Here goes nothing

Hello! First time dieting and calorie counting and all that fun stuff. I think I can do it, but I'd LOVE help and tips. Like what foods to avoid, what to embrace, things like that. Hope to meet some great folks!!


  • sblowes
    sblowes Posts: 66 Member
    Welcome! The best advice I can give is to eat small, and eat often. Shoot for 5 - 6 meals a day, at around 250 - 350 calories per meal (depending on your calorie goal.) Also, try to get a good mix of protein, carbs and vegetables in each meal.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Welcome to MFP! This is a great site with tons of helpful, friendly people. You CAN do it! Since you asked - a few quick bits of advice, which you may or may not already know/follow. (When someone asks for general advice, it's hard to know what their starting point is or where they are coming from... so pardon me if these seem a bit "basic")

    -It looks like you don't have much weight to lose (based on your profile) - don't expect it to come off quickly! The less you have to lose, the slower it is. You should have a pretty low goal as far as loss per week (1/2 to 1 lb) - if you lose more, great - but it's not good to have too high if a deficit if you don't have much to lose.

    -Drink enough water! This is one of the biggest factors for me - when I don't drink enough, it's much harder to lose weight, even if I exercise and eat right.

    -As far as what foods to avoid - the more procesed foods you avoid, the better. Fresh, homemade foods are ALWAYS better for you - not only do you control exactly what goes in it (therefore avoiding the excess sugar/sodium/bad fats/etc. in processed foods) but you also avoid some of the preservatives/chemicals that many people think can be harmful in the long run. If you eat mostly from these foods, you'll be just fine: Lean meats, fish, fresh fruits/veggies (starchier veggies are okay in moderation, especially the healthier ones like sweet potatoes, winter squash, peas), legumes, eggs, dairy, lighly processed whole grains (oatmeal, quinoa, barley,etc.), nuts/seeds and healthy fats (olive oil), etc.

    -Learn to read food labels - You CAN be healthy and buy some processed/canned/etc. food - but you have to learn to buy the lower-sodium, no-sugar added, etc. options when they're available. Generally the fewer ingredients the better. Ex. buying peanut butter that is made only from peanuts, rather than having extra salt, sugar and oils added in.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Welcome to MFP! Some tips i can offer from my own personal experience:

    1. Eat small meals frequently throughout the day
    2. Exercise 5 or 6 times per weeks...cardio and strength training
    3. Drink water, not soda
    4. Get 7 - 8 hours of sleep each night if possible
    5. Prepare yourself mentally by realizing this is not a diet but a weight loss journey. Diets are temporary...journeys are long term.
    6. Reward your successes but don't beat yourself up if you slip up...that's why it's a'll learn what does and doesn't work for you
    7. Friend as many people as possible on MFP so you form a support network of like-minded people

    Best of luck to you on your journey. Feel free to friend me if you want.
  • TinaRodina
    TinaRodina Posts: 110 Member
    Good luck!! You can do it :)
  • Tomlette
    Wow! Thanks for the great response everyone! Since I just started, I will be taking a lot of your suggestions to heart. Exercise is hard for me -- if I plan on walking long distances, I need to use a cane or walking stick due to a knee injury. But I am going to be doing more light walking, and I plan to try to ride more. I already ride my horses once a week -- I hope to try to ride three times a week, but with winter and work sometimes I don't get off until after dark. Night rides, here I come I guess. *LOL*

    Thanks again to everyone's support!