

  • I finished my last fit test last week and I did way better then fit test 4. So i'm finished with my Insanity adventure. I am just not pleased with the results I terms of inches. I worked my *kitten* off 6 days a week and results is just minimal to say the least, so i'm still way overweight. On the good side, my fitness lvl…
  • Yesterday I was on Day 46 which was Max Cardio recovery. I really have trouble doing the slow pushup / plank exercises and it makes me feel like not getting the best out of this work out. It seems like I need to find a way to strengthen my upperbody more.
  • These sound like good explanations and reasons to me. I think I will follow your advice and start the whole program from the beginning. My body is responding late to all the workouts in terms of inches lost, but it starting now and I hope it will continue on into the next round. I don't expect to be lean in the summer, but…
  • I can already see that what I do now will not be enough to come to where I want to be in terms of inch loss. So I will do another round of insanity after i'm done with this one. Right now i'm on day 38 so i have a bit to go. When i'm happy with my slimmer body I will give P90x a try. Try to get some muscle tone, but that…
  • I did my fittest last sunday on my rest day. No way i go do the fit test + a MAX workout right after eachother. I also have to say that my progress in inches and weight is almost nothing, so that's a bit disappointing. But they say the second month should give the biggest changes, so let's hope for that. Well here they…
  • Day 24 Completed. Few!!! I have the feeling my body is starting to complain a bit. Well I have to just keep going. After this week the recovery week before the real insanity starts. Keep going everyone. Decide, commit, succeed!
  • Well I had my rest day earlier this week, because I was ill (flu), so as a "punishment" I just had my workout today, so tomorrow i'm right on schedule again. But before insanity I ran 3-4 times a week, so normaly on my rest day I would take a run, which means I only run 1 time week right now. I don't really mind. The…
  • Hehe yes it can be complicated. Don't be discouraged! you are doing great. You are performing better you say, so your getting more muscle and stamina which means you metabolisme will improve. Be also proud with the little improvements. For me it are things like being able to tie my shoe laces with more easy, or walking the…
  • Yes, I found that kinda strange. Maybe something went wrong with the first measure up. Well it's in balance now as you said. Let's see how it will progress with the next fit test :smile: I'm never been so motivated to get some results, and people are already noticing some changes, also in the face. I'm already planning my…
  • Don't you feel like you have more energy and are more powerfull? And during the first month were you able to do the exercises better? I sometimes read through other forums that people saw the changes only during the second month. Every body works different I suppose. You say you didn't measure up yourself in the beginning.…
  • I just started the 3rd week and I lost around 1kg or 2lbs. But I feel like I lost more then that. I feel a lot better too and I think i see a difference in the mirror. Guess I just wait and see after the first month, and then the real insanity starts, hoping the big changes will kick in.
  • I feel like I got a lot stronger especialy in my legs. With insanity it's better to measure in inches instead of weight. You probably gained more muscle tissue while you burned fat. Muscle is heavier then fat, so don't worry about it. If you watch closely what you eat and not eating crap you should be good!
  • Just did my second Fit test. First numbers are from the first fit test: Height: 5"8 or 178cm Weight: 214lbs or 97.3kg / 212lbs or 96.3kg Switch kicks: 57 / 62 Power jacks: 37 / 57 Power knees: 87 / 103 Power jumps: 33 / 38 Globe jumps: 11 / 9 (I lost count the first ime) Suicide jumps: 10 / 12 Push-up jacks: 6 / 18 (the…
  • What I meant was in general. You do lot of squats and pushups and Cardio, but during the normal workouts your abs are not handled that much. In the first week I was sore all over accept for my abs. That's why I took it again as a seperate workout. Going to start my Fit Test within the hour. I.m really curious if I will do…
  • I had my rest day yesterday, so I went out running :tongue: Having a hard time to combine the running with insanity, so I cut the running back for now to once a week on the rest day. I also did the Cardio Abs as a separate workout because I have the feeling Insanity is not challenging the abs that much, or am I wrong?…
  • Yes my calves did hurt the most too. Walking stairs was killing. No worries it will fade away. The cardio recovery helped very well for me.
  • Today was my 10th training day. 10 days of this insanity!! 53 days to go. Seems a long time to go... well time passes by by itself, so no worries there. It the moment i'm in a state, like I can't wait for the next workout. Somehow i'm really enjoying myself doing this, eventhough the first week I was very sore. Well it…
  • I find cheating a harsh word, but you want to get the "real" results and know how fit you are, right? If you get tired during the test, take a short break and go right at it, and know your limits (hence avoid puking :) ) Its nice to see when you do it the next time what you progress is, and i'm on my ninth day and i know…
  • Here is mine: Height: 5"8 or 178cm Weight: 214lbs or 97.3kg Switch kicks: 57 Power jacks: 37 Power knees: 87 Power jumps: 33 Globe jumps: 11 Suicide jumps: 10 Push-up jacks: 6 Low plank obliques: 11 Measurements Chest: 111 cm L Bicep: 37 cm R Bicep: 37 cm Waist: 114.5 cm Hips: 100 cm L thigh: 64.5 cm R thigh: 62 cm L calf:…
  • Done the ninth day today: Pure cardio - now for the second time. It was hard, but I made it. It seems like it's getting a little bit easier as the program moves forward. Everyone who is just starting hang in there when you are getting muscle pain, just power through and also know you limits. For me the Cardio Recovery…
  • Hi all. I hope I can join too. I started my insanity adventure on 2nd February and now already lost around 1,5KG or 3.3lbs. It's so strange because I started with weight loss in april last year and i weighted 108.8kg (240lbs). Through running I went down to 94.5kg (208lbs) but then it stopped and now I am 2,5 months…