Can't do pushups

I'm not a small girl. I'm average size, and I've never had a problem doing pushups, but lately I can't do a single one. I recently joined the military and have been enduring some pretty intense workouts. Sunday there was a six mile run with different circuits. Flutter kicks, leg lifts, push ups. Mountain climbers, fireman carry, etc. Then Tuesday we did four rounds of twenty tire jumps, kettle bell swings, and fifty sit ups with a weighted medicine ball, also we ran a mile. Wednesday I worked out on my own. Three mile run and 100 burpees. Thursday we did 4 rounds of 20 parallel squats, 20 below parallel, 20 jumping, 20 lunges, and 20 gobble squats I think they're called (with the kettle bell). Then with legs I could barely stand on, I ran a mile. My legs are still incredibly sore. I tried to do my work out yesterday but felt really defeated when I couldn't do ten pushups. My workout called for four rounds of twenty-five. I could barely do pushups on my knees. I deemed it my recovery day. My body is changing already and it's only been a week. I want to be stronger, not skinnier. I feel really defeated because of the pushups thing. I don't know if I should rest another day or get back in it. Some advice and encouragement would be much appreciated. Thank you!!


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    If you're usually working out with this level of intensity and your instructors give you a rest day, TAKE A REST DAY
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    here's push-ups you CAN do. stand up, place your hands against the wall lean so there's some angle between you and the wall and do your pushups that way till your arms and shoulders get stronger. in case i wasn't clear (which happens all the time), here's a youtube video i found showing and explaining what i mean

    and always take recommended rest times and days so your muscles will have time to repair themselves.
  • my_2_cents
    my_2_cents Posts: 109 Member
    here's push-ups you CAN do. stand up, place your hands against the wall lean so there's some angle between you and the wall and do your pushups that way till your arms and shoulders get stronger. in case i wasn't clear (which happens all the time), here's a youtube video i found showing and explaining what i mean

    and always take recommended rest times and days so your muscles will have time to repair themselves.

    Do this, then you can gradually lower it down the wall for intensity, then do pushups off the side of a weight bench when you get that low.

    I'm guessing based on your description of the exercise you've been doing that you were able to do pushups until just before you got discouraged. This means you aren't too weak to do them, you're tired or hurt.


    When your instructors give you a day off PT, then its because that's their intention is for you to get some rest. Go for a short run yourself to work on your cardio and leave the rest until your instructors ask it of you.
  • hoffmanchristina
    hoffmanchristina Posts: 22 Member
    You can normally do push-ups but after days of extreme exercise, you can't do them? It sounds like you have over worked your body. If you push too hard or don't allow your muscles to recover, you will find it harder to do them next time or not at all.

    I haven't done "real" push-ups yet. I'm building my strength by increasing the number and reps of girlie push-ups based on an app called multi reps. I can't do push-ups every day. My arms hurt too much. And it's recommended you work upper body one day and lower body the next.

    To me, it sounds like you over did it and need to rest and recover.
  • thatpilotgirl
    Thanks everyone. I ended up taking another rest day for a total of two rest days. I do pt Tuesdays and Thursdays and my instructor gave me planned workouts for Monday Wednesday and Friday. I will do Friday's work out today. Today I can do pushups again. I guess my muscles were just overworked. I know not to lose my motivation anymore. I'm making progress! :)
  • TheIgnorantTroll
    I have real trouble with push-ups. And usually do them on my knees. Yesterday to my amazement was the first time I was able to do more than one planked. I actually did a few sets and only went on to my knees for the very last push-up.

    What I noticed also is that when I have been working out hard then push-ups even from the knees is more difficult than normal.

    Best of luck with your training.