

  • weighted yoga :P I would put it under yoga you cant go heavy anyway
  • try they have a lot of great videos for abs
  • sagi is the man straight up
  • T25 is the new insanity. so many people getting into it. 25 minutes, fun, burns crazy cals and lots having great results. check it out. insanity is great to but its tough and long so many stop and don't get the results they wanted
  • try and stay away from ones like carnation, boost ect that you can pick up at safe way and things. they are just packed with sugar. there are some good bars out there, again make sure the first ingredient isn't sugar. it wont help you much. check out your local supplement stores and read a lot of labels and get one with…
  • it is a beginners program but if you like to dance then it would fit someone like that. if not there are better options out there like t25 which is more advanced and still good for people just getting back into working out. and is very fun aswell.
  • don't fret to much, any exercise is better then sitting on the couch. just choose one that sounds the most like your style
  • wow what an awesome change. how did you do that effect with your camera? very neat to show off the change
  • cellulite is just fat. keep burning and it will go away with time.
  • I agree on the eggs! omlettes with tonnes of salsa is delicious and great diet friendly food.
  • have you done one of the workouts yet and then gone to the gym? since your just starting out you may find its a bit much and you get very very sore. also with insanity and doubling another workout you are going to wanna have a bullet proof diet to aid recovery with plenty of healthy nutrition dense meals. if you did yoga…
  • How is your fitness back gournd. people jump into insanity and just like the 60 day results, but is is not an easy program by any means. month one is 45 min workouts that are very intense for a beginners, but you can modify. month two though gets abut well insane lol. 90 minute workouts. If your just starting out again, I…
  • not sure if its available in your area but revolution nutrition just released some lactose pre protein that is good. fruit flavours. probably find it with a google search
  • shaekology wont help you lose weight by its self despite what people tell you. its just a meal replacement. and a good one. with a lot of good stuff in it to help with nutrition but don't expect diet miracles on it. they are called supplements for a reason. Make sure your diet and workouts are in check first
  • I tried the anabolic diet as a hockey player and almost died on the ice. I was dizy, out of breath and just no drive. I wouldn't recommend it if you are into anything that requires the carbs
  • I will throw one more thing in for you. I hate the coaches I have on my face book and they are gone. They are annoying as hell. so I agree with some statements,. I do not post on my face book every ten seconds about beachbody. actually I don't post at all. I will however once a week post about how I finished my workout and…
  • bad coaches give beachbody a bad rep. the company is a 750 mill a year for a reason. They have great products. yes coaches can get salesy and be a bunch of well douches. but im a little curious who in here responding doesn't work a job that their company sells products and they get payed to help do that? no one that's who.…
  • gamma is awesome. you do not need heavy weights at all. shaun t makes 5 pounds seem heavy. it is worth it as you will tonne up a lot with the workouts, and no further equipment required
  • yep fair enough. I would like to know how much strength you gained on strong lifts while on a def. just out of curiousity. I stalled out aswell some where in 8 weeks. but I was at a high cal surplus. although with hockey really don't know how high.
  • just cause there is so much going on one quik point is you mis understood what I was saying. strength training is a general term. I strength train every day. I lift weights. what I said was you cannot expect to gain strength on a defict especially over the course of a program or cycle you are doing. never said strength…
  • nope. modify, take breaks. lighten the weights. there is always a way :) gamma will probably make you even better
  • most people qui insanity on month two because the max workouts are 90 minutes and its just to much for some. go with t25 and you will stick with it
  • again fitness is diverse, you will find the exact opposite opinion doing a google search. especially from people who are well respected trainers and industry leaders. posting a source is kind of irrelevant because its that persons thoughts. and even further you can find studies that show two different results aswell.…
  • and if lifting is your main thing throwing a bunch of insanity vids in may make it even harder to recover the intensity is so high. t25 maybe your best bet then.
  • also something interesting you should look at the complete other end of the spectrum of strong lifts is something I also did was " the Hollywood physique" for men google that up and let me know what you think. This program I did right after strong lifts because again, I saw very little of the body I wanted after strong…
  • my original strong lifts cycle was to bulk correct. I was a very skinny guy then. its been awhile not even sure how long. probably 4 years or something. its also where I did gain most of my weight coming out of a skinny hard gainer phase from 150-180 ish originally. during that entire time period for me. I went with strong…
  • insanity seconded. but if you don't have 45 minutes to 90 in month two, go with T25, les mills combat, or insanity asylum. I also hear rush fit is quite good aswell.
  • other problem a lot of people run into is just lack of energy. you start to get run down. I know when I was trying to shred weight and on deficit I was dead. didn't want to throw a lot of weight around anyway. but worth a try everyone responds differently to, so what works for some may not work for others
  • lol and most over played for pumping people up. when acdc comes on im like oh god here we go can we get any more cliché ;) but to each his own
  • probably a hot button topic but you will not get stronger eating less then you burn. it would be impossible. your body cant recover if you are pushing to the max on weights and compound movements. however, weight training in a specific style such as high reps would help your body burn cals and fat. protein maintains muscle…