hoffmanchristina Member


  • 1 lb is 3500 calories. So 2 lbs is 7000 calories. So a daily deficit of 1000 calories is 2 lbs a week.
  • My workout estimates are only about 1/3 of MFP estimates for the same time. So, yeah I think mine are much more realistic. And as I stated, I was losing the recommended pounds for 6 weeks. The last two weeks have been less and nothing has changed.
  • Everyone has missed the point and main question in this post. I don't estimate my burn. I have a Polar Loop that I wear all day, every day. My daily burn averages between 2900 and 3000. I use a HRM to only log my MA classes 2-3 days a week and when I cut the grass every 6-10 days depending on the weather. I walk my dog…
  • I promised myself a shopping trip for new clothes when I lost enough weight to fit into regular misses clothes. Sears put my absolute favorite jeans on sale for half off plus an extra 15% off. What would you do? Wait a month and pay full price or buy now, get twice as much and push myself extra hard because I can't wait to…
  • The worst, most painful place to get a tattoo is eyeliner. I've had my eyes lined 3 times because the color faded. The first time I was 16 and it was a thin off black. The second time, I was 21 and had it thickened and darkened. The last time was just a few years ago. If you have pain pills ( Motrin 600 or higher, Tylenol…
  • I'm 5'4" SW 256 on June 24, 2014 CW 232 on Aug 19, 2014 GW 130 I have gone from a size 18W to a regular size 16. And I couldn't be happier. I hope to be a size 10/12 by Christmas.
  • First, BMI for your height is 104 at the extreme low end of normal. With that being said, 110 is a healthy, realistic goal. But keep in mind that BMI has its flaws. A body builder with solid muscle is considered obese because muscle weighs more than fat. As long as you are with at normal range with a bit of fat, your good.…
  • Hi, I have a polar loop with a chest strap HRM and I love it. It can sync on your computer but to the manufactures website which I find very detailed. Also, there is an app for ipad/iPhone and I believe android. I don't think there is a way to export data. And there privacy setting so you decide who has access to your…
  • I wear mine under my clothes. Except when it's over 80 degrees and I'm cutting the grass and sometimes as a pajama top. ???? I don't feel comfortable with how I look. ???? If I get down to where I look good in a bikini, then I'll be running around without a shirt. ????
  • I love the champion c9 gear. Their sport bras are great. I love their socks. I constantly wear holes in my socks. C9 socks are thicker on the bottom to pull moisture away. I've had them over a year and not a single hole. I have long socks for winter and low cut for the summer. I also love their long sleeve shirts and the…
  • You can normally do push-ups but after days of extreme exercise, you can't do them? It sounds like you have over worked your body. If you push too hard or don't allow your muscles to recover, you will find it harder to do them next time or not at all. I haven't done "real" push-ups yet. I'm building my strength by…
  • I bought a polar FT7. It looks like a normal watch but with the chest strap, you can set it to show either your heart rate, calories burners, or workout time. This week I bought a polar loop and the H7 monitor. I love the tracking the loop does for all day activity. I wasn't really happy with the way it works with the…
  • Drinking juices is almost as bad as eating a donut. The sugar is outrageous. I too have a major sweet tooth. Tonight's Master Chef nearly had me in tears over the Red Velvet Cakes. When you get a sugar craving, eat fresh fruit. Peaches, apples, cherries, blueberries, strawberries, pineapple, banana, and grapes. Juice gives…
  • I measure my calories using a Polar FT7 with included chest strap HRM. It uses you height, weight, and heart rate to measure calories burned.
  • Get a HRM. I have the Polar ft7 with a chest strap. Press start when you start a job and end when you finish. Based on your height and weight which you program, and your heart rate, it tells you the calories burned. I love mine. Found out I burn 1,100 calories when I mow the grass which takes about 2 hours.
  • I think your calories are off. I have 100lbs on you and my goal is 1540 calories. Try resetting you fitness level.
  • First, what is your total amount of calories for the day? If 1200, a 400 calorie breakfast isn't bad as long as you other meals are about 400 calories each. One solution to cut calories is Meijer had these mixed bowls of fresh fruit already cut up and ready to eat. 1 cup of Strawberry, Blueberry, and Pineapple mix is only…
  • For me, it's a combination of both. Pop - Moderation I mow the lawn and after burning 1,100 calories 1 can a week is ok. And I get a Vernors slurpee on martial art days. (It's a limited time flavor and will give it up when it goes away). juice - Abstinence Little Debbie or similar - Abstinence Chips - Abstinence Candy -…
  • I am taking Hapkido classes. The way I am being taught, the only difference between us is you have forms and I have techniques. I have a polar ft7 with a chest strap to monitor my heart rate. It gives me the length of my "workout", calories burned, and what my max and avg heart rate was. I love it for logging in individual…