30 day shred begining 1-1-10



  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    L1D7 done! Has it really been only a week? It felt good today...I may do it again this afternoon (going out tonight to Claim Jumper, which is *impossible* to eat light at, then to the bar :drinker: !).

    That plus shoveling again this morning...I am a machine! :mad:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    This is my very first post which I am usually just a reader! I am shredding four to five days a week with cardio every day but Sunday. I, like many of you, are wondering if you should be doing it every day cuz now that I am on L2 it seems intense on your leg workout and always thought you should not work the same muscles two days in a row?? I have seen the difference in measurements but not in weight, in fact I have gained two lbs. Yikes! Please let me know your thoughts.

    I always have heard the same thing about working muscles... BUT since the shred isn't extremely intense on the muscles, I wasn't for sure.... I have been doing it every day... I enjoy it and I feel like I'm really accomplishing something.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    I am in like flint! :laugh: I finished L1 D 4 yesterday!!
    Are you guys doing this everyday? Are you taking any breaks? Doing something different on alternate days?
    The reason why I'm asking is, I have done the shred straight for 4 days and then I also went to the gym last night for another 2 hours of intense workout... I kinda feel like my muscles need a rest... I was thinking about doing some lighter cardio, like my hip hop abs are something... Just curious on how you guys are doing this...
    I was wanting to do 10 days with each level... AHHHH.... I'm just not sure what to do... I don't want to OVER DO it and hurt myself...

    I'm feeling the same way you are. I am also doing the gym 2 to 3 days a week and the couch to 5 K program. I wasn't sure if I should be doing this every day or not. I had to take a break earlier in the week after I went to the gym because my body was too sore. I guess I'll just take it one day at a time and see how I feel. Good luck!

    I'm starting the C25K program when it warms up.... I'm excited about it... My hubby is going to do it with me :happy:
  • Thanks thats a big help

    Someone suggested that I count it as circuit training. For me the 20 minutes burns about 214 calories.
  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    Hello all............I have been doing 30 day shred for over 14 days and I'm seeing huge improvements. I am now able to do some of the exercises where i was doing the less impact type. I can now do male push ups, and plank jacks etc etc........I think it is boosting my metab. a bit too..........I did take 2 days off, one day I did a 2 hour spin class and the other day i did a cardio kick boxing class and was sooo sore, so I skiped.
  • Emilydmo
    Emilydmo Posts: 101
    I always take one day off a week because I notice that my workouts begin to suffer at the end of the week (shredding everyday + 1hr alternate cardio). Even the biggest losers get 1 day off a week and I think it's pretty essential for weight loss and muscle recovery. If you can do this 30 days in a row with no break, more power to you! I personally think it's healthy and motivating to have a day off a week!!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    This is my very first post which I am usually just a reader! I am shredding four to five days a week with cardio every day but Sunday. I, like many of you, are wondering if you should be doing it every day cuz now that I am on L2 it seems intense on your leg workout and always thought you should not work the same muscles two days in a row?? I have seen the difference in measurements but not in weight, in fact I have gained two lbs. Yikes! Please let me know your thoughts.

    I am on L1D7 and it is getting easier. I am doing the gym 2 days a week and trying to stick with the couch to 5K program. I work full-time and it is hard for me to get it all in. I always heard you shouldn't work the same muscles 2 days in a row and my husband doesn't think it is a good idea. I missed yesterday to go shopping with my step-mom so I will get started back today. I lost 1 pound this week and my measurements have decreased slightly. I think I am going to go back to doing the Shred on my jogging days and skipping it on my gym days, which would put me at every other day instead of every day. That way I will give my body time to recover in between. Good luck.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    I am in like flint! :laugh: I finished L1 D 4 yesterday!!
    Are you guys doing this everyday? Are you taking any breaks? Doing something different on alternate days?
    The reason why I'm asking is, I have done the shred straight for 4 days and then I also went to the gym last night for another 2 hours of intense workout... I kinda feel like my muscles need a rest... I was thinking about doing some lighter cardio, like my hip hop abs are something... Just curious on how you guys are doing this...
    I was wanting to do 10 days with each level... AHHHH.... I'm just not sure what to do... I don't want to OVER DO it and hurt myself...

    I'm feeling the same way you are. I am also doing the gym 2 to 3 days a week and the couch to 5 K program. I wasn't sure if I should be doing this every day or not. I had to take a break earlier in the week after I went to the gym because my body was too sore. I guess I'll just take it one day at a time and see how I feel. Good luck!

    I'm starting the C25K program when it warms up.... I'm excited about it... My hubby is going to do it with me :happy:

    My husband and I started it together this past fall. I couldn't run a minute when I started and now I can run for about 20. I call it running but it is really jogging. I only go about 4.3 mph. My husband progressed faster than I did and finished the 5K time in about 10 weeks. He has had two left knee surgeries and is probably going out for the third now. I think he moved too fast for his knee to keep up and now he is out of commission for a while. The doctor says he will be able to run again after they "clean out" his knee. If it were my knee, I would find another sport that is easier on the knees. We'll see.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    I went ahead and took a break yesterday from the shred... My muscles were just too sore... I will get it in today thought... It will be L1 D5 for me...
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    OK, just finished L1D7. I watched level 2 and it looks HARD!! I am sticking here for 3 more days and then I will go to level 2. I definitely am not going to try any other exercise on the same day as level 2 though, don't think I could handle it. Good luck Shredders!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Taking a break on Sunday since today was gym day. Will do L1D8 and C25K tomorrow. How is everybody else doing? Haven't really noticed any weight loss yet but my husband keeps saying that I look smaller. Maybe I am building some muscle?? See you tomorrow.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    How long is it taking to see results?
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    How long is it taking to see results?

    I have only lost 1 pound this week but I ate out twice and missed exercise completely one day. I definitely can tell a difference in my endurance. I can now make it through the jumping jack/jump rope cardio without stopping to rest. I can tell that my legs are toning up. I really enjoy the workout. Twenty minutes is easy to fit in.
  • Emilydmo
    Emilydmo Posts: 101
    I started the shred on the 1st at 210.6 and yesterday I weighed 207.4 for a loss of 3.2 pounds! I also do 45-60 min of additional cardio though, because I'm on winter break and really trying to jumpstart my weight loss again! :) I did take a rest day one week into it to give my muscles a break and I noticed I came back much stronger with better form (and went down a whole pound) after a rest day, so don't count those out!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    Today I definitely need to shred... I skipped yesterday to give my muscles a break!! I'm not only doing the shred... I also have a strength class and a cardio class at the gym I do...
    Today, I was bad at lunch so instead of sitting around and beating myself up about it, I'm going to SHRED!!! :happy:
    This will be L1 D5 for me :happy:
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Today I definitely need to shred... I skipped yesterday to give my muscles a break!! I'm not only doing the shred... I also have a strength class and a cardio class at the gym I do...
    Today, I was bad at lunch so instead of sitting around and beating myself up about it, I'm going to SHRED!!! :happy:
    This will be L1 D5 for me :happy:

    Way to go!!
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    Tamelab- Are you still burning 210 calories or was that just when you started the Shred?

    I ordered the 30 Day Shred & can't wait to start. I just got into my routine on Jan 4th, & have been riding the bike 7days a week & doing upper body every other day & I do the Wii Fit 45mins everyday just for more cardio.

    I have some questions about the program though. Am I correct when I say that the Shred comes with 3 DVD's, 3 Different Levels & each are 20 mins long?

    Are we supposed to do each level for 7 Days or are we doing it as long as we see fit to before moving onto the next level?

    I am going to continue riding the bike & lifting weights on alternate days & will add in 3- 10 Min Trainer workouts in until my 30 Day Shred arrives.
    Any feed back is appreciated, thanks!!!!
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    I am loving the shred so far. its good and Ican definately see an improvement in my endurance as well. I find the jump rope/jacks to be the killer too!

    I am also starting to run again this week. Its freezing uphere in Canada but I was running up to 5km and now I definately need to get back to that. I found that running 3x a week and doing the shred gave me the best results...nothing like fitting into a size smaller jeans :)

    Im glad that everyone else is seeing improvements!!! Keep up the great work everyone!!! :smile:
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Tamelab- Are you still burning 210 calories or was that just when you started the Shred?

    I ordered the 30 Day Shred & can't wait to start. I just got into my routine on Jan 4th, & have been riding the bike 7days a week & doing upper body every other day & I do the Wii Fit 45mins everyday just for more cardio.

    I have some questions about the program though. Am I correct when I say that the Shred comes with 3 DVD's, 3 Different Levels & each are 20 mins long?

    Are we supposed to do each level for 7 Days or are we doing it as long as we see fit to before moving onto the next level?

    I am going to continue riding the bike & lifting weights on alternate days & will add in 3- 10 Min Trainer workouts in until my 30 Day Shred arrives.
    Any feed back is appreciated, thanks!!!!

    Hey there...I just go by what MFP says I burn right now as far as calories go, which is 214 for my weight on the circuit training for 20 minutes. My heart rate is definitely still up there and I am soaked when I finish, so it is probably pretty accurate. I hope to get a HRM soon that will give me more accurate calories burned. Several people have recommended the Reebok HRM for about $40. There is just one DVD in the case and it has 3 different workout levels on it. Each workout is 20 minutes long. When you start the DVD it will give you a choice of workouts to choose from a list. I plan on doing 10 days of each level. I have three more days on level 1 and then will move up. I watched level 2 and it looks terribly hard so I'm in no hurry:smile: I know with some of the DVD's it is an add-on workout where you add level 1 to level 2 and keep going until you are doing all 3 levels at the same time. From what I can tell so far, they expect you to complete level 1 and then move on to level 2, then level 3, only working out 20 minutes each day. Hope this makes sense and helps you out. Good luck!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    I am loving the shred so far. its good and Ican definately see an improvement in my endurance as well. I find the jump rope/jacks to be the killer too!

    I am also starting to run again this week. Its freezing uphere in Canada but I was running up to 5km and now I definately need to get back to that. I found that running 3x a week and doing the shred gave me the best results...nothing like fitting into a size smaller jeans :)

    Im glad that everyone else is seeing improvements!!! Keep up the great work everyone!!! :smile:

    I am trying to start running. I have never been a runner but am currently doing the Couch to 5K program. I am on week six. You do a mixture of running and walking until you can build up your endurance to run a 5K. I can now run about 20 minutes without dying. When I first started, I could not run the 90 second intervals. I find that each time I run I enjoy it more.
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