

  • I know I am late to the party but some people hybridize their programs, here's one for CLX and BBL:
  • I 3rd Rodney Yee, I have his Power Yoga for strength and flexibility. Awesomesauce.
  • Thanks guys! As for the burning off 1000: I added in my exercises and just put in what someone else said thry burned doing the same workout according to their heart rate monitor, so I am sure that's not entirely accurate as we are different people/sizes/etc. I figure I will add more cals if I get hungry or plateau. Prior…
  • I tried tofurkey (turkey flavored tofu shaped over stuffing and baked) one year when it was just my fiance...NOT the same, lol!! Honestly, I think you are doing the right thing by making it from scratch. You might be able to save a couple of calories in the gravy and potatoes, and sugar in the cranberry sauce...try looking…
  • Thanks for the info, I also found this video while looking up your suggestion. I wish people would say how many reps and times per week to do these, tho. And to do them at the end of a workout! Using 3lbs weights:
  • I am glad you found something that worked! It seems like the author has a great sense of humour. BTW, I am a nurse too so I understand what it's like to bring something healthy to work (why are we not healthier in our business- oh yeah, "NO TIME!" to make it, "NO TIME" to eat it) and tempted by the "quick-fix" chocolates…
  • --->If my post sounded flippant about bulimia and anorexia, it wasn't meant to. These are serious conditions and I am trying to demonstrate that a low body fat % is just as dangerous.
  • soooo....have you pooped yet??!! I am assuming you have, but I wanted to post this reply incase someone with the same problems found this thread. Immidiate concerns: 1) Do you feel constipated (yes = bad sign)? If you feel your stomach with your fingers, can you find any hard "lumps" of poop sitting in your intestines (bad…
  • Guardup, Thanks for that article, I found it interesting...especially when you see women advertising that they have 13% (or so) of body fat. I know too many women who work out to the point of losing their periods altogether in the name of "being fit" and "healthy". If you are an athlete and need to drop to small %'s of…