CrimsonWhite Member


  • I decided on a treadmill run this evening-my first one in a while. I got in 5 miles. I guess with the more controlled pacing and the fact that there's no terrain helped me get in that longer run. It felt really good, too, so I'll definitely take it! 9/3 4 miles 9/4 3 miles 9/6 4 miles 9/8 5 miles-total of 16 miles out of a…
  • Yesterday was a nice, relaxed football Saturday-glad those are back! Today was mostly lazy, lazy, lazy. So lazy I fell asleep after lunch, on the couch, snuggled up to the doggie. We both enjoyed our afternoon nap. So I had no excuses to not get out and run this evening. Plus it was nice and cool after a bit of a light…
  • We had some rain today so the evening run wasn't quite as hot and humid as usual. Got in 3 more miles tonight, at the lower end of my regular pace and that was nice after the longer run yesterday. I took @7lenny7's advice and decided to look for a cheap used garmin GPS watch. I checked out ebay for a few days and saw a…
  • Back in action after being lazy the last couple of days. There is just something about this time of year-the days getting shorter, the subtle weather changes, that just makes me so tired. Must be some weird circadian rhythm thing. So I will aim for 40 more miles this month. I have lots of traveling that may entail loss of…
  • 3.25 miles tonight. The last few runs have been rough, but at least they are done. Total of 44.5 miles (goal 40) for the month. See you guys in September! Thanks for the motivation!
  • I came on last night to catch up with everything and post my mileage and got distracted by @7lenny7 and his talk of new running clothes and went looking. :) I went to bed and realized I hadn't logged my run yesterday. Drrrrr. Last night got 3.5 miles in to take me over my 40 mile total to 41.25 so far. Hopefully I'll get…
  • 3.25 miles outside tonight. It was nice and cool, and I finally feel fall is coming. That puts me at 37.75 miles out of 40 for the month. Almost there!
  • I've been fighting a summer cold so no running the last few days. But back on the road tonight with 3 miles, bringing me up to 34.5 miles out of 40 for the month, I believe. So back on track! @7lenny7 thanks for the suggestion. I was using my old phone and am hoping my new one I'm changing over to will be better GPS wise.…
  • 3.25 miles tonight. I think. On the theme of lying runs, runkeeper lied to me during my run! After my first 5 minutes, it tells me you have run 0.85 miles. Ummmm I don't think so. I'm pretty darn slow even on my best day and I felt horribly slow tonight. Turns out it tacked on some weird trek I didn't take as I turned from…
  • It was a fairly cool evening, so got another 3 miles done outside around the neighborhood. The last quarter of a mile was rough, so may need a rest day or a short one tomorrow. That makes 28.25 out of 40 miles for the month. @skippygirlsmom well I made it to NC in a rather convoluted manner because of various jobs. Went to…
  • 3 miles tonight. That makes a total of 25.25 out of a 40 mile goal. Been spending more time running outside and less on the treadmill, so fewer longer runs, as I get more acclimated to running in the real world. :)
  • 3.25 miles outside this evening. Total of 22.25 out of 40 for the month. Slow and steady.
  • 3 miles last night. Up to 19 out of 40 for the month. And right now the dog is poking at me to take her for a walk, so everyone have a great day.
  • 2.5 miles this morning. Not very pretty (morning workouts always kind of suck for me) but got it done. :) That makes 16 miles total for the month out of a 40 mile goal. Traveling for a sales meeting so probably won't get another in until Wednesday or so. Hopefully I'll be well rested and get a long one in then. Have a…
  • 3.5 miles tonight on the hotel treadmill, after eating way too much at dinner. At least I didn't throw up :) Total of 13.5 miles out of 40 for the month. Usually when I do my work travel I stick to my panera salads or a small steak and veggies. This trip I've been a bit indulgent. At least the running helps to keep me at…
  • 2 miles this evening, for a total of 10 miles out of 40. Good start to the month! Resting tomorrow, but headed to Charleston for work (been in Columbia, SC, it's pretty hot here), so will walk around the historic district some around dinner time to get my steps in.
  • 8/1 4.75 miles 8/3 3.25 miles Total of 8 miles out of my goal of 40 miles.
  • 8/1 4.75 miles out of 40 miles goal for the month.
  • 3 miles today, think that puts me at 41 miles for the month.
  • Aiming for 40 miles this month. Lots of traveling to do, and all but one trip I should be able to get some running in. Hotel treadmill, here I come!
  • Nice long, slow run this evening on the treadmill. 4.5 miles total run, taking my monthly total to 38 miles, past my 35 mile goal.
  • 2.25 miles this evening for a total of 33.5. Only 1.5 miles to go to meet my 35 mile goal. Hope everyone had a great weekend. It's always over too soon!
  • Short and slow run today, taking it a little easy. 1.5 miles tonight, for a total of 31.25 miles out of 35. Another weekend at grandpa's place, so probably lazy for the most part.
  • @Stoshew71 -Yah, I definitely need to get out of the neighborhood. My one mile loop is getting boring. We have a lot of great greenways and parks in the area. Right now I mostly run in the evening and it can be late enough it's getting dark, so I need to do some research and see what parks may have areas I can run with…
  • @melaniefave41 and @skippygirlsmom, thanks for the encouragement! Most of my running in the past has been on the treadmill, and while I've done well with it, I guess I never pushed the speed aspect of things. Running outside without the set speed I just kind of go with how I feel, so I always run a bit faster outside. Even…
  • Tonight I ran outside since it had cooled down after a nice rain. I wish it was always as nice temp wise as it was this evening. Ran 3.5 miles, at my fastest pace (which is still very slow, but it's a great improvement for me, at an average of 10:46 per mile, and the first half of the run was at a 10:07 per mile average,…
  • Hubby and I took his daughters to my grandfather's at the coast this weekend. We went swimming on Sunday and didn't get eaten by sharks, so that's a bonus. They did go fishing Saturday night and saw a 7-8 foot one at the fishing pier though. We may head back down there this weekend as well since it's the girls' vacation…
  • Friday-2.25 miles. Not great but better than nothing. That puts me at 21.5 miles so far for the month. Headed to the coast this weekend to visit my grandfather, so I'll be doing good to get my walking in (his house is right on a busy highway, but hopefully we can walk at the beach some). Hopefully I'll be back in time on…
  • I think for the cameltoe to be truly hot, you have to have a thigh gap. Cause you know, a thigh gap can really make that cameltoe pop. ;)
  • Took a bit of a break-was out walking the dog the other day and stepped off the sidewalk to let some people by, and rolled my ankle. I'm sure I looked quite graceful ;) I rested it up some for a couple of days, and it felt much better today. So I figured I would try a slow and easy treadmill run (no sidewalk tracks to trip…