Juicing- to do or not to do... that is the question????



  • nancyjolyn
    Agreed. For me it's an occasional nutritional boost, not a diet plan.
  • somefitsomefat
    somefitsomefat Posts: 445 Member
    I thought this was going to be about roids. Nevermind.
  • Blacklance36
    Blacklance36 Posts: 755 Member
    Try juicing a cheeseburger and ice cream, it's epic.


    Down for this! Also, try adding a little vodka for taste.
  • brosis85
    brosis85 Posts: 114 Member
    I was really reluctant to add juicing to my diet, especially when you hear what I juice. lol But I caved. I am at a point where I notice a physical difference when I dont make my green juice in the afternoon.

    I have a particular kind of juice that I make which is used to detox the liver and slim down the thighs ... I am not going to say that it has made a huge difference, but I definitely feel benefits from it.

    I drink 8oz of - brocolli, swiss chard, bok choy, cucumber, kale, celery, ginger powder, tumeric, and lemon. It doesnt taste amazing, but its so clean. It also has not had ANY impact on my bathroom habits. Its a great way to get a TON of nutrients in, without a ton of calories and bulk
  • Togi11
    Togi11 Posts: 20
    I started juicing for variety. A couple times a week I have a veggie juice with a bit of apple and lots of ginger. I like juice in the mornings when I don't feel like eating sometimes and it's a great way to use up veggies quickly that may be getting old. I think juicing in moderation is fine as long as you limit the fruit.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    If your goal is to "kick start" or "cleanse", and you're thinking about doing an all-juice diet, that's a bad idea.
    Disagree entirely. Juice fasting is great way to make a sudden break from bad habits that are hard to break.
  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    If your goal is to "kick start" or "cleanse", and you're thinking about doing an all-juice diet, that's a bad idea.
    Disagree entirely. Juice fasting is great way to make a sudden break from bad habits that are hard to break.

    Only if you plan on juicing the rest of your life.

    Once you start eating solids again ... wouldnt you just go back to your old habits? I would.

    The act of eating and drinking are completely different things.
  • samanthaxb
    samanthaxb Posts: 54 Member
    You need the fibre to poop!

  • achione
    achione Posts: 5 Member
    I love juicing. As others have said I think it is best when incorporated into other healthy lifestyle choice. I have never been a breakfast person and trying to get a meal in before noon is a challenge and often makes me feel ill, so instead I have a green juice. It gives me a ton of energy and fills me up in the morning. Besides that I think it is also a mental boost to have so many veggies first thing, makes me feel like my day is off to a good start (helpful for those with less will power like myself). I have seen absolutely no negative ramifications. Honestly it also helps out with using up extra veggies and fruit around the house. I have the Breville Juice fountain and although cleaning a juicer is always a pain it is way easier to take apart and clean then some others that I have tried.
  • horseloverdawn
    horseloverdawn Posts: 16 Member
    I love juicing! It tastes so good and I have so much more energy when I am drinking the fresh juice. The down side is you do miss the fiber and you will need to increase your water intake. I juice two meals a day five days a week and honestly miss it on the weekend. There is no way I could eat all the food I turn into juice. I tried! Everyone is different. Everything in moderation. It never hurts to try but be smart about it.:drinker: :drinker:
  • mytabouly
    mytabouly Posts: 66 Member
    I'm not sure I'd ever be able to have a liquid only diet, no matter how short term it is.

    Love a nice cold fruity smoothie every now and then though! Nommy
  • bimpski
    bimpski Posts: 176 Member
    there are much better digestive enzymes available than beano! maybe a better quality product would be a good place to start?
  • jkowula
    jkowula Posts: 447
    I enjoy juicing, I have one in the morning with some chia seeds and flax mixed in. I don't get this "juicing is bad just eat the fruits". In one sitting there is no way I will eat carrots, apples, oranges, lime, celery, cucumber, lettuce, strawberries, etc. So I figure I must be getting some micro nutrients, it can't be "bad" for me. You can get fiber in other ways throughout the day. I would rather have that then a glass of Sunny D. Seems to work quite nicely for me.
  • dlkingsbury
    dlkingsbury Posts: 90 Member
    Juicing is great for adding extra vitamins when you need them. Whenever someone around me is sick, I break out the juicer to make a daily juice and have never caught their illness. But, its not good for permanent weight loss and shouldn't be used as such. I've done juice cleanses, etc. - you gain the weight back immediately.
  • CrazyCatLadylovescats
    CrazyCatLadylovescats Posts: 107 Member
    Use a blender so that you get all the good fiber from the plants/fruit that you do. Juicing machines remove a lot of the fiber and leaves you with the sugary part of the fruit. Our bodies are designed to eat the whole fruit (minus seeds.)
  • DirtyTrickster
    DirtyTrickster Posts: 202 Member
    Steroids are bad
  • ukaryote
    ukaryote Posts: 874 Member
    Juicing sounds terrible. My co-worker did it, said she was doing it for 2 weeks (lol) and quit after 1 day because she couldn't stop vomiting.

    Just eat less than you used to eat and log it.

    Edited for clarity. She wasn't just juicing, she was on a juice fast.

    Another unexciting, ordinary, sensible approach to maintaining one's self. That works. That's why I like this site.

    I mean, just juice is not terrible. It is kinda fun to throw unusual fruits and vegetables in there. Just juice to maintain your entire body is not so great.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Juice fasting? Stupid and pointless. Replacing meals with Juice and/or smoothies? Meh...there are some decent meal replacement smoothies out there, but for the same calories I'd prefer an actual meal.

    Juicing to supplement your vegetable intake? Sure...just make sure you're also eating vegetables for the fiber and whatnot. I also use smoothies for recovery after my long rides...I never feel like eating but I need the calories, carbs, protein, and fat and I need those things to be easily accessible for my body and I've found my particular homemade (Berry Banana) recovery smoothie to be just the ticket.

    Basically I use juicing and smoothies as a supplement, not as an alternative or replacement for actual meals and stuff.
  • catinohio
    catinohio Posts: 82 Member