Pregnancy 2010 - Week 5

jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Hello everyone!

For those of you just finding us, this is a group that is trying to be healthier and/or lose weight while:
a)wanting to drop some weight before TTC
b) TTC
c) Pregnant

Wednesdays are our days to weigh in, and we have started having weekly challenges.

The challenge for this week is.... being active for 60 minutes at least 4/7 days (thanks Hopeful4757!)

How did everyone fare for the last challenge - staying with calories 5/7 days?

Welcome! The more the merrier! Please


  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    SW: 202.5

    Well only a 1/2 lb loss this week, but it is MUCH better than I was expecting after eatting out almost every day last week. I did horrible on the challenge (its even worse that I came up with it too:blushing: )

    I did go to the gym last night, and am very sore today, but I plan to go tonight as well. I like the new challenge, and I think it is very doable.

    How did the rest of you do?
  • katietelligman
    katietelligman Posts: 1 Member
    I can't remember last week's challenge, but I really like this week's! I lost nearly two pounds since my last weigh in two weeks ago. I was traveling for work in a very scary place for someone trying to lose weight: Paris. But I stuck with it...I walked a lot...and I enjoyed a *little* bit of wine and bread. This is the thinnest I've been since my wedding more than two years ago and it feels awesome. :)

    CW: 156.5
    Weight by April 11: 140
    GW by June1: 135
  • SW182

    I'm going down slowly but it's progress! :happy:
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Been a bad two weeks for me. Haven't exercised since I found out I was sick. I didn't gain or lose anything this week which is better than gaining, so I'm happy to have at least that. It's hard to stay on diet when you're so nauseaus because anything you can tolerate you eat ... and it's not always the best things. *sigh. I'm really wanting to start again, and although I'm home with a migraine I'm hoping that it will be better soon enough to maybe get a low key work out in this evening. We'll see.

    SW: 163
    CW: 159

    Since starting I've lost:
    .75" from my waist
    .5" from my hips
    +.25 in my thighs
    .5" from my arms
    .75" from my butt

    inches are growing back on me :-(
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Angela! I love how your baby tickers says you're sick right now! Not that it's good that you're sick, but it's cool that the ticker says that. LOL

    So I'm not expecting to lose this week, but I do expect to be within a lb of where I was last week. I stepped on the scale this morning and it gave me 3 different weights, so I picked up a new battery and will weigh in tomorrow morning.

    This past week I had a BLAST at my exercise marathon. It was so much fun! Richard Simmons is hilarious (but this workout hour wasn't hard at all). We did:
    Hour 1 - Maritime Kitchen Party (aerobics with good ol' maritime music)
    Hour 2 - Yoga
    Hour 3 - Zumba!
    Hour 4 - Pilates
    Hour 5 - Empower Hour (seriously bad dance moves with seriously awesome muic from the last 5 decades)
    Hour 6 - Richard Simmons!:laugh:

    I was SO sore when I got home that night. But I went to the gym the next day and did a 20 minute cardio and a good stretching session, and I've been great since. My recovery time alone tells me that I've come a long way with my fitness level.

    I'm curious what everyone's daily calorie target is? Mine is 1295 (without exercise) and that is very hard to stick to. And if I work out to get more calories, I'm just more hungry! It's frustrating (hence all the reports that show I'm not under my calorie goal). And also - when you are under your goal, how far under are you?
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    I'm still confused about whether I'm allowed to "diet" or whether I"m supposed to maintain, so I have it set to lose 1 pound a week and will talk to the doc next week ... but I've gone over every single day this week. My goal is 1330 calories, but the main things I eat are bagels and cream cheese and chips. :-( so it almost always goes over
  • Hey ladies!

    Jalara-thanks for posting the new thread. I'm excited for this challenge this week. I REALLY need it. I was just contemplating not going to the gym tonight, and then I saw that challenge actually posted in black and white and decided I better get moving!

    Your classes all sound like they were so much fun this weekend. I wish they offered something like that at my gym. That would be really fun to get a group together and go raise money for charity. How awesome!
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    Hi Girls,

    Jalara - your 6 hour challenge sounds like a lot of fun, and I totally know what you mean about the recovery time. I have been noticing that I am able to get back up and do it again much faster!

    My calories are set at 1200. I am usually able to stay within 100+/- at least 5 days a week. If I work out, I usually eat about 75% of the calories I earned. I know you are supposed to eat them all, but this is working for me.

    I decided to keep track of my progress in the challenges, I am going to make a note each day (see below), as I have been forgetting by the end of the week.

    Last but not least, I have a question for you guys. When I first moved to OH 2 years ago, I met this girl at the gym. We became quick friends, but when I met her husband he decided I wasn't good enough for her ( I don't drive a Lexus or live in a million dollar house, I am not stick skinny, I don't have blond hair). She told me she wasn't allowed to hang out with me anymore, as her husband didn't approve of me:cry: Anyway, I haven't seen or talked to her in 1 1/2 years. The past 3 days, she has been at the gym, and I have been avoiding her like the plague. It stinks because it is throwing off my entire routine. Should I just suck it up, and deal with her...if she even notices me, or should I continue to switch my schedule around just to avoid her. OK...I know the answer, but do you have any advice if/when we do have an encounter?

    Wk 5 Challenge 1/1
  • Tahmed - you should NOT be the one avoiding anybody! Go about your everyday business as usual. As for that situation, she should be mortified to see you at the behavior of her husband and herself for going along with it. I couldn't even imagine that. Put yourself in her shoes too. It must be awful to be married to someone who tells you who you can and can't hang out with. It's pretty sad. Count all your blessings for not having to live in that environment everyday. I'd rather have that than a million dollars, or whatever her husband values. Hold your head high. :flowerforyou:
  • My new picture is motivation enough - my dream honeymoon still not taken. My goal is to lose 67 lbs. before we go in (hopefully) June. That is only about 2 lbs. a week if we go toward the end of June. I can do it!
  • cannon15
    cannon15 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi All,

    I did alright last week and stayed within my calories 5 out of 7 days. My calorie goal is only 1200, but I always eat my exercise calories. I've been doing 30 Day Shred every morning, Couch to 5K three days a week, yoga once a week, and sometimes I throw in the elliptical or treadmill for a little while. So I'm confident that I'll do well with this week's challenge.

    My starting weight was 164 on January 6 and my current weight is 155.2. I don't know my measurements off hand, but I'll try to put them in this week. I've seen amazing results with 30 Day Shred. It's tough, but so worth it!

    Good luck this week!
  • So i've been MIA for a few week me and the kidos were sick for a while that was not fun so i got a little off track but am still managing to lose weigh so far i've been good this week and have been to the gym and done cardio or weights every day.

    So every night when i am at the gym so is another women who is about six months prego and she still works out like she's not pregnant she looks so good she is sooo my motivation i want to be able to remain active when i get pregnant and be proud of my baby belly and not feel like my fat is hiding the cute baby belly.
  • we have almost the same routine i also do the 30 day shred in the am and couch to 5 k three times a week, then elliptical three days a week. i'm on my third week of the couch to 5 k program what week are you on?
    Hi All,

    I did alright last week and stayed within my calories 5 out of 7 days. My calorie goal is only 1200, but I always eat my exercise calories. I've been doing 30 Day Shred every morning, Couch to 5K three days a week, yoga once a week, and sometimes I throw in the elliptical or treadmill for a little while. So I'm confident that I'll do well with this week's challenge.

    My starting weight was 164 on January 6 and my current weight is 155.2. I don't know my measurements off hand, but I'll try to put them in this week. I've seen amazing results with 30 Day Shred. It's tough, but so worth it!

    Good luck this week!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Hey all,

    How long after getting up are you supposed to eat breakfast? Is it okay to wait 2 or 3 hours?
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    I've heard the best is to eat within 30 minutes of waking up! Gets your metabolism and the rest of your systems working right away!

    Drinking water right away also helps wake you up and can help just as much as coffee :-D
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    I was on week 3 of C25K until I got sick too I'm hoping to start it again tonight. I have the 30 day shred video as well, but I"m worried to do it with the pregnancy. I think I'll call my OB's office and see if they can answer the question before I see them in 2 weeks.
  • Hey yall,

    I have a question...I guess for those of you who have been/are pregnant. Is it possible to just "feel" like you are? I read somewhere that your mind can trick your body into feeling like you are pregnant...and maybe that is the case - that I am reading too much and my birthday is almost here and I feel the "clock" ticking like I've never felt it tick before. I haven't taken a pregnancy test...and we aren't trying, I'm on the pill. There were two times in the past month or so when I fell behind on pills and caught up. I'm just hungry ALL the time, tired, pee all the time, my breasts are crazy tender, and this sounds crazy but my lower abdomen is poking out. I normally work out hard, 4-5 days a week...but my body isn't letting me do as much as I want. I CRAVE brussels sprouts and chocolate cheerios...together.

    After writing all this, I feel like I sound paranoid! Haha.
    Just in general, have any of you gotten that "feeling" before you actually knew you were pregnant? Or do any of you just feel so ready yet hesitant at the same time? Feel the clock ticking?

    Happy Thursday :)
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Hey yall,

    I have a question...I guess for those of you who have been/are pregnant. Is it possible to just "feel" like you are? I read somewhere that your mind can trick your body into feeling like you are pregnant...and maybe that is the case - that I am reading too much and my birthday is almost here and I feel the "clock" ticking like I've never felt it tick before. I haven't taken a pregnancy test...and we aren't trying, I'm on the pill. There were two times in the past month or so when I fell behind on pills and caught up. I'm just hungry ALL the time, tired, pee all the time, my breasts are crazy tender, and this sounds crazy but my lower abdomen is poking out. I normally work out hard, 4-5 days a week...but my body isn't letting me do as much as I want. I CRAVE brussels sprouts and chocolate cheerios...together.

    After writing all this, I feel like I sound paranoid! Haha.
    Just in general, have any of you gotten that "feeling" before you actually knew you were pregnant? Or do any of you just feel so ready yet hesitant at the same time? Feel the clock ticking?

    Happy Thursday :)

    There was one time when I *knew* I was pregnant. I was sick, the smell of EVERYTHING made me gag, all I could do was sleep and cry. Everything felt 'fuller'. I was wrong. It was really bad PMS and it went on like that (with periods and all) for 2 cycles. My doc told me it happens, especially in someone nearing her 30s who hasn't had kids yet. She said my body WANTS to have kids.

    Hope this helps. Just keep in mind that there is no substitution for a doctor's opinion. Your hormones could be acting funky for a myriad of reasons.
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    I'm pregnant with my first and I totally new ... with different symptoms. I check my cervical fluid and am usually dry every day except the week I am fertile ... but the week after being fertile I was still wet with creamy discharge which never went away (sign of pregnance) I went to the dentist and they said my gums were abnormally red (sign of pregnancy) my breasts were also very tender and I was very bloated which also my my abdomen stick out a little more (more signs of pregnancy) no cravings before I found out, but I don't think it's abnormal to have early cravings. Have you not missed a period yet? Wait until a day or two days after your supposed to start your period and then take a pregnancy test to find out. I had taken a test 2 days before I missed my period since they're still supposed to be 80% accurate, but it was negative ... and then I took another the first day of my missed period and it was clear as day ... so weird! Either way I hope you get the results you are hoping for!
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    I forgot to tell you guys that I started the "vomiting stage" yesterday ... eh, I feel horrible
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