rn000 Member


  • Point taken Michelle, I did assume that the original poster heard about intermittent fasting already, and wasn't sure if there were actually metabolic benefits associated with it. I do see where you are coming from, however next time maybe ask for context or further explanation, there are many ways to get your point across…
    in Fasting..... Comment by rn000 March 2016
  • Hey Michelle. Not sure why you're being so aggressive.. If you knew about intermittent fasting, you'd know that the fasting period actually does not last anywhere near 3 or 4 days like it did in the study, instead it is usually a 16-20 hour fast, so getting to day 4 where energy expenditure declines won't happen. And I…
    in Fasting..... Comment by rn000 March 2016
  • Hey Dhogg, I wouldnt be so quick to say people are "wrong" unless you have some evidence to help your argument. Have you yourself tried intermittent fasting? Did you know that while fasting, your body releases up to 2000 percent more human growth hormone to help you retain muscle? Here's a link to the article I got that…
    in Fasting..... Comment by rn000 March 2016
  • Hey OP, if you're interested in finding out more about how fasting can increase your metabolism, here's an article to hopefully give you some insight! http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/71/6/1511
    in Fasting..... Comment by rn000 March 2016
  • An excellent and easy solution to your problem, quest bars. Around 20grams of fibre in one bar! Enjoy
  • In my experience I found it doesn't matter when you get in your cardio. At the end of the day, the amount of calories you have burned and whether you are in a deficit is what matters
  • I personally keep my reps around 6-10 which is moderate to heavy weight for me. There is nothing wrong going heavy for low sets, just in my opinion i think it increases the risk of injury.. Light weights which you can do about 10-15 reps are ok for warming up your joints. But in saying that, it depends which muscles you…
  • So you get an accurate reading of your calories, which is important to know so you are not over/under eating.
  • Look forward to seeing you back here when the weight eventually comes back on... Myfitnesspal is not just a calorie counter, it's a way of keeping your overall health in mind
  • The initial weight loss you will see will be mostly water weight, if fat came off that easy then everyone would look amazing
  • When I eat an apple/pear or whatever other fruit, I weigh it first, eat it, then re-weigh the part of the fruit i didnt eat it and subtract from the initial weight.
  • I'm no professional but from what I gather you are exercising a lot. Maybe up your calories to 1800 for a few days then down to 1500 again. This is my take on it. Thoughts?
  • Stay at 1600. Mfp does not know your body as well as you do.myoure seeing results then stick with what you're doing!
  • I understand where you are coming from perfectly, as my weakness is carbs as well (cookies in particular!). I have not tried atkins, but I see it as a temporary way of getting the weight off but not keeping it off. What I did in 2012 was make a lifestyle change and decided to eat healthier. This meant watching my serving…
  • These are my thoughts... Initially you lost weight because you were taking in less calories than you are now, and burning more calories from your cardio. Cardio is a great tool to burn those extra calories, however is it useless when it comes to building muscle. Your strength training should be helping in building muscle,…