CrazyCatLadylovescats Member


  • Seaweed and pork rinds have been my go to low carb snacks.
  • Use a blender so that you get all the good fiber from the plants/fruit that you do. Juicing machines remove a lot of the fiber and leaves you with the sugary part of the fruit. Our bodies are designed to eat the whole fruit (minus seeds.)
  • I have always eaten mostly home made meals, made from scratch, including vegetables. I did not gain "so much", I am just over the edge of overweight, but I still feel it and I don't look as good as I could. I don't want to get to my ideal weight on the charts of 120, but 135 would be great, and that is over 20 pounds away.…
  • Thank you Sloth3toes! That is kind of what I thought, a gimmick to lure you in, and not really any actual information. Or, it would probably say foods that I am already eating or not eating. (I eat lots of veggies, some meat and dairy, and a few fruits here and there. Occasional grains. Very limited sweet and processed…
  • In my circle of moms, unhealthy foods = highly processed flour/corn with High Fructose Sugar. Usually something that you can eat from the bag, (snack food other than fruit) or things that come from fast food places or are fast food like that you can make at home, like chicken nuggets and tator tots. For some of the mothers…
  • I know they don't work, but I do wonder why MFP has them as adverts and not other things. I am TOTALLY skeptical, but curiosity and the cat and all that. Wondering if it is grain, potatoes, chia or whatever. Someone has to have clicked at some time or other. What did you see?
  • I think it helped some for me, but not loads. What it REALLY did was save my sanity. When breastfeeding at night, I could get back to sleep so easy. One stopped early - before he was sleeping through the night, and it was horrible - I couldn't get back to sleep. And I REALLY need my sleep. And, when I have had enough…
  • gabba ask to wobba to the throw the cats! Sniff.
  • 5'4", 144 lbs and wear a size 8 jean. Ten years ago those pants would have been size 12. This is also Walmart brand size 8, so more pricey stores may have a different size to appeal to their customers and help them feel "better."
  • Curry paste, Old Bay Seasoning, garlic salt, lemon pepper, mixes of rubs. Try Asian food stores for the curry paste, Old Bay should be in the meat department of your favorite grocery. Other mixes you can often get at health food stores in the bulk section (my Winco has them - love the bulk section!)
  • A lot of people don't know how to cook, therefore they just get the premade things. Which are not healthy. Eating cheap healthy can be time consuming. Not only do you have to make the food, you have to figure out where to get it. When we were a poor college student family on a single income, I did spend a fair amount of…
  • I find that after eating "real" food, that the processed stuff all tastes like crap to me. It looks good, it smells good...but it doesn't taste as good as it should. Makes it a lot easier to justify not eating it. Stuff that I make myself...well, that is the good stuff. But I don't go out of my way to make candy, or even…
  • I started by going Primal (which means diet and exercise.) But Primal is not for everyone, but it has been good for me in many ways. The times I have lost weight in the past, I really restricted my carbs because I HATE being hungry, and if I restrict my carbs, I can eat more of the veggies and such and feel full. This time…
  • If it were me....and it was the only thing in town other than the hospital, I would ask if I could just attend the healthy eating classes and not do the exercise part. You can get partial support that way, and when you get down to a lower BMI you can ask again about the exercise classes. Agreeing that liability is probably…
  • For me it was all of the grains. I HATE being hungry, so I look for items that have lots of bulk to fill me up. Breads, rice, other was a large amount of my calories, but a very small portion of the bulk that I could eat. I opt for other things like lots of vegetables. Fat I do like. While it is calorie dense,…
  • I am 46, female and yes, since I started exercising it has been sloooow. First, how long have you been walking 4 miles an hour? And are you eating the calories back? So here is my story, started Primal last year - without much exercise. Went down, went up. I was walking, thinking I was doing good and nothing happened…
  • I eat Primal. About 80/20. And I gained weight over the past year, some times when I was strictly Primal. But...I wasn't doing the exercises, and was eating what I wanted including berries and cream. So I gained. Now I am jogging about 3 to 5 miles a day and am slowly losing. At first I did loose about 10 pounds, but it…
  • Because I homeschool and I cook for my kids. And my food is tasty. When I was working, I didn't snack, now that I am home, it is easy to reach for those nuts or fruit. I just barely was in the overweight category, now down a few pounds from it. It has helped that my kids are finally of an age they can be home alone, so I…
  • As to the friends moving dress sizes. Not everyone looses weight from the same areas. In the past I could do a severe reduction of calories for 3 days, eat what I wanted for 4, and loose 10 lbs. But it only worked for one week two max. And yes, my clothing looked better. Now I am actually trying to be fit. I have had some…
  • You know, I was going to write a similar post. But mine was going to ask "Why does the scale say I am weighing a pound or two more when I only eat a few hundred calories over on a day? Doesn't a pound of fat equal something like 3600 calories?" I was thinking this all while doing my 3 mile run. When I got back, I fiddled…
  • It has taken me about 3 weeks to loose more than a single pound since I started running/walking at least 3 miles a day. I am pretty sure I was adding muscle. This week I have lost 3 is nice to see it start to come off!
  • No experience yet with the pig or cow, but have had lots of deer and elk (unfortunately, not recently.) The best way we found to wrap is to wrap with plastic wrap, then with freezer paper. If you can, get a freezer that is NOT frost free - that will help to cut down on freezer burn. We had the meat for about a year, when…
  • Carry weights, and up your weight in the program. You will burn more if you carry more.
  • Wheat based stuff, including bread and pasta. Can I sustain this and live without this? Yes, yes I can. I feel much better without it. No more sinus headaches on a weekly basis, no achy hip needing pain killers. Rice, legumes, corn...they are very, very limited because when I do eat them I don't get as much volume and then…
  • HERE is the video. Sorry!
  • Not sure if this is the best video, but it does show it. Don't worry about the push off from the wall. You don't need to stay under for very long. Watching a video was how I FINALLY got the stroke down when I was training to be a swim teacher. Watch frame by frame if you need to, over and over. Basically, you are making a…
  • I don't have a smart phone (I get no reception at home, so can't justify the cost, as I spend most of my time at home.) But I do have Nexus 7 that I have my running app on. I wear a small back pack (child's size, actually) to hold it. I can still hear it when it is on my back, unless a car is going by.
  • My gallon jar of pickles says that there are 0 calories per serving. Probably closer to one or two, which, if you chew them, you probably use up. I like cucumbers with seasoned salt mix, skin on.
  • I do not have an intolerance to wheat....but. I tried it for the weight loss - didn't work, may be my thyroid or some other issue is mucking up my weight loss. But what I did notice was that my hip that hurt off and on for years, stopped hurting. The "bible bump" on my wrist went away. And my sinus headaches are WAY down.…
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