

  • I have been at my goal weight for 2 years. It has been a struggle at times to maintain my weight but it gets easier as time passes. I find that it helps to still log my food and exercise. Weight maintenance is still a priority and I work at it every day. I believe that is key for me. Congradulations on your weight loss.
  • I eat small meals every 3 to 4 hours. This helps keep me from being really hungry and eating something that is not good for me.
  • I agree with making the workouts a priority. I easy to find other things to do so making them #1 on your list is essential. I also started using a heart rate monitor to determine calorie burn. It really helped me determine how hard I was working and made it easy to set a goal. The reward of meeting the goal will drive a…
  • I'm on my second Polar FT-7. The first one lasted over a year and I really like them. They give the essential information I want and are reasonably priced.
  • My wife has been lifting with me for almost 3 years. When she started she was uncomfortable but now it's great. She works just like everyone else and has made friends with a couple of the guys. I enjoy having women in the weight room. I find that I work a little harder when they are around. Just being honest.
  • Ditto on having your bike fitted. It make a Hugh difference.
  • I also tried several times before losing the weight. What finally worked was everyone knowing and that held me accountable. Now I have people ask me about the weight loss and I tell them what worked for me. I have one rule. I let them bring the subject of their weight loss and I always wait for them to offer updates on…
  • I hear you. I lost 80 pounds 2 1/2 years ago and I still sometimes forget that I'm not overweight. You have already accomplished something special. Stick with your alloted calories and the rest will come. I would stall in my weight loss and then drop 3 or 4 pounds in a week. The key is to stay the course, be healthy, and…
  • I was always hot before losing weight. Now I'm cold all the time. It's especially bad after I eat. My nose gets cold to the touch. The Dr says all is normal so I just deal with it but it gets old.
  • It's a critical mistake to push to hard when you begin exercising push yourself but not to the point of pain save that for when you reach your exercise groove. It took me a couple months of steady exercise to be in shape enough to push really hard. you don't want to overdue and give up because it's too painful Good luck.
  • I always leave enough calories to have a bag of Orille Redenbacher Smart Pop every night. It has 240 calories in a bag with 4grams of fat and 1 gram of sat fat. Not bad. It's very filling with 8 grams of fiber. The key is to leave room in your calorie count so you don't go over your allotted calories. Works for me.
  • A good rule of thumb is that if you consume 500 calories less a day then you consume you will lose about 1 pound per week.
  • Time to get back on the horse.
  • When I was in the loss phase I would only eat part of the exercise calorie if I REALLY had to have something. I have been in the maintenance phase for a year and I routinely eat then now. For me, the key was to give in a little instead of going overboard if I allowed myself to starve.
  • How do you know your body fat is over 30%? My BMI states I am overwight but a Dexascan determined I'm at 18% body fat. I would you caution in determining body fat without a water test or Dexascan.
  • I eat 5 or 6 small meals a day. I was always hungry when I ate 3 meals a day but by eating more often (same amount of calories) i feel much more satisifed.
  • I have used a HRM for over a year now and it works great. The cardio machines always show that I burned more calories than the HRM indicates. I'm sold on the Polar.
  • A good heart rate monitor will give you calories burned, amount of exercise in the "Fat Burn" zone and amount of exercise time in the "Fitness" zone. It also gives you your real time heart rate. Make sure you get one with a battery that you can replace.
  • I turn mine off when I go below the fat burn zone.
  • I understand exactly what you are saying. I eat prepared food often and salt is a real problem. Some canned vegetables can be found that have no added salt or I use frozen. If you eat out salt is always an issue.
  • Too much protein can tax your kidneys. If you have normal kidney function, there is no harm in excess protein.
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