August 2015 Running Challenge



  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    As a true New Jersey girl I can tell you it's a very beautiful state, it's not all Newark Airport. :smiley: Plus there are a million things to do there. @jorocka can't see your picture, must be instagram, the company blocks that.

    Oh yeah I wear under amour shorts and don't have the seam issue.

    it's photobucket- unsure. I have that issue at work as well- I can't see 90% of the pictures or videos posted :( when it gets gif heavy in threads it makes me sad. LOL

    yeah I moved here in 2007- and I was genuinly surprised at the variety here. I live in Trenton and I have to travel a short distance (20 minutes maybe)to see some real beauty- a longer distance to see extended beauty (like more mountains in North West NJ) and then the Pocono's and PA are very close- Catskills are close- so lots to do and see- and there is something about the old architecture here that cant' be replaced that I really love.
    @JoRocka I'm with you on seams. Bra seams are horrible for me. And anything that rubs a scar I have above the pubic bone. I have a pair of compression shorts from Nike that work well too.
    I found shorts with a panty like liner, not the long shorts and that works great too. Mpg brand fits me.

    wow, I thought everyone was comando. Running shorts with liners are made to skip the undergarments. Cotton against yoyouru sensitive areas
    I was seriously a die hard- but the diamond shaped seams kind of chafe after a while I guess- perhaps it's my personal anatomy to blame. either way- some underwear have been really helping- except the massive chafe issue from the seams. I need to keep hunting. perhaps a pair of shorter compression shorts to wear under my capris? I wonder.

    I do love the MPG Brand- those are great.
    An excuse to go shop more!!!

    I also just got a living social coupon thing- 24 for 48$ on new balance- so hopefully I can replace my shoes before the race- the Sauconey's are nice- but they make my feet hot- even with the body glide I can feel hot spots developing and the whole ball of my foot gets warm. it's weird.
    I just really like running in my New balance shoes- so I'll try to replace them at the end of September- sooner if I can get enough gig money up to go. The PT said I shouldnt' be running anything over like 8 miles in my minimalist shoes- I kind of feel like poo pooing him though- I love running in them- and they have eliminated my blister problems AND I haven't had ANY shin splints. winwin.
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    Totally forgot to post my Princeton canal picture! 20150823_194611_zps3ypbyl7o.jpg

    Ooh, that's the bridge with the flag on it, right? I run that bit of the canal trail every other week when my running group runs that way!
  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    5 miles tonight, but what a grind. My primary motivation was to not fall behind on this challenge!
    Date      Miles      MTD
    ------    -----    -----
    Aug 02      8.0      8.0
    Aug 03      5.0     13.0
    Aug 05      5.0     18.0
    Aug 06      4.4     22.4
    Aug 08      9.1     31.5
    Aug 09      3.6     35.1
    Aug 11      6.2     41.3
    Aug 13      5.0     46.3
    Aug 15     10.0     56.3
    Aug 18      5.0     61.3
    Aug 20      6.3     67.6
    Aug 22      5.2     72.8
    Aug 23      7.2     80.0
    Aug 25      5.0     85.0

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @kristinegift thanks for quoting the pix so I can see it. Beautiful
  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    edited August 2015
    @JoRocka Have fun racing this weekend! (ps, also in the no underwear category. great shorts / tights that don't ride up / don't have rubby bits can be found. plus I can swim in them if the trail offers a river. easy to wash, as if I care lol)
    @skippygirlsmom Cooler weather sure is nice. Great job with the 10km! :smile:
    @WhatMeRunning I find it amazing that morning resting heart rate seems to be such a good indicator. Works for me too. Hope you are feeling back to normal soon.
    @7lenny7 Morraine Lake is a gem. A very very busy gem, as are many of the highlights that are near to the main highway. You better be careful. Banff has bears. LOL
    @unrelentingminx Good job on the pace and congrats on nearing your goal!

    Had a great run today, just 12km but felt good this morning, back to normal low resting HR for the first time in a while, and that feeling carried over into my run. Tomorrow I'm out of action getting Phobos (my nickname for a large kidney stone) blasted to smithereens... hopefully back at it on Thursday or Friday.

    Month to date:		174.90 km
    Goal:			322 km / 200 miles (54% completed, not going to make it!)
    Aug 25 12.09 km Felt great! MAF HR out, picked it up +20 BPM on way back. 
    Aug 24 -----    Off for health
    Aug 23 07.67 km Date Run, feeling great after yesterday
    Aug 22 14.54 km Tons of trail climbing + back down, 847 meters climbing
    Aug 21 08.10 km Date Run Friday. Low HR.
    Aug 20 14.60 km Taking it easy along the river 
    Aug 19 14.10 km Mountain trail run
    Aug 18 10.08 km Lake trail run
    Aug 17 -----    Rest Day
    Aug 16 16.87 km HR up 20bpm over normal for pace, drugs?
    Aug 15 -----    Off for health
    Aug 14 -----    Off for health
    Aug 13 14.75 km Urine colour: Amber Ale bordering on Stout. Call 911.
    Aug 12 13.70 km Up at 0530H to beat the heat
    Aug 11 -----    Life Day
    Aug 10 -----    Life Day
    Aug 09 08.09 km Gentle welcome home date-run with Sue
    Aug 08 12.27 km Great cool run along Lake Sammamish near Seattle
    Aug 07 06.04 km Short run before really loooong driving day, bye bye Montana
    Aug 06 -----    Rest Day / 10km hiking in Swan Range, Montana
    Aug 05 08.09 km Easy trail in Bigfork Montana
    Aug 04 -----    Rest Day
    Aug 03 03.35 km Quick jaunt before long driving day, bye bye Alberta
    Aug 02 -----    Cycling while visiting family
    Aug 01 10.60 km Trails both wide + single track

    It has come to my attention that cows are more dangerous to people than bears. Be careful out there!
  • CrimsonWhite
    CrimsonWhite Posts: 104 Member
    I've been fighting a summer cold so no running the last few days. But back on the road tonight with 3 miles, bringing me up to 34.5 miles out of 40 for the month, I believe. So back on track!

    @7lenny7 thanks for the suggestion. I was using my old phone and am hoping my new one I'm changing over to will be better GPS wise. I had thought about a GPS watch but wasn't sure I was at a point where I was ready to drop too much money and some of them can be so expensive! But Craigslist is a great idea. I will do some research and see what looks good and what comes up! Would be a much less expensive way to break into it anyway.

    Glad to see everyone's great results so far! Seems like everyone is really kicking butt.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    1- 8.35 miles. walk
    2- 5.9
    3 rest
    4- 3.24
    5 rest
    6- 3.27
    7- busy, hot, lazy unplanned rest day
    8- 3.12 to make up for unplanned rest day.
    9- 7.13 hot. HI >90
    11-1, cramps
    12- 4.38
    13- rest
    14- 4.21
    15- rest
    16- 5.57
    17- 1 shake out the road trip stiffness
    18- 4.73
    19- rest
    20- 3.47 walk
    21,22-leisure walking/ rest
    23- 11.11
    24- rest
    25- 4.58


  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    Totally forgot to post my Princeton canal picture! 20150823_194611_zps3ypbyl7o.jpg

    Ooh, that's the bridge with the flag on it, right? I run that bit of the canal trail every other week when my running group runs that way!
    it is! i was very happy- it's pretty and quiet... and full of bugs. that makes me not so happy LOL
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    edited August 2015
    HonuNui wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    HonuNui wrote: »
    ctdebbie wrote: »
    While there is one week left in this challenge, I am going to set a goal of 20 miles and creating a ticker.

    I am very impressed by many of the distances logged here! 20 miles will be ambitious for me.

    Can anyone recommend a way to carry my cellphone and keys with me when I run. I have an iPhone 6 with a Life Proof case and I bought an armband that the phone and case will not fit in. Any ideas?
    I bought a fabric/pull-on waistband thingy off Amazon: you stuff your phone inside, it has a ring to which I attached a caribiner for my key(s). Magic
    how do you run with that not bouncing "up" because I'm pretty sure that would just start bouncing all over on me!!!

    My solution prior to half training was stuff my phone in my bra. Now I have an armband and I put it in there- the key is on a carbiner and either goes in the pocket- or snaps to a bra strap and stuffed in the bra.
    Actually it doesn't move at all: stays in place nicely. Skippygirlsmom mentioned the flipbelt: similar (but I'm cheap, so I bought the knockoff....). My phone is also dust/waterproof, so I have no fear of it getting wet from rain or sweat, but the belt itself is NOT waterproof, and one needs to take that into consideration.
    I have two different belts - a Spibelt for short runs and a Fitletics for longer runs that I can add water bottles to. Neither one bounces and are big enough for my iPhone, poop bags and dog treats.

    @_nikkiwolf_ - I have a couple of UA hats for for running that I love. The keep my hair out of my face and the sweat too. I also like a headband brand called Sweatybands. they are $15 each for a medium width and the don't slip or move around.

    @JoRocka - I have a specific model of Nike running compression capris I wear as well as Nike compression shorts for when it is hot. I pretty much stick with them because I know they won't creep up on my legs or give me a wedgie.I have no issues with my underwear - it they cause an issue I don't wear them running anymore so I am down to a 'running' collection along with some for just wearing.

    Looks like everyone is making great strides to their goals! Mine will be close but as long as the weather and work permits I will make it this month! I am also loving looking through all the beautiful pictures of where everyone is running and of course @7lenny7's Kody!!

    08/02.....0.00.......8.45 - rest
    08/03.....0.00.......8.45 - unplanned rest +Agility
    08/04.....5.11.....13.56 - +Strength training
    08/06.....4.86.....22.60 - +Strength training
    08/10.....5.10.....43.50 - + Agility
    08/11.....0.00.....43.50 - Houston
    08/12.....0.00.....43.50 - Houston
    08/13.....0.00.....43.50 - Houston
    08/14.....4.19.....47.69 - Shake out run
    08/15.....7.05.....54.74 - ugly run
    08/16.....2.00.....56.74 - Dog Beach Sunday!
    08/17.....7.16.....63.90 - + Agility
    08/18.....0.00.....63.90 - +Strength training
    08/20.....0.00.....68.88 - +Strength training
    08/23.....2.50.....88.92 - Dog Beach Sunday!
    08/24.....0.00.....88.92 - + Agility
    08/25.....5.28.....94.20 - +Strength training

  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    edited August 2015
    My training plan called for 5 miles tonight, but the weather was gorgeous (72F and dry), I got home early, and Kody was fired up to go so I ended up with 8.5 miles. I ignored my HR monitor and ran it all based on perceived effort...trying to make it an easy run...and ended up with an average pace of 10:53, about 45 seconds faster than my recent similar runs, with an HR just 6 bpm higher than normal. I weight myself before and after...even though it wasn't that hot, I still lost 4.5 pounds on the run.

    In the last 2 or 3 weeks, I really feel like my running has gone to the next level. What were my long run are now my weeknight runs, I feel like I can run forever, I really don't feel like the running is wearing me out at all, and there's virtually no pain. I'm getting to the point where my running will be limited more by my schedule than by my endurance, aches or pains. A 90 minute run and I'm feeling great. 31.7 miles in the last 5 days, and 42.5 in the last 8 days!

    The verdict is in on the water belt I bought. I love it. I do wish they would have made the large pocket large enough for a cell phone, but it certainly serves its purpose. Even on the shorter runs, I like having water for Kody without carrying it in my hand. Freezing a half full bottle gives me cold water for the entire run.

    And @mwyvr, you will NOT believe this, but tonight I actually ran by a small herd of cows! There's a small farm a couple miles from our house, land locked by suburbia, and he runs about a dozen head. They were all grazing right by the fence as I was running by. I almost had to stop I was laughing so hard thinking about the bear thread and your cow picture. I really wish I had brought my phone with me so I could have taken a selfie with them and posted it. I'll try to run by there tomorrow and hopefully they'll be by the fence again.

    @shanaber, this is for you (but everyone else can check it out too). Kody gets very excited when he knows we're going out:

    ETA: Goal progress = 92 of 100 miles
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    @JoRocka , great photo!
    @mwyvr, I'll be thinking of you as you go under the ray gun tomorrow! Take care of yourself.
    @CrimsonWhite , glad you're back on the road! Summer colds are awful!
    @Dichotomy1976, I don't know what the conversion rate is, but two mountains should definitely be worth some miles.
    @skippygirlsmom, thumbs up on your 10k run and the great weather!
    @WhatMeRunning, do you take your resting HR before you get out of bed? I keep meaning to do that but by the time I remember I'm already in the shower.
    @dstock80, sounds like you're kickin' but in spite of not hitting your goal. Well done!
    @Jennifer8348683, welcome to the challenge!

  • patrikc333
    patrikc333 Posts: 436 Member
    nice 12 miles one today

    weather was awful, very windy, dark, but for some reasons I was in good spirit

    (with the exception of stinging nettles :smiley:, I hate them)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    8.1.15.... 5.41 M... 52:30.
    8.3.15.... 1 HR Lift + 2 hrs dance
    8.4.15.... 3.19 M.... 28:10 Afternoon Hot Run + 2 hrs of dance
    8.5.15.... 4.18 M....39:06 Nice cool morning run- feeling stiff-
    8.5.15.... Pt And Chiro Rest otherwise
    8.6.26.... 3.05 M..... 27:59 super cool morning
    8.7.15..... PT and Chiro- Rest otherwise
    8.8.15.... 6.30...1:01 Calf problems
    8.11.15... 3.02...30... super slow and rainy
    8.12.15.... 4.19 ...37:57... moderate-
    8.13.15.....3.00.... 35........Tread mill hills
    8.15.15..... 7.51.... 1:17- Hill run- WOOT WOOT
    8.18.15.....3.12..... 26:16-solid 3 miles
    8.19.15.... 4.16....39.27- holy.crap. humid lying run was lying- also- hysterical sweaty poop
    8.23.15.... 8.03 ...1:12... Super dark-Princeton run
    8.25.15.....3.05....26:05 - "easy" three miles- but didn't feel as easy as Sundays dirt path run. oh well. gott'er done.
    8.26.15..... 4.21... 36 "race pace" I have come to the conclusion 4 miles is not my distance- I dont' like it. It's short enough I think I can blast it like a 3 miler- and just past my immediate "push" range- where I should have settled in for a longer run. 5-6 and up I'm quiet happy- but 4 still seems to fall into the short category- but it's not something I can maintain at this point the same way I can hammer a 3 miler. It's weird. But I have determined I don't really care for these runs - but looking up at the list- this was my quickest 4 miler- so I can't complain.

    59.46 of 75 miles
    86.31 of total 225

    DAMNIT!!! ALMOST HIT 60!!! DERP! Oh well- tomorrow!!!

  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    edited August 2015
    8/1: 5 miles
    8/2: 11.5 miles
    8/3: 4 miles
    8/4: XT day: 42 min bike (12 miles) and 35 min walk (2 miles), AKA: 2 episodes of Gilmore Girls
    8/5: 8 miles
    8/6: 6.5 miles with the Thursday crew
    8/7: 5 miles
    8/8: 3 miles
    8/9: 18 miles
    8/10: 4 miles
    8/11: REST DAY!!
    8/12: 10 miles
    8/13: 7 miles am, 6.4 miles pm with Thursday crew
    8/14: REST DAY!!
    8/15: 6 miles with the Saturday morning group
    8/16: 14 miles
    8/17: 5 miles
    8/18: Rest
    8/19: 9.2 miles
    8/20: 8 miles am + 6.3 miles pm with Thursday crew
    8/21: Rest (went shopping and got the last of the "sizing down" clothes I need for summer/fall)
    8/22: 5 miles
    8/23: 15.1 miles
    8/24: 4 miles
    8/25: XT: 14 miles stationary bike, AKA: 2 episodes of You're the Worst
    8/26: 8 miles -- Apparently I had scheduled myself a surpise cutback-ish week this week. Yay!

    Perfect weather this morning! Low 60s, breezy, sunny... Loving this cooler weather! I didn't even take water with me, I just ran past the two functioning water fountains in town. So nice to have both hands free on a long midweek run for a change!


  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    1/8/15 - 3 miles
    3/8/15 - 1.5 miles
    4/8/15 - 1.5 miles
    6/8/15 - 1.5 miles
    7/8/15 - 2 miles
    8/8/15 - 3 miles
    10/8/15 - 1.75 miles
    11/8/15 - 1.75 miles
    13/8/15 - 1.75 miles
    14/8/15 - 1.75 miles
    16/8/15 - 3 miles
    17/8/15 - 2 miles
    19/8/15 - 1.5 miles
    20/8/15 - 1 mile
    23/8/15 - 3.5 miles
    26/8/15 - 1.75 miles


    So yesterday i was dragged all over an outdoor outlet mall by my daughter, had to get her school shoes as schools back next thursday
    Took her to the new balance store to get her some running shoes. I decided to go with the advice from her surgeon that sometimes we can ditch the splints if it effects functionality in an activity and allow her to run without her splints. I felt sorry for the poor guy. He tried her in several types of shoes while looking more and more puzzled by her gait. We went with a cushioning shoe in the end since she doesnt pronate as such its just her ankles and knees tip in

    Chose a short run today to see how she would get on with an easy out back to the car if i needed to carry her ..... kid smoked me lol
    She ran the whole way hills and all, yeah she looks like bambi on ice but she had fun and wasnt complaining, said she had fun

    Will try longer tomorrow and see how she copes but its looking like ill be the one holding every body back at the weekends now
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    She ran the whole way hills and all, yeah she looks like bambi on ice but she had fun and wasnt complaining, said she had fun

  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    Aug 1 - 43 mile bike ride
    Aug 2 - 37 mile bike ride
    Aug 3 - 4.1 miles
    Aug 4 - 4.15 miles in morning; strength training and cycling class. Yeah, I’m crazy.
    Aug 5 - 6.15 miles - too hot to do my long run for the week.
    Aug 6 - strength training and cycling class (hills!)
    Aug 7 - rest day
    Aug 8 - 34 mile bike ride
    Aug 9 - 46 mile bike ride
    Aug 10 - 5.1 miles
    Aug 11 - 1 hr cycling class and strength training
    Aug 12 - 3.5
    Aug 13 - 4.25 miles; strength training and cycling class. Still crazy.
    Aug 14 - rest day
    Aug 15 - 44 mile bike ride
    Aug 16 - 47 mile bike ride
    Aug 17 - 5.5 miles + strength training
    Aug 18 - cycling class (1 hour, 20 miles)
    Aug 19 - 6 miles + strength training
    Aug 20 - cycling class
    Aug 21 - 5.2 miles
    Aug 22 - 46 mile bike ride
    Aug 23 - 40 mile bike ride
    Aug 24 - strength training
    Aug 25 - 4.2 + cycling class
    Aug 26 - 4.2 miles - way too hot and humid for me this morning.


    Headed to San Francisco tomorrow!

    @7lenny7 - that is SO awesome that you are in such a rhythm with your running and can go forever. Amazing!

  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    This is something I pass on Sunday bike rides. Every time it gives me a smile and makes me wonder ... did people keep trying to walk on down that sidewalk? so they had to tell them ... it ends here?

    It's a great area for a bike ride, but I'd love to run this area as well. If we leave early enough we pass by several runners, and I get my usual runner's envy.

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    edited August 2015
    8/1 - 10 miles
    8/2 - 3.2 miles
    8/3 - 5.5 miles 1st day of school here, can't believe my baby is a Sophomore!
    8/4 - 3.2 miles
    8/5 - rest day
    8/6 - 1.8 miles ending up not getting back out last night - had to bring work home with me and worked until 9:30
    8/7 - 4.4 miles in the fog :tongue: 5K Run to the Rescue with Skip and some of her teammates tomorrow.
    8/8 - 3.1 Run to the Rescue 5K today. Skip and I ran, it was trail for almost 2 miles (I've never run off the road) then onto the road, then onto parking lot gravel (ugh) then back to and finish on grass. We don't have official times, I was I did a 9:43 pace just over 30 min so not near a PR, Skip said she was about 23:49 not near her PR either. I thought it was a tough course, a few hills. The trail was hard for me very rooty and uneven, but it was a lot of fun. I finished 3rd in my AG and she finished 1st in her AG.
    8/9 - 9.3 miles
    8/10 - 3.5 miles of recovery - it's my birthday it's my birthday!! :sunglasses:
    8/11- 6.1 miles
    8/12 - 3.5 miles - Wed is usually my rest day but I need to be in work at OhDark30 the next two days so I ran today.
    8/13 - rest day
    8/14 - rest day - work got in the way for 2 days :-(
    8/15 - 6.5 miles - halfway right on schedule
    8/16 - 8.6 miles - longest run ever for Skip - so proud of her
    8/17 - 3.5 miles of leisurely run in the rain
    8/18 - rest day
    8/19 - 6.4 miles legs still sore and they talked to me the whole run - they weren't cursing so I kept going :smiley:
    8/20 - 5.1 miles
    8/21 - 3.5 miles - overslept a bit so I knew I couldn't do the 4.5 I wanted ended up with a 10:15 pace, felt great.
    8/22 - 6.5 miles
    8/23 - 3.5 miles legs so heavy ugh for the second day
    8/24 - rest day
    8/25 - 6.2 miles - couldn't be any nicer 60F low humidity, I was actually chilly the first 3 miles. Just an awesome run! Decided to run a true 10K my time was 1:04.17 I was very happy.
    8/26 - 5.5 miles - another fantastic morning, put the long sleeves on today. Skip's first meet is Saturday she can't wait to run it in this weather.

    109.1 miles of 120

  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    8/1 - 5.82 mi
    8/2 - 4.05 mi
    8/3 - 4.35 mi of on-track speed work...tough!
    8/4 - Rest day; might sneak in a walk this evening though.
    8/5 - 2.0 mi on indoor track; 45 minutes of aerobics / cross-training with HM group.
    8/6 - 3.1 mi, beautiful morning in Central Iowa!
    8/7 - 4.25 mi, love that 70° and humid now seems pleasant!
    8/8 - 5.7 mi with my HM training group
    8/9 - rest day
    8/10 - 3.5 mi along the Galena River.
    8/11 - 4.48 mi, cool morning
    8/12 - 4.6 mi; 2.5 of hill repeats with 2.1 run to finish up (HM training group)
    8/13 - 4.75 mi, Trek/treadmill
    8/14 - 4 mi; one of those runs that is hard, but you don't know why.
    8/15 - 6.01 mi with HM training group
    8/16 - 3.18...5k PR woo hoo! 24:39 chip time
    8/17 - 5.58 mi, some tempo intervals bookended by a few easy miles. Sore from the weekend.
    8/18 - rest day
    8/19 - 5.23 mi with HM training group...lots of hills. Now I am seriously hungry!
    8/20 - 4.4 mi, Trek/treadmill
    8/21 - unplanned rest day; sore/swollen ankle
    8/22 - 4.0 mi
    8/23 - 7.55 mi with HM training group; beautiful morning for a run!
    8/24 - 5.7 mi of intervals with HM training group; loving the cool weather!
    8/25 - rest day
    8/26 - 5.6 mi of hill repeats / ladders with HM training group. Gonna hurt later, but feeling pumped now.
