whyldebear Member


  • I would love some more friends been on hear Years I have a few but really could do with some more help and support x
  • id love to help but unfortunately i follow the extra easy plan just thought id reply so you didn't think no one cared, a good website for recipes is http://www.goodtoknow.co.uk/ u can type slimming world in and it brings loads up hope this may help x
  • never thought about my breathing ill have to take notice and see thanks for pointing that out x
  • boxercise, circuit training and sparta
  • im just like you i have to force my self to have a drink as i dont feel thirsty often but i am making sure i drink water not pop even if i do have to make myself opefully it will get better.
  • Im not currently filling my diary in on hear so there wouldnt be much to see any way as im doing slimming worl and so i have to fill a diary in for that and didnt want to do it twice, i think you miss read my post i dont have blood pressure low or high so its not to do with that. im thinking i need to drink more fluid…
  • I do no of otheres that have lost a lot quick a friend of mine lost 10lb in 1 week without excercise he started doing slimming world which is all about eating the right food the week after he lost 2.5 lb. so i wouldnt worry too much just take note it will probably slow down x
  • i have only purchased my HRM today and await its arrival in the post so unfortunatly i cannot comment im just hoping ive bought the right one the reviews looked good but ya never know. congrats on joining the gym thats a big step in the right direction, id def ask an PT to work out an excercise plan gives you some…
  • i do drink whilst im working out maybe i need to drink more and maybe keep it up once i get home, ill try this next week thanks for the tips x
  • im doing SW started 3 weeks ago i have done it befor but lapsed in to bad habits so re joined im gonna add you all hope thats ok x
  • they do say that if your body isnt used to the excersise it will hold on to fluid or as yoshicow put retain water in order to repair the muscles youve worked on it may do this for a few weeks but you cant let this out you off you have to keep at it and eventually it will sort its self out and you will have a loss trust me.…
  • yeah been there lost over a stone on slimming world and then cos i joined the gym thought i didnt need to keep a check on my food, didnt make it to gym as often as i should have and thus put my stone back on i actually have 2 stone to lose but at this point getting the stone back off would be great. x
  • id say eat as best you can so you dont have another 400 ontop of that but basically all you can do is draw a line under it mark it down as a bad day and start a fresh in the morning maybe try a few cals under tomorrow and rest if week to pull some back x
  • hi there, i used to do SW and im re joining tonight i lost just over a stone last time but could easily have dont more if id behaved myself i just like wine too much haha, im hopefully more motivated now and ive also joined a gym wich SW say excercise isnt necessary but will speed up and help extra weight loss, i like it…
  • i used to do SW and lost just over a stone i could have lost more if id stuck to it instead of cheating im re joining tonight ordered my food shop for delivery on tuesday all meals planned so here goes, and good luck to you all hope you dont mind but ive added you all x
  • if anyone actually resonds to this i would be intrested to know too im starting to do this as of this morning x
  • glad youve asked this as i am always well over on what my protein is im guessing from this i dont have to worry about it which is reassuring. thanks
  • so the general opinion is so long as i eat well 90% and excersise as much as poss i should see some results and is not gonna hurt if i have an off day were i maybe have a few wines or out for a meal. i only say this as yeah i wanna lose weight and be healthier but i also dont want to have to give up verything i enjoy all…
  • im unsure if my diary is open or closed, but after reading peoples replies i can see the upside to having an open one as i think i would find it very usefull for someone to perhaps point me in a better direction than what i perhaps am goin in, so if any one would like to be my friend and help me out im open to all :) x
  • morning ladys, im up for all the help i can get so feel free to be my friend too. xx
  • thank you every one or your post.
  • im doing P90X plyo how do i work out the calories like you have
  • id love to say id add you but im new and not sure how i do that haha, x
  • good luck hun x
  • good luck ive just completed my 1st week (only joined hear today though) and lost 3lb so it can be done x