30 day shred begining 1-1-10



  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    L1D10 done!! Little tired this morning and my lower back was really stiff but I pushed through. Felt a lot better by the 3rd circuit (as usual).

    Getting a massage tonight :love:
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    No problem at all Tammy! I bought the Polar F6 for $90 from Amazon. I saw it before for $119 at Walmart & Target so I am happy with the buy. I will definitely let you know how it is once I get it. :flowerforyou:

    I really need to get an HRM as well! Let me know how this works for you...when you get it! anyone else have any suggestions for a good HRM,?? I'd love to get one of the arm Bugg things they use on Biggest Loser...but they're SOOOOO expensive! :(
    I did not do shred today, gave my muscles a break...tomorrow I'll be onto D9L2! Yikes!! I feel much more toned...and much more fit! I SO needed this! hopefully it'll jumpstart my weight loss again...and I can get past these hurdles I've been trying to jump over...Watching biggest Loser that I DVR'd...and I tell you what...I totally get remotivated with every episode! now...to just STAY motivated! My third nursing semester starts on Tuesday...and I'm SCARED TO DEATH to put all my weight back on...

    Will do Hun!!! I looked into a Bodybug as well & there is no way I am paying $300 + or a bit under for one. Shoot America's trying to get healthy, can't they at least make it affordable? I can't wait for my Polar HRM to get here b/c I hate not knowing exactly how much calories I burned during a workout & I definitely don't want to eat my workout calories if they aren't correct.

    I to get so motivated when I watch TBL....& I love the medical part. I learned so much last night it's not funny.
    Don't be scared about your 3rd semester starting. It's a part of your life. Getting healthy is a lifestyle change so you have to incorporate your working out & healthy eating in. You are a strong woman & you can do this!!! You have definitely inspired me! Good Luck!!!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good Wednesday morning all...I am going to start level 2 today. I am a couple of days early but I think I need a little push. Level 1 seems a little too easy now (funny, huh).. I'm sure level 2 will kill me but I'm going to give it a try. I'm also suposed to do C25K today so hopefully I can get it all in. I lost a pound this week. Yoo-hoo!! That makes 9 so far on MFP and 5 before I joined. Now only 25 more to go. I'll let you know how L2 goes for me.

    Mschelle...Enjoy that massage. You have earned it.

    Hopefully going today to look at HRM's. Don't know if it is in my budget this week but I'm going to start looking around.

    Have a great day Shredders!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    I just saw your posts today, but I'm on day 6 today. I am loving it. :heart:

    For those of you who have been on it longer, are you seeing some definite changes and weight loss?

    Thanks for the feedback.:flowerforyou:

    Hi...I am on L1D9 today but I'm going to jump on up to L2D1. I think level 1 is not burning the cals like it did and I'm not at all sore when I finish, so it is time to hurt again. Have lost a couple of pounds in 2 weeks but am definitely seeing a difference in my muscle tone. I love this workout! Keep us posted on your progress.
  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    I just saw your posts today, but I'm on day 6 today. I am loving it. :heart:

    For those of you who have been on it longer, are you seeing some definite changes and weight loss?

    Thanks for the feedback.:flowerforyou:

    I've lost ~2.5 lbs since I started (1/2/10). Combination of diet and near-daily workouts, I'm sure. But I can definitely tell subtle differences in my body (probably noticeable only to me!), and absolute differences in my strength and endurance!

    Keep at it!
  • Well, I have been gone for a few days.. But I am back!!!! I did L1D5 yesterday and I feel it getting easier. I wish I could do the last 5 days of L1 in a row. Maybe my schedule will allow that to happen....I will keep my fingers crossed...
  • Hey guys i haven't checked in in a while but i am doing really well i am down to 158 and my tummy is starting to go down. I'm still doing level one but have only missed one day since i started on the fourth. I started the couch to 5 k this week and am on work out two thats been touch for me my lungs are having a hard time but i'm sticking it out.

    Hope everyone else is doing well and sticking it out and seeing results!!!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Hello all...Missed all exercise today and went over on my cals. Have a sick child and had to get medicine and groceries. Will be back at it tomorrow. Sleep well.

    P.S. Found a HRM on sale for 30$. Will test it out tomorrow and see if it is junk. I'll let you know.
  • Tammy-please do let us know how it works! Sounds very affordable, even for a broke college student as myself! :) And don't beat yourself up over one bad day....this is a life long lifestyle change...gotta take the good days with the bad. Falling isn't failure...staying down is! Tomorrow is another day! :)

    Lee- Thanks so much for your kind words! Another reason why I love MFP so much! Amazing people!

    Mchelle- happy anniversary!!

    JLopez...welcome! I've lost 4 lbs since I started on the 1st...I'll be on L2D3 tomorrow...and I WISH the weight would have fallen off faster...BUT...it IS MTOM...and I've definitely seen a lot of toning...even if the weight hasn't come off as quick as I'd like...I love this workout!!

    And to everyone else...KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK...and Welcome Back those who are checking back in!! come on back more often! take it from someone who didn't make the time for MFP...you'll miss us....and you'll be back!! :) cheers all!!:drinker: :drinker: (it's water, I swear!!) :laugh:
  • I''l join you but i'm going straight to level three...basic training made level 1 and 2 too easy.
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    Good Morning Shredders, I went back to level 1, I want to do 10 days at it. Today was day 8. I skipped shredding yesterday to have a run walk on the treadmill.

    I have not weighed or measured, we've been traveling alot and eating out so I'm not expecting much change. Classes start for me today so that will reign me in.

    It's great to see that some of you are doing well with both eating/exercising and are seeing the results! Thanks for the encouragement that it can be done!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    No shredding today for me.... Thursdays are when I put in 2 insane hours at the gym.... The last time I did the Shred on a Thursday I thought my muscles were going to atrophy!! :laugh:
  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    Mchelle- happy anniversary!!

    Thanks mrsprazak05!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Hi...Just a quick note before I start typing this morning. My husband opened his HRM and programmed it and it is just what he is looking for but I'm sure it is what I need.

    Here is my question:

    It says it counts your calories by using your personal heart rate, age, weight, gender and step count. Is this going to count my calories burned when I am doing the Nautilus machines or the bicycle? I haven't opened it yet and wanted to get opinions before I do. Thanks!
  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    L2D1 done! Decided to risk it since L1 wasn't making me sweat much. L2 is harder and focuses more on abs, I think. Oh, and I hate hate hate plank jacks!
  • I was able to do plank jacks for real for the first time yesterday! Still have to do the modified plank jump squat things or whatever they are. This workout is so hard (being a non-athlete and all), but I'm improving so much, so it really feels worth it. I'm going to weigh myself tomorrow, but I really can't wait until the end of the month to see if I've lost any inches!

    Follow my blog! http://emilyroach.blogspot.com
  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    L2D2 done! Too many planks! It's hard on my back holding that position. I guess that means my back is weak and I'm sure this will help it, but I'm going to whine in the meantime :sad: :tongue:
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    Hi...Just a quick note before I start typing this morning. My husband opened his HRM and programmed it and it is just what he is looking for but I'm sure it is what I need.

    Here is my question:

    It says it counts your calories by using your personal heart rate, age, weight, gender and step count. Is this going to count my calories burned when I am doing the Nautilus machines or the bicycle? I haven't opened it yet and wanted to get opinions before I do. Thanks!

    I Tammy,
    Yes it will count your calories burnt during any workout. My HRM came in yesterday & I LOVE it. You have a chest strap & watch & it did it's thing, I'm very happy with the buy!!! Open it! Open it! :) Have a great day All!!!!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    Definitely getting my shred on today... I Have missed it the last two days....
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Getting my shred on today too. Haven't shredded since Monday since I missed Wednesday. Going to try level 2 today. I'll post when I'm finished and let you know how it was.
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