ksuetorres Member


  • I want to have written the Great American Novel. What -- you mean I have to sit down and WRITE????? Umm, no thanks! I lost weight when I quit looking for the magic bullet, pill, potion, powder, miracle that would make me thin overnight. That is all.
  • A year from now you'll wish you had started today. Not sure where that came from, but it's sure motivational!
  • When we were dating, my husband bought me a cute little flowered dress in Monterrey, MX. Over the years I gained 60 pounds, while the dress hung in m closet, mocking me. But I got the last laugh -- 16 years later, I can wear the dress again! (It's like a mind-control drug for my husband....I can get whatever I want when I…
  • Don't walk -- STRUT!!! Do it for the fun of it, just to participate, to hang out with friends, for the pride of accomplishment. Go, gir;!
  • Texas drivers' licenses don't list weight. But my picture was taken last summer when I weighed 192 and now I'm 130! If I get stopped, the cop probably won't believe it's me!
  • Not a useful observation. When the ice melts there won't be enough land mass to support a hummingbird.
  • I had a mental issue with it. It was so much work to lose the weight that I was freaking out that if I started eating more I would just put the weight back on. However, I've been on MFP's maintenance goals for several months and I'm still losing weight, albeit more slowly. So I manually adjusted my net calorie goal up by…
  • Well, that was a bust! How do I get an old pic from my profile into a message???
  • http://dakd0cjsv8wfa.cloudfront.net/images/photos/851/277/31851277_6115_thumb.jpg This is me in 2010. (Hope the picture comes through, I have never posted one before!)
  • You have to change the way you think about food. To me, it's a game to get as much nutritional bang for my calorie buck as possible. I'm usually surprised at how many calories I have left over for an evening snack! Also -- LOGGING! Like so many others here, I have MFP on my PC at home, at the office, on my phone, on my…
  • I'm practically back into a training bra. oh well, thin is better! :ohwell:
  • I drink the vanilla unsweetened with a spoon of Splenda. To me, it tastes better than regular milk, which I can't drink anyway. I make smoothies, pour it on my cereal and oatmeal, pretty much any other way you'd use milk. It won't set up an instant pudding, though!
  • I see a bunch of young girls (40s - 50s) on here worrying about being too old to lose weight. Well, I'm soon to be 63, and I've lost 60 pounds. I'm so proud of myself, and I look and feel great! The one problem I do have, though, is that my skin is not as elastic as a younger woman's, so I have saggy baggy skin on my arms,…
  • I'm finding that most of the chain restaurants are featuring healthier, lower-calorie menus. Try Applebee's, Cotton Patch, etc. Otherwise, order grilled fish and steamed veggies, hold the rice and potatoes. You can always ask that your meal be prepared with minimal fats. Squeeze lemon or lime juice on your salad -- without…
  • I like Zone Perfect. For about 200 kcal you get 12 or so grams of protein, a bunch of vitamins and minerals, barely any fat. There's some sugar, but that just makes it taste good. . . .
  • Chic-Fil-A posts calories on their menu! They have a delicious Asian salad that's quite reasonable -- and it has fried chicken on it! Sub out for grilled chicken and a low-fat dressing and you're good to go!
  • I love the ease of preparation, but all that peeling is a pain in the tookus.
  • YOU ARE WONDERFUL!!!! Bless your heart (as we say in Texas) for putting one foot ahead of the other, taking a breath and then another, and seeing the progress you've made each day. You are an inspiration!
  • When you're truly ready to change your lifestyle and your relationship with food and your body, the motivation will appear. It comes from the inside, not the outside. That said, you seem to be moving in the right direction. When I joined MFP, it became a game to me to get the maximum volume of food for the minimum number…
  • This is pretty compelling! Congratulations for doing it the right way this time!
  • Honey, I'm pretty sure you DO have an eating disorder. You're in denial about it, though, and it could be damaging your health. Your body will soon go into starvation mode and not only start hoarding the calories you eat but shutting down bodily functions -- like menstruation, hair and bone growth, and you could develop…
  • Well, I'm no doctor (I don't even play one on TV), but if you're eating 1200 calories and think that's too much it sure sounds like an eating disorder. Please talk to a trusted advisor, preferably your doctor, about this.
  • If it's truly "all or nothing" and you can't give it up for a month -- or worry that you can't -- you probably are an alcoholic. Not all alcoholics are derelicts lying in the gutter! Dependency on alcohol is the key. If you think this is you, please get help right away. Alcohol ruins lives. (Had my life ruined by an…
  • "I'm so sorry I forced myself to do that workout," said NO ONE -- EVER!
  • Hope you showed your appreciation in a, hmmm, appropriate way! He sounds like a great guy.
  • That's so sweet! And now she'll have a happier, healthier father, for a longer time! Good for you.
  • In Texas, it's "coke." What kinda coke ya want? Co-Cola, Dr Pepper, Grape Nehi? LOL
  • That sounds delicious too -- I'll try that this weekend!
  • One cup of water per 1/4 cup of oats, bring to a boil and simmer for 25 - 30 minutes, uncovered. They are a whole different and much more interesting texture than regular rolled oats. One cup cooked = 150 calories. I usually add splenda, cinnamon and PB2. Yum!