

  • we have almost the same routine i also do the 30 day shred in the am and couch to 5 k three times a week, then elliptical three days a week. i'm on my third week of the couch to 5 k program what week are you on?
  • So i've been MIA for a few week me and the kidos were sick for a while that was not fun so i got a little off track but am still managing to lose weigh so far i've been good this week and have been to the gym and done cardio or weights every day. So every night when i am at the gym so is another women who is about six…
  • congrats to you as well !!! oh my all pregnant women and making me so jealous I can not wait to get pregnant again but i am sticking to my guns and not trying till i get down to my goal weight i can't be heavy like i was my first two plus my body needs a break i had my first two back to back. Congrats again hope you have a…
  • OHHHH that is soooo exciting congrats hope you feel better soon before the morning sickness sets in(unless your one of the lucky few to avoid it) I hope you have a healthy and happy pregnancy!!
  • Hey guys i haven't checked in in a while but i am doing really well i am down to 158 and my tummy is starting to go down. I'm still doing level one but have only missed one day since i started on the fourth. I started the couch to 5 k this week and am on work out two thats been touch for me my lungs are having a hard time…
  • hey all just a quick check in before the baby's wake! I've had a greatttt week i've done the 30 day shred every day and started the c25k this week and just did run 2 this morning, i've stayed under my calories almost every day and am starting to feel much much better about my self yahh!! And am finding some good low cal…
  • Thanks thats a big help Someone suggested that I count it as circuit training. For me the 20 minutes burns about 214 calories. [/quote]
  • Hey guys what are you putting into your exercise tracker for the 30day shred? I would like to know about how many calories it is burning. Thanks oh yah did my third day of the shred and it seemed easier woo hoo !! Go me All of you are doing so good Keep it up !!
  • Well i haven't done measurments yet but did weight in so here it is starting weight ouch 170lbs Monday and tuesday i did the 30 day shred and today i am too sore so i am just going to the gym to walk off the soreness
  • i feel so guilty i have to skip a day am way too sore i think i might head to the gym and just walk out some of the stiffness
  • Ok so i did L1D2 and i am hurting!! I sure hope this gets easier cause wow i can't picture being this sore everyday!! But i guess no pain no loss hehe Alyson
  • Hey ladies I would love to join you ,my main reason for losing weight is so I can tcc . I would like to start in june but if i lose it sooner we can start trying sooner!! I put on a lot of extra weight with my first two next time i know i need to eat so much better during the pregnancy. Today i started the 30 day shred and…
  • Hey guys i just started it this morning ,It was a rocky start both my littles ones decided to need diaper changes during so i had to stop twice but i still felt like i got a good work out. I think from now on i am going to TRY to do the dvd before they wake . Good luck to every one it will be fun to see the results in 30…