This + 2 days moderate cardio and HIIT 2 days and remebering it isn't MAGIC... It doesn't just happen.. you work your *kitten* off for it !!!!!
When I first started I would make my appointment with the trainer at 5 am. I was paying for it either way, so I usually didn't miss. Now that I am use to it, I do cardio in the am and strength in the evening.
my partner made fun of me once... I asked her to join me doing the 30 DS ( no less) and she didn't make it through the first circut ... she dosn't make fun of me anymore. I found out from her son she has been secretly doing it at home when I am not there so next time she doesn't look silly.... :-)
Thank you all so much... I am even more encouraged now. I can't wait to really do more and make a bigger diffrence. :-)
You have to understand, most people that are telling you this ( from what I understand) may not understand the fitness part of your goal.
Almonds... or PB...
I am up and at the gym at 6, I do cardio in the am on an empty stomach - I usually eat around 8 am... I have never had a problem.
These are things that are not up for discussion at my house. I go to the gym on my own time, I pay for my membership and I pay for all my supplement ect. I work my *kitten* off. So my partner doesn't feel that she has any right to say anything about what I am doing ( unless she feels I am not eating enough - working out to…
Women can lift WAAAAYYYYY heavier than they give themselves credit for. If you are not feeling a burn up the anti. Chances are if you are not feeling it then it isn't doing you any good :-) There are lots of articles ( and workouts) on to help get you started :-)
It depends on how I feel... If I feel like I am having a skinny day ( or the scale says I lost weight) or I just think damn my body looks good... Shorts, sports bra fitted clothes - If I feel ok, nothing great, leggings, tank. If I feel fat, or it is TOM or I am upset loose shorts, and a tee shirt.
I do train fasted...
bump... anyone...
in all honesty it depends on my mood. If I think it is going to affect me negativly, I don't weigh at all. Even if I think I lost. If I am having a good week I will weigh everyday and it doesn't seem to affect my mood.... so I pay more attention to my emotions then to the once a week, everyday, once a month thing
5'8" and I weighed 100lbs soaking wet - I was really sick with an ED
I do it as "extra" cardio :-) I have been doing it off and on for over 30 days
I LOVE THIS !!!! I came home last night and my 6 year old step son look at me and said " well Two ( that is what he calls my partner) it is going to be a good evening- Ali is sweaty and that means she isn't stessed anymore" He also has told me, that I didn't need to go to the gym that - That I could just pick him up a…
I buy myself flowers too... :-) I get new workout gear... and manicures with the girls.
I switched from coffee to green tea - I don't regret it at all. I have coffee once a week.... sometimes I miss my "treat" and don't really miss it at all.
I use 7lbs, and I struggle ( I also double time the strength stuff) ... I usually have lifted like a Body buliding before and try and use the 30DS as more cardio then lifting.
It is very sad... please keep in mind that some of us on here are recovering... My journal always says I am under, but my treatment team looks at it regularly. SOME of us use it as a tool to help us get better. I am a recovering anorxic/ bulimic... When I was at my low point I weighed 99 lbs. I was really sick and spent 6…
I am 5'7" and I am aiming for 155 at the least... I am at 165 right now... I can't imagin being any smaller... seriously
Greek Dannon and snap peas... :-)
HIIT - 45 Min. Strength - 45 min 30 DS - 20 ish min
Thank GOD !! I AM NOT ALONE :-)
OMG SQUATS.... It is not that I am weak or I am sore the day after... I JUST REALLY HATE THEM !!!!!! gurrr wish I could get nice legs and butt without doing them :-/
I have been trying to find a new groove as well... I am going to try cross fit .... It is better for you body if you don't get complasent and try new things... plus it confuses muscle groups. IDK look into some new classes :-)
Thank you - A couple of days out from Cathy, I relize I might have been a little manic at my session. Now I understand a little better some of the stuff that she was saying. I am hypercritical of myself. I want to succeed so bad at being "well" I also want to be skinny - and there is just still that rift in my head. I can…
When I said that about "pack you lunch, move on" it was because me and a couple of other people with ED on here use to says it because we felt like that was the only way to get through the eating some days. I totally understand. I know so many people that make fun of me. My boss doens't underatnd how I loose weight because…
Pack your food, take it slow and you can do it :-) Move on to the next thin g