Pregnancy 2010 - Week 2

jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello everyone!

This is a group full of people who are trying to lose weight or get healthier so they can have an easier time caonceiving, carrying and have an overall healthy pregnancy and baby.

We do weigh-ins on Wednesday, and the more the merrier!


  • geicko
    geicko Posts: 151
    Hello Ladies !

    Hope everyone is doing fine.

    I'm a little sad this morning so thougt I'd drop a line.

    I'm having an hard time figuring out my fertile days... even if charting basal temperature and doing OPK tests. I've been taking medecine (Metformin) since November to regulate my cycles and improve ovulation. Last 2 cycles were great and close to what a woman can expect but this month is a complet mess. I'm on day 23, and should have ovulated around day 20 but my temperature is down the drain this morning. Maybe my temperature is moving around because I have a cold right now (first time being sick since 2007 ! :sick: ).

    For those who have been trying for a little while, do you feel that pressure to have intercourse ? I came back from work really late last night, around 10, I feel like sh*** with stuffed nose, sore throat and everything and I went to bed feely so guilty for not having any energy left to have intercourse... :frown:

    Oh well...
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    I am past my pregnancy days, but with my daughter, I had to go on a medication call Clomid that you take five days in the beginning of your cycle (expensive little suckers), plus temperature chart. It took me a couple of months to realize that instead of having a 28 day cycle and ovulating at day 14, I actually had a 31 day cycle and was ovulating around day 17, so we were "mis-firing". But stress even over something as wonderful as conceiving can throw your cycle out of whack. Sickness also throws everything off.

    I know exactly when I conceived my daughter because I was on these pills, and didn't want to waste the money. Had driven all night with my parents and husband to find out the bad prognosis of my dad's cancer. Got to my aunt's house exhausted from being up all night and spending all day in the doctor's office. But those wasted $40 was ringing in my head, so we did "it". I was laughing the whole time I was so exhausted and it was truly just "functional".

    So take heart geicko. Relax. Take care of yourself first. A baby being born in October or November is just as awesome as a baby born in September (and less discomfort in the hot summer months).
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Hello Ladies !

    Hope everyone is doing fine.

    I'm a little sad this morning so thougt I'd drop a line.

    I'm having an hard time figuring out my fertile days... even if charting basal temperature and doing OPK tests. I've been taking medecine (Metformin) since November to regulate my cycles and improve ovulation. Last 2 cycles were great and close to what a woman can expect but this month is a complet mess. I'm on day 23, and should have ovulated around day 20 but my temperature is down the drain this morning. Maybe my temperature is moving around because I have a cold right now (first time being sick since 2007 ! :sick: ).

    For those who have been trying for a little while, do you feel that pressure to have intercourse ? I came back from work really late last night, around 10, I feel like sh*** with stuffed nose, sore throat and everything and I went to bed feely so guilty for not having any energy left to have intercourse... :frown:

    Oh well...

    I wish I could relate, but my FI and aren't trying yet, but I'm trying to lose weight so we can. That being said, I know there are women on here who may be able to erlate, and you are welcome here anytime.

    I'm sorry you're having a bad morning. I can't relate to the circumstance, but what I can do is tell you that, no matter what, you'll still be a fabulous woman at the end of the day.
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    I unfortunetly can not relate either. We aren't starting to try until June, but I wish you the best of luck, and I truely beleive it will happen when it is meant to happen.

    The scale was much nicer to me today. I have lost 2.0 lbs since last week. :smile: That is with some seiously hard work. I was actually hoping for a bit more since it was my first week (what happened to the 15 lbs like on biggest looser?!?)

    For thoes of you that have been pregnant before I have a weird question. This is a long way off, but I was looking at my firtile days for June (when we want to start trying), and it is the week before we go on our all inclusive trip to the Mayan Rivera. Do you think if I got pregnant the week before I went I would have the possiblity of being sick or feeling run down that quickly. We have spent a lot of money on this trip, and yes, I really want to start trying in June, but if I am going to possibly be might be better to wait until July to start trying. Any suggustions welcome, and yes, I know this is 5 months away, but I am a planner, what can I say!

    Happy Wednesday:flowerforyou:
  • Good morning!


    I gained back what little that I lost but I think I'm starting to lose inches around the waist. I still need to buy a measuring tape. I just keep forgetting. Do they have them at Walmart in the sewing section? I'm staying under my calories, just need to burn more and sweat! Climbing stairs during my lunch today and headed to the gym after work for some cardio! I know next week will be better!

    As for TTC, I am using the Clear Blue Easy Monitor and it has been consistent w/ my fertility levels, always showing 2 days of peak ovulation. It seems like we only have the opportunity 1 or 2 days during this time and I don't think it has been enough. I feel a little better this month because we BD 3 days within the window right before O. I'm in the TWW praying that this is our month! We have been trying since June but I think we could try a little harder. Our schedules do not allow us to have a lot of time together without us being tired or just too busy.

    To all of us who are trying, stay hopeful. Maybe we just need to focus more on preparing our bodies to have a healthy pregnancy by losing the weight first. I'm thinking that might be one of the factors that is preventing me from conceiving. If we don't by June, I guess we will start running tests to see what else it could be.

    Have a good week ladies! :flowerforyou:
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Good morning Holly!

    I have a couple of measuring tapes, one from a sewing store and the other I got at a Dollar Store. As long as you are using the same one, I don't think it matters. I have a friend you uses a piece of string and marks it with marker - she hates numbers.

    What is BD and TWW?
  • What is BD and TWW?

    BD-Baby Dance :love:
    TWW-Two Week Wait....until you can test or missed period!

    I had to learn all the pregnancy accronyms too!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    SW: 216.6
    CW: 214.4
    GW: 206.6 for Feb 14
    : 199 for Mar 15
    : 195 For Apr 15

    Thing to note about me is I have a bicornuate uterus and I'm going in for surgery in March or April (I dont' have the date yet). The infertility specialist asked me to try to hit 198 lbs for then, and I'm trying my hardest. I'll likely be laid up for a couple of weeks afterwards too.

    Since the last check in, things have been haywire. As some of you know, I didn't get the job I wanted, and I was devastated, and let things slide for 2 days. I also had a newly discovered gluten-free 9 inch pizza 3 times (you have no idea how much I miss good quality pizza), and I have nutritional info for it. Last night (the night before weigh-in!!) I had chicken dinner, with more mashed potatoes and chicken than I should have, plus my fav icecream for dessert! Oy vey.

    On another note, I managed 2 one-hour cardio sessions this week, and a 40 minute session, and I've seriously upped my water intake.

    All this combined, I'm happy with my 0.8 loss, and know it would have been higher had I not eaten so much last night.

    Oh - and for those that don't know, I have Celiac's Disease, which is an auto-immune disease that, when you consume gluten, causes your body to attack itself. Some people refer to it as an allergy, simply because it's easier (especially when at a restaurant). It limits what I can eat (no campbell's soups, no sandwhiches (the bread sucks), no pitas, no to alot of things). But it also means I have to be more creative in the kitchen.

    People diagnosed with CD are often time malnourished as children (as I was) and are shorter than they should be, are anemic and have fertility issues (due to malnourishment when younger). It also, according to my doc, contributed to my lifetime of overeating because I was always hungry and my body was never getting what it needed.

    Anyway, there's a little more background on me, as well as my weekly update. :flowerforyou:


    Oh - and yesterday the pizza place I had just found caught fire. Not sure that's even an option anymore, although I'm over the initial over-indulgence. LOL
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    SW: 216.6
    CW: 214.4
    GW: 206.6 for Feb 14
    : 199 for Mar 15
    : 195 For Apr 15

    Thing to note about me is I have a bicornuate uterus and I'm going in for surgery in March or April (I dont' have the date yet). The infertility specialist asked me to try to hit 198 lbs for then, and I'm trying my hardest. I'll likely be laid up for a couple of weeks afterwards too.

    Since the last check in, things have been haywire. As some of you know, I didn't get the job I wanted, and I was devastated, and let things slide for 2 days. I also had a newly discovered gluten-free 9 inch pizza 3 times (you have no idea how much I miss good quality pizza), and I have nutritional info for it. Last night (the night before weigh-in!!) I had chicken dinner, with more mashed potatoes and chicken than I should have, plus my fav icecream for dessert! Oy vey.

    On another note, I managed 2 one-hour cardio sessions this week, and a 40 minute session, and I've seriously upped my water intake.

    All this combined, I'm happy with my 0.8 loss, and know it would have been higher had I not eaten so much last night.

    Oh - and for those that don't know, I have Celiac's Disease, which is an auto-immune disease that, when you consume gluten, causes your body to attack itself. Some people refer to it as an allergy, simply because it's easier (especially when at a restaurant). It limits what I can eat (no campbell's soups, no sandwhiches (the bread sucks), no pitas, no to alot of things). But it also means I have to be more creative in the kitchen.

    People diagnosed with CD are often time malnourished as children (as I was) and are shorter than they should be, are anemic and have fertility issues (due to malnourishment when younger). It also, according to my doc, contributed to my lifetime of overeating because I was always hungry and my body was never getting what it needed.

    Anyway, there's a little more background on me, as well as my weekly update. :flowerforyou:


    Oh - and yesterday the pizza place I had just found caught fire. Not sure that's even an option anymore, although I'm over the initial over-indulgence. LOL

    Oh No....The pizza place caught on fire!!!! Don't you love what I am concerned most about:blushing:

    It sounds like you have to deal with a lot more than anyone should have to, and I can see how it make loosing weight so much harder. The postive side is that you can be THAT much more proud of yourself when you loose the weight. You didn't just have to eat less and work out like I did, but you had to manuver around your CD and surgery too!!

    I wanted to post my weigh in correctly:

    SW: 202.5
    CW: 200.5
    GW:194 by January 31
    188 by February 28
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Amanda!!!! You're going to break the 200 barrier this week!!!!! That's so wonderful!!!!!!!!:drinker:
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    Hi all, I'm new to the forums, but we'd also like to think about getting pregnant late this year. I reached an all time weight high with my first pregnancy and I had so many health issues related to the excess weight, so I want to get my body in shape before trying for another baby.
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    SW: 163
    CW: 157.9
    GW: 135

    I lost 0.5 inches off my thighs, hips and waist. My butt and arms stayed the same.

    I worked out 4 days last week and completed week one of the Couch to 5k as well as starting day 1 of week 2!

    So I have a question for everything. When I started running the entire day after my lungs would feel really sore and I would cough a lot, especially if I took a deep breath. Last night since I've been coughing so much my throat is KILLING ME! and I mean BAD! I was up all night gurgling salt water it was so uncomfortable. Has anyone else experienced "exercise lung" as I call it?

    NOW FOR THE BIG NEWS YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR! Who was I kidding about waiting until Saturday? So I was supposed to start my period tomorrow and my pregnancy test says it's 95% accurate the day before your missed period so I thought what the heck and ... it was negative. :-( *sigh. So first month trying is a no-go (unless aunt flo doesn't show and then maybe test #2 will like me a little more) So wish me fertility bliss for month #2!
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Hi all, I'm new to the forums, but we'd also like to think about getting pregnant late this year. I reached an all time weight high with my first pregnancy and I had so many health issues related to the excess weight, so I want to get my body in shape before trying for another baby.

  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Hello Ladies !

    Hope everyone is doing fine.

    I'm a little sad this morning so thougt I'd drop a line.

    I'm having an hard time figuring out my fertile days... even if charting basal temperature and doing OPK tests. I've been taking medecine (Metformin) since November to regulate my cycles and improve ovulation. Last 2 cycles were great and close to what a woman can expect but this month is a complet mess. I'm on day 23, and should have ovulated around day 20 but my temperature is down the drain this morning. Maybe my temperature is moving around because I have a cold right now (first time being sick since 2007 ! :sick: ).

    For those who have been trying for a little while, do you feel that pressure to have intercourse ? I came back from work really late last night, around 10, I feel like sh*** with stuffed nose, sore throat and everything and I went to bed feely so guilty for not having any energy left to have intercourse... :frown:

    Oh well...

    Sorry to hear about all this, I too woke up with a massive sore throat and cough whenever I breath it feels like which is going to be really really tough to exercise today! I found out today that we're not pregnant ... although this is only our first month trying. Have you called your physician about your cycle being funky again this month? Maybe they'll want to switch meds? Any abnormal stress, etc that could be causing the delay in ovulation?
  • hey all just a quick check in before the baby's wake! I've had a greatttt week i've done the 30 day shred every day and started the c25k this week and just did run 2 this morning, i've stayed under my calories almost every day and am starting to feel much much better about my self yahh!! And am finding some good low cal recipes i'm not even hungry durinng theh day LOVE IT!

    SW- 169 (i think my old scale was a little off but i have a good new one so next weeks weight loss should be more accurate but i still lost a bunch woo hoo)
    CW- 159

    Once the babes are in bed tonight i will stop by and ready and respond to some individual posts.

    Hope every one had a great week too!!!
  • ebkins7
    ebkins7 Posts: 427 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!

    My hubby and I have been married for just over a year and have basically been trying since we got married. We have one child (3) and have always wanted to add to our family. When I was pregnant with my son I gained a lot of weight, even tho I was exercising and eating as best I could. After he was born, my body never recovered and the scale just kept climbing! Now I find it impossible to conceive and I think my weight has everything to do with it. So, I'm doing something about it!

    I started this journey a little over a week ago and have been seeing some great results. I know that this is a life's journey and it will be difficult. But I also know that it makes such a difference with help and support. I thank you ladies for the support that you give me! I only hope that I can do the same for you!

    Best of luck to you all... in losing weight and trying to conceive! I can't wait to see a post on here that says... "I'm PREGNANT!!!" That will be a great day... whether it's my post of one of your's!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    So I have a question for everything. When I started running the entire day after my lungs would feel really sore and I would cough a lot, especially if I took a deep breath. Last night since I've been coughing so much my throat is KILLING ME! and I mean BAD! I was up all night gurgling salt water it was so uncomfortable. Has anyone else experienced "exercise lung" as I call it?

    NOW FOR THE BIG NEWS YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR! Who was I kidding about waiting until Saturday? So I was supposed to start my period tomorrow and my pregnancy test says it's 95% accurate the day before your missed period so I thought what the heck and ... it was negative. :-( *sigh. So first month trying is a no-go (unless aunt flo doesn't show and then maybe test #2 will like me a little more) So wish me fertility bliss for month #2!

    Angela - First of all - well done on the weight loss and inches - that rocks!

    As for your lungs, have you recently started running? Is it cold where you are? When I was in the infantry (have I mentioned that to anyone before?) we ha to learn to run hard and fast with no time to properly train. I learned then why lungs hurt afterwards (and now as a nursing student I've leaned the aatomy of it). It's because you are forcing your aveoli to stretch and open up and take in air that they aren't used to taking in. It's supposed to hurt. If the air is cold it's even worse. Once they are used to holding a caacity, it'll get easier. But as long as you don't show signs of pneumonia on top of it, it's a good thing - it shows you've been working your body. Am I right in thinking your lungs hurt and the couch is a lung cough (feels as though there isn't enough room to breathe in the air you need)?

    Sorry to hear about the negative test, but like you said, there is always next month. Fingers crossed for you!
  • geicko
    geicko Posts: 151
    Thanks for the kind words ladies and congratulations with the weigh loss !

    Angela - sorry to read you got a negative result. But hey ! it takes practice :tongue:

    And no, I didn't contact my doctor to discuss the medication. In fact, I should have taken an appointement for January and I haven't yet. When I saw him in late November, he said he would put me on Clomid if I wasn't pregnant by our next appointement in January... Clomid is a drug that stimulates ovulation and it comes with a high risk of multiple pregnancy which completely scars me since we live far far away from friends and family and I feel my life would be a complete nightmare if we had twins or triplets...

    Take care girl
  • jbunzsno
    jbunzsno Posts: 54 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!!!! I had a pretty good week up until last night I got home from a late meeting and I was starving so I had a Corn Dog...a corn dog?!?! Thinking back about it now makes me sick....why would I eat a corn dog? I guess a better question is why do I even have corn dogs in my freezer? Anyway it didn't stop there I also had some chocolate, I could not stop thinking about it all day yesterday, but strangely I have no guilt about the chocolate. I had my fix and now I am over it, yes I went over my calories yesterday. but one day out of 7 is pretty good odds for just getting back on track. I have been a member of MFP for almost a year and was on and off again. But I really really want to have a baby this year so no more messin around!!!

    My weigh-in today:
    SW: 230
    CW: 228
    GW: 160

    Like someone else I too was expecting a bigger loss for my first week, but my goal is 2 pounds a week and if I can keep that up then I will be content. I am a little frustrated cause I was down to 226 before "the holidays" So I was hoping that the 4 extra pounds was just water weight and it would come right off after my first week of being back on track, but it didn't. I still have a little bit of hope for it coming off though I think I am getting ready to start my period this week and I always put on a little water weight during then and then once my period starts it all comes off. So I am hoping for that if not then what can I do but move one and not make the same mistakes again. Right?

  • jbunzsno
    jbunzsno Posts: 54 Member
    For thoes of you that have been pregnant before I have a weird question. This is a long way off, but I was looking at my firtile days for June (when we want to start trying), and it is the week before we go on our all inclusive trip to the Mayan Rivera. Do you think if I got pregnant the week before I went I would have the possiblity of being sick or feeling run down that quickly. We have spent a lot of money on this trip, and yes, I really want to start trying in June, but if I am going to possibly be might be better to wait until July to start trying. Any suggustions welcome, and yes, I know this is 5 months away, but I am a planner, what can I say!

    I think you will be totally fine if you conceive the week before vacation. With my pregnancy and I think it's this way with most, I didn't start feeling fatigued until week 5 (the week I found out that I was pregnant) and morning sickness didn't kick in until week 7.
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