lafournier2 Member


  • Wow.... hot topic. Here's my humble opinion as far as the research I've done over the past year or two on this whole carb issue. Take it or leave it, but seems to work for me :) 1. I try to follow a moderate content of carbs in my diet... kind of paleo style, which recommends about 40% cals from protein, 30-40% cals from…
  • I have gotten so many compliments about my Dolce and Gabbana "l'eau the one"... and to me, it smells like the hotel Palazzo in Vegas, which always makes me feel warm and fuzzy :)
  • I do both the gym and insanity. I alternated days with running/lifting at the gym and the insanity work outs. seems to work out pretty well so far :) been doing it for 3 months. Also, that way I dont get bored of one or the other.
  • the logic behind the idea of not eating too much before bed is that you are sleeping rather than burning the calories you ate. so the extra cals get stored while you sleep rather than being burned like you would during the day. yes, if you have calories left technically you would think your body would just use those night…
  • thanks all :) all great advice. especially the water thing. really dont drink enough water and i need to work on that. and i do try to curb my appetite with a small amount of tea, that does seem to help! :)
  • <3 my polar FT4 :)
  • ice cream (honestly, who ever eats only 1/2 a cup... that is a stupid serving size!) donuts starbucks (except the skinny coffees) cake/brownies/frosting (wayyyy to delicious) still snag an occasional piece of Dove chocolate or a krackle bar here or there at work... but no more than 1 a day. salad dressing (i use olive oil…
  • I was having the same problem, got up to 5 miles and my knees started pooping out. Started wearing knee braces which did help quite a bit but still at the 5 mile mark my knees would start really bothering me and i would be limping for 2 days afterwards. I ended up deciding that running just isnt for me.... sticking to…
  • cliff bar chocolate brownie flavor is really chocolatey and rich, only 240 cals, and has a bunch of prots and fiber in it. could use it as part of a meal or a mid-day snack to keep you going :)
  • i had Ab Ripper memorized after about 4 times of doing it at home... I also actually uploaded the videos onto my I-touch, and took that to the gym with me so I could watch them as i did it. Not 100% ideal but better than carrying a laptop around :)
  • Some protein shakes are safer than others... check out this Consumer's Report. EAS has a scary amount of arsenic in it... I'm not sure what dose is require to cause acute problems, but I can't imagine repeatedly putting arsenic in your body day after day wouldn't cause cancer in the long term. Any heavy metal is…
  • thanks so much! I will check it out!
  • haha I knew you would say that! guess i'll have to look into getting one. any suggestions as to where?