member
    for me its always easier to loss weight on a group or with a friend..
  • amayaasn
    amayaasn Posts: 28 Member
    Totally finding friends that want to join you or who are on this journey too, is a great motivator. I've found posting and being accountable as much as possible and taking those around me what I'm doing has helped. Send me a friend request if u would like!!
  • javarob66
    javarob66 Posts: 24 Member
    I just picked up a fitness tracker a week ago, and it is awesome. I find myself parking further away to add steps, taking walks at lunch and after work, and intentionally taking the long way to places, etc. With MFP, I track my calories so I am not guessing. I don't think you need a "diet" to lose weight. Track your calories and if you eat less than you burn, you will lose weight. Get a little scale and weigh yourself weekly to make sure your calorie calculations are working like you think they should. As was said, getting friends to do it with you helps a lot. I am dragging along my sister. Best of luck!
  • twohourshower37
    twohourshower37 Posts: 37 Member
    I started eating better and working out about 4 months ago, Its been working well, I cut out sugar from my coffee and stopped all sodas/fruit drinks , basically all water, or propel water. Started with walking 4 to 5 nights a week and now I'm up to running 2 miles 4 to 5 times a week.
    I mean it is tough but honestly it really is as easy as eating better and getting exercise,. I have struggled for years until it hit me that there IS no quick fix or magic fast weight loss trick. It's a lifestyle change and I've realized this is just going to have to be my way of life from now on. I can't lose weight fast and then go back to bad habits. And once you lose some weight in the first few weeks it becomes rewarding and motivating to keep doing better!
  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    I hear you, I've been struggling for a long time now but the last week or so I've pulled it together again. I'm a grumpy git and part of that is down to being overweight so if shifting a bit of weight will make me happy then hell I'm in. It's important for you to find your own reasons for doing it, that way you stand the best chance of succeeding.

    Don't be too hard on yourself.
  • PaulBonham
    PaulBonham Posts: 42 Member
    edited October 2015
    I think that you just need to find something that works for you. I'm very competitive with myself, i.e. I have a desire to improve or beat my best, so using mfp along with Garmin/Strava for cycling, mapmywalk & UA Record etc. for walking and gym sessions allows me to see and compare results. I'm not worried about beating other people or comparing myself against them (well a little bit in cycling...), it's nearly all about being able to measure and improve myself.

    If you can find what drives/motivates you, then you will win!