30 day shred begining 1-1-10



  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    i feel so guilty i have to skip a day am way too sore i think i might head to the gym and just walk out some of the stiffness

    Don't feel guilty. The first day I actually did level 1 it took me 4 days to recover. Then I did it again and it got easier. On January 1, I joined in on the new challenge and it gets easier each time. Good luck.
  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member
    yesturday I did L1D2. Today I will do L1D3... Im so sore!!! I have to do it!!!


    oooOOOHHH i HOPE AFTER WORK I don't find an excuse to get out of it!!!!

    (my body hurts..)
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Sorry guys...No Shred for me today. I did 35 minutes of elliptical, the Nautilus circuit and 13 minutes of jogging. I am pooped. I will get back to the Shred tomorrow. Hope everyone else got it done today. See you tomorrow.
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    Today was level 1 day 5. It really is getting easier! I'm not as sore as I was those first few days. I'm going to continue with level 1 for 5 more days then move to level 2.
    :happy: Shredding
  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    L1D6 done! A little tough today - but I didn't get a lot of sleep and am probably a bit dehydrated. I got through it, though, and felt better during the 3rd circuit.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    OK, off to do L1D6 before I eat lunch. I am sore from the gym yesterday so I know today will be hard. Have a great day!

    Yeah!! I got it done. I made it through the jumping jack/jump rope cardio without stopping!! I am so excited. I'll probably really be hurting tomorrow but I feel good right now.
  • Crap!!! Missed yesterday, had to go grocery shopping... Day 3 today!!!!!
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Im so sorry that I missed posting the last couple of days. I am on D3L1 tday and it is already kicking my butt hahaha. i just hope it starts to tone it as well!

    I am taking my weekly weigh in on SAturday morning and I cant wait to take measurements this weekend so I hav something to go by. How is everyone else doing?

    cheers :)
  • Hi everyone...I;m on day 4, but went to level 2....My hubby is doing it with me and level 1 wasn't as challenging soooo we went to level2...it was sooooo much harder so we will stick with lv2 for the16 days then go to lv 3.....
  • Hey guys what are you putting into your exercise tracker for the 30day shred? I would like to know about how many calories it is burning. Thanks

    oh yah did my third day of the shred and it seemed easier woo hoo !! Go me

    All of you are doing so good Keep it up !!
  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member
    L1D4 DONE!!!!

    My body doesnt seem to be hurting as much. Ive done it 4 days in a row (on level 1). Hope Im doing it properly!!!
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    L1D6, I'll be out of town for the weekend so I'm taking the weekend off. I'll be back Monday to Shred with you all!:happy:
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Hey guys what are you putting into your exercise tracker for the 30day shred? I would like to know about how many calories it is burning. Thanks

    oh yah did my third day of the shred and it seemed easier woo hoo !! Go me

    All of you are doing so good Keep it up !!

    Someone suggested that I count it as circuit training. For me the 20 minutes burns about 214 calories.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Im so sorry that I missed posting the last couple of days. I am on D3L1 tday and it is already kicking my butt hahaha. i just hope it starts to tone it as well!

    I am taking my weekly weigh in on SAturday morning and I cant wait to take measurements this weekend so I hav something to go by. How is everyone else doing?

    cheers :)

    I'm doing much better than when I started. I will do L1D7 today. I plan to move to level 2 after 10 days on level 1, which is scary because I know it will be so much harder.
  • kitty608
    kitty608 Posts: 10 Member
    Is there more than one version? I saw one that said like 2007? Wasn't sure what to get.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    I am in like flint! :laugh: I finished L1 D 4 yesterday!!
    Are you guys doing this everyday? Are you taking any breaks? Doing something different on alternate days?
    The reason why I'm asking is, I have done the shred straight for 4 days and then I also went to the gym last night for another 2 hours of intense workout... I kinda feel like my muscles need a rest... I was thinking about doing some lighter cardio, like my hip hop abs are something... Just curious on how you guys are doing this...
    I was wanting to do 10 days with each level... AHHHH.... I'm just not sure what to do... I don't want to OVER DO it and hurt myself...
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    Is there more than one version? I saw one that said like 2007? Wasn't sure what to get.

    There is only one 30 Day Shred that I know of...
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    Ok, yes, I'm posting again (3 x in a row :laugh: ) But I just read through the other posts and was happy to see that I'm about with you guys on the shred... I didn't want to come in and be way behind...
    After much thought, I decided to go ahead and shred today. I'm going to take it easy on the strength part, because I have seriously been working my muscles for the past 5 days... But, I'm going to do it!
    Happy Shredding!! :drinker:
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    I am in like flint! :laugh: I finished L1 D 4 yesterday!!
    Are you guys doing this everyday? Are you taking any breaks? Doing something different on alternate days?
    The reason why I'm asking is, I have done the shred straight for 4 days and then I also went to the gym last night for another 2 hours of intense workout... I kinda feel like my muscles need a rest... I was thinking about doing some lighter cardio, like my hip hop abs are something... Just curious on how you guys are doing this...
    I was wanting to do 10 days with each level... AHHHH.... I'm just not sure what to do... I don't want to OVER DO it and hurt myself...

    I'm feeling the same way you are. I am also doing the gym 2 to 3 days a week and the couch to 5 K program. I wasn't sure if I should be doing this every day or not. I had to take a break earlier in the week after I went to the gym because my body was too sore. I guess I'll just take it one day at a time and see how I feel. Good luck!
  • amster
    amster Posts: 1
    This is my very first post which I am usually just a reader! I am shredding four to five days a week with cardio every day but Sunday. I, like many of you, are wondering if you should be doing it every day cuz now that I am on L2 it seems intense on your leg workout and always thought you should not work the same muscles two days in a row?? I have seen the difference in measurements but not in weight, in fact I have gained two lbs. Yikes! Please let me know your thoughts.
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