greenmeena Member


  • Well... if you go on over to Eat More to Weigh Less you'll get a more complete definition but basically... short story is: I ate too few calories for too long, and my metabolism was screwed up as a result. When I started to eat 3 meals a day like a normal person, my weight ballooned up and boy was that scary! So I did a…
  • And the reason I'm concerned is that a lot of newbies see the 2lb/ week option and think, awesome! I want a bikini bod by summer! And they go for it (I did). Because it is an option. It is not a healthy option. I am currently eating at 1600-1700 per week and losing weight, doing heavy lifting. I figured out my numbers with…
  • Ok, there's a lot of interesting conversation but you're MISSING THE POINT. I was using my numbers as an example. If MFP were programmed correctly, so that it could tell you what your actual BMR is (based on body fat %, measurements, etc etc) then it would NEVER suggest 1200 for me EVER. Do you see what I'm getting at? If…
  • Hey- for all of us who jump on these threads to educate those folks that go for the 1200 cal plan... I started a thread focused on petitioning MFP to re-evaluate the blanket suggestion to all people to drop to 1200 as a means to drop weight. I think MFP needs to use *real* calculators, based on Kartch-McArdle etc, and give…
  • But I disagree. As I said, when I calculated my BMR, it came out to 1375 (the lowest possible). MFP gave me 1200. It needs to be better than that. Most folk will go by *that* number, which is not based in reality
  • And, on another note- why is it so hard for people to educate themselves? Go figure out your resting metabolic rate (RMR), your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) and if you want to lose weight, eat at TDEE -10 to 20%. Several others have provided links to easy websites that help you do that. This way, you can lose…
  • I am still waiting to hear from people who lost weight this way and kept it off for a LOOOOOONG time. Those who argue most fervently for it are those who are in the midst of starving off the pounds... i.e. "I've been doing it since January, works awesome for me!!" Yes, wonderful. Where are you, the 1200ers 3 years from the…
  • We are wired to want sugar and fat. It's in our genetic makeup. You have all my sympathy, seriously!! We are faced with so much easily obtained poor food choices. Now, how to overcome? I love some of the advice above: *Don't try to shoot for too low a calorie goal- it will make you eat out of control. *DO (DO IT!!) the…
  • Don't sweat the scale! As you build muscle, you'll tend to lose inches rather than pounds when you're closer to your goal. Since you're close, leave the scale be and focus on measurements and how your clothes fit, how you look in the mirror. I've seen loads of before and afters where folk lost maybe 3-5 lbs but the…
  • Oh god I hope it isn't suppression! I thought I did a nice long reset. You're right though. I like this 2 week test, that sounds reasonable. I'll give that a try and see if it changes things. Hey it means I eat more, that's nothing but fun anyway! :D Thank you so much, Haybales, I see you on here helping folk out quite a…
  • That's brilliant. I hadn't known how to back-door that TDEE that way. I've done all the calculations, even went to that excel file you posted... and was following that tightly to no success. This makes much more sense to me! I haven't gone up at all in weeks, just haven't budged either. Excellent advice. I knew you'd have…
  • learn to make jerky. It's not difficult and is very rewarding. If done correctly it keeps very very well!
  • Soooo... I want to amend my original answer. At weeks 2-3, I was suffering from my IBS worse than I ever had before. I started researching the things I was reacting to and discovered Fructose Malabsorption (FM). I incorporated the FODMAPs elimination diet into the Whole 30 and within a day I was better, and within 3 days I…
  • Well, Paleo mostly helped my IBS except that I have another component- fructose malabsorption (found in a lot of IBS sufferers). Look that up and see what you think. Returning to Paleo this spring after a few years off it brought my symptoms back severely (that is why I went off the wagon in the first place) and further…
  • Hi there! I just started the Whole 30 cleanse and it kicked my IBS into high gear... with a little looking I came across fructose malabsorption as well, and have begun an elimination diet which has helped immensely. The things I have read said that uncontrolled fructose malabsorption or small intestine bacterial overgrowth…
  • Hi all! I thought I'd give a little update... it seems that fructose malabsorption was the problem. I now have a better guideline... I am still following the Whole 30 but have a list from the FODMAP diet on what foods are safe and which to avoid for fructose malabsorption. It's only been 3 or 4 days but already the bloat…
  • Thanks everyone. I did some more digging today and found some information that may be helpful, which is fructose malabsorption. Seems like folk with IBS are more prone to it. After reading the symptoms, and the foods that trigger, it may indeed be the problem. That or SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth). Both of…
  • Brassicas give me trouble too (too much broccoli, cauliflower, etc). I had a terrible painful problem last year and someone turned me on to fermented foods. Fermented foods like real sauerkraut (not the crap in the grocery store relish aisle) help repopulate your gut with friendly bacteria, which help to break down the…
  • "Crack" coconut butter (or manna, same thing) raw cacao powder raw cacao nibs for crunch a little raw honey if you want Melt the butter/ manna, mix in the rest, to taste... when cool, eat with a spoon... super energy food and quenches my chocolate cravings too! yum yum yum
  • I've been on for a whole week, so I'm with you!
  • Today is Day 1! I have gone paleo before, and slid slowly off the wagon over the past 2 years... but I truly feel better eating that way so this seemed like a good program to remind me how to feel good in my body again.
  • LOVE IT. I trained up to it very very slowly, actually running barefoot where I could- brand new pavement feels like silk! I read everything I could on the 'net about it, read books and watched training vids. I have fallen arches. The biggest success for me is that I HAVE ARCHES!!!!! My foot print is totally different. My…
  • These are all excellent points. No, I don't run on in between days... I sort of think I should but I don't want to overstress my body, plus i'm so damn tired! Perhaps then I will go back up to 2000 another few weeks, and then try doing the deficit. It may not have been enough time. And the tiredness really may be due to…
  • Good point, good point. It's mostly that I want to fit back into my clothes. Spring's almost here! Actually I am more tired. Exhausted!! And somewhat cranky. That's part of what got me wondering if I maybe need to eat MORE> and isn't that terrifying, I am already bursting out of my clothes. :( Yes, some difference in…
  • I absolutely rest during my period. I think we haven't left ourselves any room to do so in our hustle bustle society. It's good for you and totally ok to take a rest! It's what your body wants, and it's never bad to listen to yourself and your intuition. A lot of holistic practitioners caution women to take it easy during…
  • Lol! I hear ya, sister. Hmmm... first, I am on the eat more to weigh less group which means I get to play with plenty of calories every day, and that helps, because the starvation thing or very low cal diet doesn't work for me personally. What about breaking stuff up into portion bags when you get them? So you have 100 or…
  • congrats. But... I had to... heh heh inan·i·ty noun \i-ˈna-nə-tē\ plural inan·i·ties Definition of INANITY 1 : the quality or state of being inane: as a : lack of substance : emptiness b : vapid, pointless, or fatuous character : shallowness 2 : something that is inane
  • Darling- they aren't laughing at your success (go you, by the way!) but that you look a little... um... happy. In the shorts, as it were. ;)
  • Oh, thanks! I never saw that calculator. I bet a lot of folk haven't either.
  • I read through all of this but no one, not one person, has said what really needs to be said, to every single person on here... Do your calculations to figure out your BMR (basal metabolic rate- what you need just to keep your organs alive), your RMR (resting metabolic rate- figures in your daily activities, to keep you…