July 2015 Running Challenge



  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    edited July 2015
    Back from our trip and have not had time to catch up yet. I finally got a run in today and decided to do my normal Wednesday long run today, since I did not run Tuesday or Wednesday.

    7/1 - 12 miles
    7/2 - 6 miles (18 miles total)
    7/4 - 16 miles (34 miles total)
    7/5 - 12 miles (46 miles total)
    7/7 - 6 miles (52 total)
    7/8 - 12 miles (64 total)
    7/9 - 6 miles (70 total)
    7/11 - 16 miles (86 total)
    7/14 - 6 miles (92 total)
    7/15 - 12 miles (104 total)
    7/16 - 6 miles (110 total)
    7/18 - 16 miles (126 total)
    7/19 - 12 miles (138 total)
    7/23 - 12 miles (150 total)

    Goal 200 miles

  • RunTimer
    RunTimer Posts: 9,137 Member
    edited July 2015
    Way to go everyone[/b]!!!

    Awsome pix @7lenny7 ! Looks like you had a blast.
    • Jul 04 - 5.2mi
    • Jul 10 - 3.8mi
    • Jul 12 - 5.5mi
    • Jul 18 - 9.7mi (Bay Bridge run)
    • Jul 22 - 6.2mi

    30.4 so I'm, technically, I'm done (I have got to stop lowballing)


    Let's see how far behind the catcher I can go:wink:
  • Timby1
    Timby1 Posts: 294 Member
    The turtle did 4.48 today bringing my total to 22.26 for the month. Not where I want to be but getting back into and taking it slow...
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    July goal 70 miles

    7/1 Snorkel 3 hours
    7/2 6.25
    7/3 horribly ill
    7/4 moderately ill
    7/5 well enough to do 2.55
    7/6 3.15
    7/7 2.86
    7/8 helped build a chicken coop
    7/9 built more of a chicken coop (my anniversary gift)
    7/10 rested from building a chicken coop
    7/11 6.26
    7/12 rest
    7/13 3.19
    7/14 3.59
    7/15 rest
    7/16 4.41
    7/17 2.20
    7/18 5.19
    7/19 3.53
    7/20 lazy
    7/21 4.24 Chaffing De Heartrate's the name....chaffing I'm REALLY good at!
    7/22 snorkel 2.45hrs: unicorn fish with fins flared (the fins are usually folded flat against the body....I got lucky with that shot!

    7/23 4.25

    Total 51.83
    @7lenny7 :great story!

    (Ticker is my goal for 2015 and accumulation to date)


  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »

    @Stoshew71 thanks for your insight. I will look at adding more fish. I do take iron water supplements. My iron was 13 last week, where 12 is the cut off for anemia. I have upped my frequency on the iron because I think it could be higher. I love coconut water and avocados. I'll digest all you have to offer.

    Tomorrow I plan on an early run, should be 75-ish at 6am.. Way better than today's heat index of 107.

    @Elise4270 Here are 2 links for iron rich foods along with a little geeky science:


  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    @7lenny7 Great race photos. Glad you made it to the starting line.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    karllundy wrote: »

    Anyone have reviews, good or bad, on GPS watches? Thinking about one so I can stop carrying my phone to track mileage.

    DC Rainmaker is the best, most thorough and unbiased analysis of most GPS watches.

    If price concerned, you can always look on Ebay or Craigs List for used ones. People are constantly upgrading to something newer and fancier, and some of the older ones work just fine for a beginner runner.

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    @melaniefave41 and @skippygirlsmom, thanks for the encouragement! Most of my running in the past has been on the treadmill, and while I've done well with it, I guess I never pushed the speed aspect of things. Running outside without the set speed I just kind of go with how I feel, so I always run a bit faster outside. Even then I've only averaged at just over 12 minutes per mile for a decent length run. So it was nice to see some improvement-maybe putting in the base mileage is starting to have an impact.

    I also think on the treadmill it's harder to run faster just because there's nothing else to focus on-I'm just so in my head. I'm like, ohh wait, am I breathing ok? Is my posture fine? Am I tensing up too much? Yada, yada, yada.
    Outside I have to focus on not tripping over the sidewalk (since I've already shown what a klutz I can be just walking), avoiding running into the people walking their dogs, how far I am from that stop sign, etc. I don't know that the outside run is that much more exciting, since it's just a 1 mile loop around my neighborhood, but there are more distractions.

    Having said that, today I felt really good, so I figured I'd go out for a short run, just see how it goes, not push it, and not worry about how slow or how fast it was, since last night's run was so good. I got in 2 miles, with an average of 9:23 minutes per mile, and the first mile was at 8:47 minutes. I think something is just starting to click, so maybe I won't be a penguin forever :) (If I am, though, that's ok too). I'm sure I'll have plenty of those runs where I just struggle through and think "well that was just meh" after it's over, but I'm guessing there will be some like yesterday and today that really feel great.

    Sorry to ramble.....

    That makes my total for the month 29.75 out of 35 miles.

    Oh you need to get out of the neighborhood. :-)

    Find a nice nature trail or greenway. Get out and enjoy the fresh air and hear the sounds of birds chirping and rivers rushing. I started out on the treadmill. Now I find the treadmill to be exhaustive on the mind. Especially anything longer than 3 or 4 miles.

    Get out on the trails even if you have to be slower and more careful about where you step. On the TM, your motion is the same over and over again, leaving your muscles relaxed into the same repeated action. Outside your feet are constantly readjusting to the uneven ground which promotes muscle growth because you use your muscles slightly different each time your foot hits the ground (your ankles, calves, and shins may feel sore intitially as you adjust to outside running because of this). It also promotes your bones and joints to become stronger with the increased pounding on pavement or ground. Just get some good running shoes with cushioning.

    However there is one good thing about the treadmill. Controlled pace. Like if I wanted to do a specfic speed interval workout at a very specific pace, I can set the TM to that speed. Once it is set, I have no choice to run it or jump off. Outside, if you are not paying attention, you can slow down (or speed up) without realizing it. Same principle if you need to practice running at a very specific race pace.

  • CancerSurvivor2014
    CancerSurvivor2014 Posts: 111 Member
    July goal 40 miles/36.5 completed so far
    Ran 1 mile(9min) on treadmill after lifting.
    only 2.5 to go>> and i thought I set a high goal...on track(literally) to blow it out!
  • briebee7
    briebee7 Posts: 224 Member

    DATE ... MILES
    7/1 ... 5
    7/2 ... 5.5
    7/4 ... 10
    7/5 ... 10
    7/6 ... 2
    7/7 ... 6.5
    7/9 ... 3
    7/11 ... 18
    7/13 ... 4
    7/14 ... 5.5
    7/15 ... 6.5
    7/16 ... 7
    7/19 ... 5.5
    7/20 ... 4
    7/21 ... 5.5
    7/22 ... 5

    103/150 goal

    I know there was a lot of shoe discussion earlier and so I wanted to share that I go new trail shoes yesterday: Brooks Puregrit. Took them out for a 5 mile trail run last night and loved them!
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Speaking of treadmills, "Once it is set, I have no choice to run it or jump off."
    I guess there is one more option....

  • KOW75
    KOW75 Posts: 92 Member
    7/1 - 4.05
    7/3 - 6.91
    7/5 - 4.02
    7/6 - 3.05
    7/8 - 4.52
    7/9 - 8.37
    7/11 - 4.29
    7/13 - 3.08
    7/14 - 4.51
    7/15 - 4.52
    7/16 - 4.53
    7/19 - 6.2
    7/22 - 4.56

    62.61 of 100 miles

    Anyone else having trouble getting tickerfactory to work?
  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    Does anyone run without eating beforehand? I normally have a scoop of protein powder in my coffee, but I'm running so early that I'm not sure I'll want anything.
    I hardly ever drink coffee at home, but if I did, it would be black, no protein powder allowed in there. I need a few moments of moving around the appartment before hitting the road anyway, so I drink usually make myself an orange juice + joghurt shake if I run in the morning. Alternatively, if I forgot to buy joghurt, I eat a small chocolate cookie with my juice ( super-healthy, I know o:) ).

    @Runningmischka - that sounds really scary. I'm glad everything went will with the surgery and your little one is allright! I hope now you can enjoy your runs without worrying.

    @rosso0507 Welcome! Running 3 miles is absolutely great.
    It's funny how things can change - in school I absolutely hated running. We would have to run two laps (800m) before sports classes, and I used to walk when I was on the far side of the track, where I could pretend not to hear the teacher's yelling to keep running B) If anyone had told me that one day I would run for fun, I would have told them they were insane.

    @7lenny7 Thanks for the race report. Sounds like you and your daughter had a great time!

    @HonuNui That fish is just sooo cool - I didn't know there were unicorn fish.

    @briebee7 Congrats on the new shoes :smile: I have some Brooks PureFlow, which I like a lot. The PureGrit sound very nice too; I'll have to see if I can try them out somewhere.
  • CrimsonWhite
    CrimsonWhite Posts: 104 Member
    @Stoshew71 -Yah, I definitely need to get out of the neighborhood. My one mile loop is getting boring. We have a lot of great greenways and parks in the area. Right now I mostly run in the evening and it can be late enough it's getting dark, so I need to do some research and see what parks may have areas I can run with lighting (handy bathrooms are a big plus too). In the fall when it gets cooler, hopefully I'll be doing longer runs by then, so on the weekends I can get out in the afternoon since it'll be cooler, and run some of the trails.

    And you're right, I also am not the best yet at keeping my pace where I want it to be outside. I can usually feel if I'm going too fast and am going to burn out quickly. I just try to pay attention to my app on the phone and pace by that. I figure that will get better with some practice as well. And modern technology is a wonderful thing to help us in that area!
  • 419er
    419er Posts: 53 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    rosso0507 wrote: »
    I just recently started running for the first time in my life where i get out there and enjoy it. I always fixated running as a negative due to soccer. I can do sprints but long distance killed me and i always got anxiety. I am finally running upwards of 3 miles at a time. Which does not seem like a lot but for me is a HUGE accomplishment. I figured this group will help me keep it up :)

    Welcome. That is how I started. 3 miles on the treadmill at a time. I grew up in HS with wrestling and football. So I can understand where you are coming from.

    I also started on the treadmill. 20 minutes a day is all the time I could find. At first I could barely do a mile. I remember how excited I was when I did 1.5 miles, then 2.0 miles. Then eventually the rains quit and I could get outside. Congratulations @rosso0507 on getting this far!
  • 419er
    419er Posts: 53 Member
    Another day where the run started late and felt like crap. Another day where I didn't want to get out there - but I'm slightly competitive, so I had to get out and get day 25 in a row on my marathon training plan under my belt.

    The ticker thing doesn't seem to be working - so I'll just say that's 105 out of 173 done for the month. Tomorrow is my second longest run of the month - 14 miles. Then 16 on the last day to round it out at 173. whew.
  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    edited July 2015
    Used getting the truck serviced as an excuse for a mid-week 28km long run around Vancouver's various seawalls, in the end running right through Canada's poorest neighbourhood through one of Canada's richest. And then home (definitely not in the richest). Felt pretty good except for the last uphill 4 km... definitely bonking but fortunately a kid's park had a stand selling fruit juice boxes for 50 cents each. Two did the trick.
    Month to date:		227.90 km 
    Goal:			200.00 km / 124 miles (113% completed)
    Stretch Goal:		242.00 km / 150 miles (94% completed)
    Thu Jul 23 27.89 km City seawall and streets
    Wed Jul 22 ---- Rest Day
    Tue Jul 21 10.51 km Back to surreal world lake trail
    Mon Jul 20 13.35 km Exploring hills and vineyards
    Sun Jul 19 06.09 km Shorter early morning date run, getting hot!
    Sat Jul 18 08.26 km Check out river trail in wine country
    Fri Jul 17 10.56 km Shake off the cobwebs city run
    Thu Jul 16 09.73 km Mountain trail "run"
    Wed Jul 15 21.89 km City + river path run
    Tue Jul 14 ---- Beer, er, Rest Day
    Mon Jul 13 ---- Rest Day
    Sun Jul 12 21.29 km Lake trail x2 (61.37 km weekly total, 1,173 meters climbing)
    Sat Jul 11 06.20 km City streets
    Fri Jul 10 11.11 km Mountain trail run
    Thu Jul 09 10.79 km Mountain trail run
    Wed Jul 08 ----- Rest day
    Tue Jul 07 11.98 km Mountain trail run
    Mon Jul 06 ----- Rest day
    Sun Jul 05 07.66 km Trail run (86.10 km weekly total, 2,209 meters climbing)
    Sat Jul 04 18.90 km Mountain trail run
    Fri Jul 03 09.84 km Stanley Park
    Thu Jul 02 11.93 km Mountain trail run
    Wed Jul 01 09.99 km River trail run

    Lots of running along Vancouver's various seawalls today...

  • Runningmischka
    Runningmischka Posts: 386 Member
    Thank you everyone for the kind words! :*

    @7lenny7 Wow, awesome pics with your daughter!!! I hope one day my husband races with my little girl, there is just something so special about daddies and their little girls doing fun things together :)

    @Honuhui Fantastic pics, as always! Keep them coming, please. Visiting Hawaii is on my bucket list, so it's nice to see what I will be visiting one day.

    @WhatMeRunning Wowza, crazy mileage :# I think my highest was 145 miles a month just before I got pregnant. Maybe one day Ill be able to reach for 200. Way to be awesome!

    @stoshew71 As usual, tons of useful info for new and experienced runners. And that video is hysterical! I wish I could say I'd be this smooth, but that would be a big fat lie hahaha

    Ok, back to business.

    7/1 = 5 miles
    7/2 = 6 miles @ 6 weeks postpartum!
    7/3 = weight training in the morning, 4 miles stroller walk
    7/4 = Rest day, holiday dinner with the family and a very cranky baby. Add a dog terrified by the fireworks, shaking, panting and salivating on my bed, and you get the whole picture of my 4th of July night. Breath in…Breath out…
    7/5 = 4 miles run, hot and humid, but I needed it for my sanity; 3 miles walk with the baby.
    7/6 = 3 miles. Super hot, humid, yucky but an outside run it was!
    7/7 = 2 miles around the block. Very tired today.
    7/8 = 6 miles
    7/9 = Rest day, very much needed!
    7/10 = 5 miles
    7/11 = 4 miles stroller walk, both mommy and baby needed it
    7/12 = 4 miles stroller walk
    7/13 = strength training
    7/14 = 1 mile quick walk
    7/15 = 5 miler run, woohoo! Perfect weather this morning.
    7/16 = rest day
    7/17 = 4 miles, hot and humid.
    7/22 = 5 miles. This was a great run! The weather was just perfect and I my baby was peacefully sleeping in her own bed.
    7/23 = 4.5 miles

    65.5 miles done
    14.5 miles to go
    80 miles is my goal. The ticker is not updating today for some reason.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited July 2015
    @mwyvr love the pix. I'm on mobile and I usually can't see any of the graphics.

    Well, I think I was stalling out because I needed an extra rest day. I felt good today. But ran at a different park where the trail is 80-90% shade. I think I'll make the effort 30 miles one way. August is hotter than July, so unless I wanna run on the treadmill... (That we bought and rarely use)..

    1- rest
    2-lunch swim, 12.15 bike
    3-0.52 GI upset. Decided to lay on couch and eat popsicles instead.
    4-5.18 hot. HI 99, temp 89 humidity 60%
    5- 4.80 run, cold spring dip, run
    7- 3.27 80° 90% precip.
    9- 3.65 86° 62% humidity
    10- no run, SI pain
    11-5.47 improved pace!
    12- migraine
    13- 6.06 Evening run with hubby 91° 68% humidity. Feels like 98°.
    14- 2.82 93° 63% humidity.  Good run.
    15-  5.89
    16- rest after super hot run attempt
    18- 3.58 hot run turned into a hot walk. HI100+
    19AM- 5.53 same as yesterday
    19PM- 3.51 cooler, 87° feels like 95°
    20- rest
    21- 4.59
    22- quick Y swim.. Wierdness- coming of medicine and its made me extra wierd. Dizzy, and tingling from head to hands. Not really trusting myself swimming...it almost like Lhermitte's sign, but probably not. But was only when I turned my head to the left. rest day (thank goodness too. HI is 110°).. See how weird I am.. Sheesh..
    23- 4.73 run, cold spring dip 55°, run HI 105°, but ima beast. Love a good run. Didn't worry much about pace, just tried to run and not walk much.

    Saw my pain doc today and he put me back on med I just tapered off of due to, what I thought was, an unwanted side effect....mixed feelings over addictive med VS pain. My brain does not like coming off of SNRI's..and I don't like being mentally blah either.

    55.97/70+. My legs are not symmetrical. I swear I'm 2 people... Crazy people...
  • 419er
    419er Posts: 53 Member
    @ddmom0811 I rarely give up my secrets - BUT - since you have admitted you are a Sports Beans user, I should tell you that you can get 3oz packages of "Irregular" sports beans on eBay for $1.45 or less per package. I have a basket full of these that I've been eating away on for the past 6 months. Depending on where you shop, that's at least half off the 'running store' price. This is all I use on my runs. I love the fact that I can control my intake so precisely and so consistently. I feel "level" rather than the ups and downs that I get with those Gu packages. Plus I always feel like a toddler when I'm done having a Gu - with sticky stuff all over my face and hands.