

  • You don't know what mead is?! *gasp* It's only the best form of alcohol consumption in the history of man. And arguably the oldest, too. It's technically considered to be a wine but is actually its own stand-alone beverage. Made from honey, it's characterized by a very sweet flavor and is usually a lovely golden color. Oh,…
    in Sucks Comment by Tomlette February 2011
  • Pfft, white wine, red wine....I could really care less for either. Mead, though. I will sell my body to science for a bottle of mead. Come to me, my honey-distilled darling!!!!
    in Sucks Comment by Tomlette February 2011
  • I like it all, though I have to admit I'm fond of BOTH TNG and TOS. I'm more of a Whovian than a Trekkie, however. :)
  • The first time I had to deal with "that time" while using the site, I almost died. I also gained weight. It horrified me. Plus, being the time that it was, I was moody and achy anyway and is just wasn't a good thing, not a good thing at all. So I vowed that I would make this work, I would make the weight vanish, and stayed…
  • I just use real maple syrup. It requires less to taste good, and actually has less calories than most "regular" syrups. It's more expensive, true, but still very good. I've heard a berry compote is really good on pancakes and waffles, too.
  • I just posted a recipe for talipia further down (Blueberry Beer Talipia and Apples). It's a grilling recipe. I also like to make a rub from paprika, basil, salt, and any other herb that sounds good at the time, then either bake or grill it with lemon juice.
  • Heat them in a pot and eat them?? *lol* That's what I do with kidney beans
  • That sounds great! I sent it to a friend of mine who has to cook for her diabetic husband a lot. Thanks for sharing!
  • I wouldn't worry about 50 calories. I agree with Desirai, if you didn't feel hungry, and you had that left over, the kudos to you!! Those are the kind of habits that's been helping me loose, and will probably help you, too.
  • Good luck to you! This site has been a real boon to me -- I hope it is for you as well!!
  • I had trouble with it at first, too, and I'm only at 1380. But I started reading the labels on food, and paying attention to my eating habits. Now I'm having trouble making 1200 calories because I eat so much low-cal food, I'm just not hungry enough. *lol* I've found starting with a breakfast bigger than what you're used…
  • I recently bought the "Cook This! Not That!" cookbook and they have some GREAT low-cal appetizers in there. I had the Terriyaki Sea Scallops tonight, and substituted real bacon with turkey bacon. It was really, REALLY good. It's got some other great low-cal recipes too.
  • Well, my horses have no issues carrying me, but they are my children. I'm gonna friend you -- us horse folks need to stick together. :)
  • I just drink water and that usually clears it up. Thirst is often mistaken for hunger, and I personally have found that I dry out pretty easily. Doing some kind of activity to take you mind off of it helps, particularly a physical activity. BUT, if none of that does the trick, munch some fruit or veggies. I'll often have…
  • Wow! Thanks for the great response everyone! Since I just started, I will be taking a lot of your suggestions to heart. Exercise is hard for me -- if I plan on walking long distances, I need to use a cane or walking stick due to a knee injury. But I am going to be doing more light walking, and I plan to try to ride more. I…