Anyone else with Fructose Malabsorption?

At the beginning of Dec, I got told by my doctor that I have Fructose Malabsorption and that I needed to change my diet significantly to help with my digestive issues. This meant that I needed to eliminate a lot of fruit from my diet as well as anything with high fructose corn syrup, high levels of sugar and possibly wheat. So first thing I did was give up soda. I usually had a 16 oz of Dr Pepper a day. Stopped eating most fruit. And cut way back on processed foods and condiments. I would have thought that those changes would have helped my lose weight but instead I put on 7 pounds in a month. After awhile my digestive issues got some better but I am not ok with putting on weight at that rate. Part of the issue is that my fiber intake plummeted and my digestive system slowed way down. The dietation told me to drink more coffee ( black ) and more water.

I have know managed to stop the weight gain but I am not having much luck losing the weight. It seems that when I restrict my calorie intake my digestive system slows to a stand still again. I am feeling very frustrated. So I have decided to give MFP a shot, but I was wondering if anyone else has had similar issues and how they got around them.


  • greenmeena
    greenmeena Posts: 118 Member
    Hi there!
    I just started the Whole 30 cleanse and it kicked my IBS into high gear... with a little looking I came across fructose malabsorption as well, and have begun an elimination diet which has helped immensely. The things I have read said that uncontrolled fructose malabsorption or small intestine bacterial overgrowth can interfere with weight loss, so I would definitely recommend downloading and printing out a list of foods that trigger that condition. Google FODMAP diet, or FODMAP list. I would also recommend simultaneously doing something like the Whole 30 cleanse to help you get really really clean. It's doing wonders for me. I've been lifting heavy for 4 going on 5 months now and felt like I was getting nowhere. I started the Whole 30 as a way to really get clean with my diet, but instead of making things better, it made me bloat up and worsened my IBS! Ugh! I was so frustrated because instead of losing inches I was gaining some- around my belly (gas and water). But being on the FODMAP in conjunction with Whole 30 (essentially, strict Paleo) has made a vast improvement; my belly reduced by 5 inches in 3 days. That's how drastic FM can be.
    Good luck- go whole hog on the restrictions, you'll thank yourself.