I haven't pooped in 4 days!!!



  • lfondots
    lfondots Posts: 216 Member
    FYI? It really isn't good not to go every day. Take it from someone that has IBS. Unfortunately I also got colon cancer at 42 and I think my bowel problems. I would say a stool softner and plenty of water. Lots of fiber too if you are usually like this. Protein tends to bind. Cheese also. Good luck and hope something works.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    FYI? It really isn't good not to go every day. Take it from someone that has IBS. Unfortunately I also got colon cancer at 42 and I think my bowel problems. I would say a stool softner and plenty of water. Lots of fiber too if you are usually like this. Protein tends to bind. Cheese also. Good luck and hope something works.

    Yes, although the topic is humorous it is a serious situation. My grandmother died of colon cancer. I drink "Super Dieter's Tea" a couple times a week to help keep me regular.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I agree with the coffee drinking..or mandarine oranges...i`ve never had that problem though, i`ve always been pretty regulary...i just know what gives me the bad poops...and coffee is #1 for me.
  • HeatherShrinking
    HeatherShrinking Posts: 776 Member
    FYI? It really isn't good not to go every day. Take it from someone that has IBS. Unfortunately I also got colon cancer at 42 and I think my bowel problems. I would say a stool softner and plenty of water. Lots of fiber too if you are usually like this. Protein tends to bind. Cheese also. Good luck and hope something works.

    Yes, although the topic is humorous it is a serious situation. My grandmother died of colon cancer. I drink "Super Dieter's Tea" a couple times a week to help keep me regular.

    Go to the doctor, seriously. My grandma died of colon cancer too. Prevention/catching problems early is the key. It may be a pain in the *kitten* (all puns intended) to deal with the doctor, but it is a bigger pain if it is something serious you ignored.
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    Holy crap..Ok, that was bad
    seriously, eat some grapes/raisins and TONS of water
    I have used an herbal tea/laxative when needed..it does the job!

    good luck
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    I used to be like you, I would go days without going, but now I go every day. Once I started eating more whole foods my body started correcting itself. It's SO important to "clean out the pipes" so to speak and the biggest factor in your problem is what you are eating. I looked at your diary and think I found the problem - you eat almost NO fruit and veggies, not even CLOSE to the the daily recommended servings. Your body is all stuffed up because you are getting hardly any natural fiber into your system.

    You really need to start eating more natural foods and less processed stuff. Fresh fruit and vegetables are so important. Remember, this isn't just about eating fewer calories, it's about being healthier too. And sure you can lose weight eating ANYTHING as long as you are in a calorie deficit, but that doesn't mean that it's healthy. I hope you consider cutting out some of the processed foods and/or at least adding in some fresh fruit and vegetables into your diet.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Things that help personally:

    - water with 2 Tbsp lemon juice as soon as you wake up
    - going for a jog, like 3 mins jogging and 3 mins walking for about 30-40 mins
    - psyllium fiber in a cup of juice
    - metamucil
    - see a pro
  • ChellieIrish
    ChellieIrish Posts: 593 Member
    I think we have all had this going on at one time or another :wink: I found increasing my fibre intake taking this "Benefiber - Food Supplement Powder (Sodium & Sugar Free)" seriously helped plus make sure to get in enough water daily :flowerforyou:
  • lizzie2190
    lizzie2190 Posts: 236 Member
    have a bowl of bran flakes - i have to stop halfway through the bowl and go for one its that effective ! lol
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    Things that worked when I had IBS with constipation:

    Any fruit really
    Oatmeal (all of the above are from the fiber, so drink lots of water with them)
    Hot liquids (stimulates the colon, thats how coffee works)
    Protein shakes with more then 25 grams of protein per serving (The body can't process a whole lot of protein at once, so it tries to get rid of it.)

    Thankfully, I just got smart and added this stuff to my normal eating habits and don't have any problems anymore.
  • ucaminax
    ucaminax Posts: 157 Member
    My magnesium supplement makes me go VERY regularly, in fact TOO regularly lol. I know someone who has always had bad problems with constipation-has tried it all-I gave her some of my magnesium and she calls it "her little green friend" -it worked great for her, too. Because of this, I only take one every other day. But yes, a healthy, fiber full diet with lots of fruits and veggies and water is best.
  • HRgoldenlife
    HRgoldenlife Posts: 53 Member
    are you gettinge enough fiber. Use the food tool here and change your settings to show you your fiber intake and drink enough water. I suffer with being backed up from time to time (adhesions). it is best to get yourself to go naturally with food, water, exercise, etc., without needing to take something. Good luck.
  • Flax meal!
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    On thing that hasn't be mention is probiotics. Activia yogert is on of the most know, but there are supplements. I think Philips has a colon health that has probiotics.
  • soooo....have you pooped yet??!!

    I am assuming you have, but I wanted to post this reply incase someone with the same problems found this thread.

    Immidiate concerns:
    1) Do you feel constipated (yes = bad sign)? If you feel your stomach with your fingers, can you find any hard "lumps" of poop sitting in your intestines (bad sign)? Are you passing gas (good sign)?

    If this is day 4 and you "feel" constipated with any of the following: have stomach pains, can't pass gas and bloating, and/or can feel hard lumps in your stomach, go to ER now.

    If this is not part of your usual routine (some people just go every four days, others every day) and you feel just a little constipated, drink some prune juice, and/or try a mild over the counter laxitive/stool softeners such as lactulose or colace. For more immediate results you could try a colace or glycerin suppository, if the "ick" factor isn't too much for you. Or an enema. (PLEASE talk to the pharmacist to see if these medications are alright for you to take, I don't know if you are on any meds or have conditions where this might be contraindicated).

    However, these are not long-term fixes and you should never use them regularily or your body will get lazy and stop "pushing" poop on it's own. If these suggestions don't work within a day, please see you doctor as soon as possible. You could have something more serious such as a blockage, etc. Don't let it get to Day 5 without pooping - if this is the case and you are in pain, go to the ER.

    Concerns once you HAVE pooped:
    2) Increase your fruits and veggies as natural sources of fibre. Raw is better than cooked. Eat whole grains.

    3) If you have recently increased your fibre intake using supplements, PLEASE INCREASE YOUR FLUIDS (this does NOT include coffee or pop which will DEHYDRATE you, so you will need to drink MORE fluids to make up for them). Increasing your fibre without getting adequate fluids will bung you up right quick.

    4) Exercise! Exercise such as walking stimulates the bowels.

    The medical standard for a "normal" bowel routine is at least one bowel movement every 3 days. This is a guideline, some people are a little different. I personally go 1-2 times a day. My SO is one every other day. I know healthy people that are once every 4 days.

    ***Of course, none of the above should take the place of medical advice from your doctor.
  • Question - have you just not pooped in 4 days and feel ok, or do you feel like you NEED to poop and can't? If it's the second one, take a laxative.

    I have periods where I go "4 days on, 4 days off" as everyone in my family calls it. I won't poop for 4 days, but I don't feel like I need to either. Then after the 4 days, I just go and go and go all the time. It's normal for me. My body is crazy, I know lol.

    Sounds like you got IBS (Irritable bowel syndrome)
  • manetta1
    manetta1 Posts: 138
    Hey even if you workout everyday you should still be able to use the bathroom. I'm a 2-a-day's kind of guy. I think if you eat a ton of fruit, theirs no way for it holding back. Just increase your potassium level. I tell my g/f all the time its weird she doesn't poop everyday. Eat more fruit definately. I eat fruit from the time i get up till noon and that helps me a lot. Good luck.

  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Mike... You sound like the healthiest guy when it comes to the bathroom! My naturopath is trying his hardest to get me to go everyday. He recommends the fruit in the morning route too.
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    3-4 tsp of this and your problem will be gone.

  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Well... I seem to need to go everytime I go to Costco. So maybe you could try that.:blushing: LOL
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