justjess575 Member


  • When I did my first triathlon, I didn't do bricks in my training and regretted it! I could barely walk when I finished the bike, let alone run. My tip is practice biking then running. It will help!
  • Hey Angie!! When I first stared, I was the same way. Always hungry but I've learned that if I eat small meals every 2-3 hours and mix protein and carbs, I do good. Cheese and cucumbers, apples and string cheese, pretzels and peanut butter, cottage cheese and tomatoes, yogurt and granola, it really helps!
  • I'm 5'5 1/2" and right now I weigh 189. My goal is to lose 40 lbs by August for my BF's Wedding. I want to be a smokin' bridesmaid not the 'big' friend. I started a little weight lost group in my town and I'm hoping to lose 10 lbs in January. I would love to be friends and encourage one another!
  • I heard that shadow boxing (just punching the air) is really good to get your heart rate going. Just sit and pretend you are boxing. I think I say it on Biggest Loser earlier this season. Hope you get feeling better.
  • I LOVE Stir Fry! 1 piece of chicken and ton of veggies. You can even use frozen and its still as good. You can serve over brown rice or noodles. You just have to watch the salt level with the soy sauce. There are great recipes for stir fry sauce that uses chicken stock and other things to lower how much soy sauce you use.
  • I would love to join your group, If you'll have me. I'm 5'51/2" (but MFP doesn't count the 1/2) CW:188 GW:175 (is this just for this month or this 12 week challenge or my over all. If it's just this month then this is my goal, if not I'll change it)
  • Welcome! You'll love it here! Everyone is so supportive and the site is easy to work. I understand how you feel. I started at 191, I've lost 3 lbs, and am working to 160-150 range. I love this site! It's super easy and fast plus the app makes it even easier.
  • Welcome! You'll love it here! Every step in the right direction is a good step! Everyone is so supportive! Feel free to add me!
  • Welcome! You'll love it here! Feel free to add me!
    in THANKS Comment by justjess575 March 2011
  • Welcome! I'm fairly new too but you'll love it! Everyone is so supportive! Free free to add me!
  • I'm new too! We can work together. Feel free to add me! Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Thanks Guys! Danielle- I added you as a friends I need all the support I can get. Mrs.T- I have an app on my phone called couch to 5K. It's 9 Weeks and each week it gets harder. The first week you warm up and then alternate running for 1 minute and walking for 1 minute and then cool down. I'm up to Warm up, 90 second jog,…
  • I just join MFP and was wondering if I was too late to join your challenge. I'm 190 right now.