To all the Beachbody folks

I am so impressed with the results I see with the people doing BeachBody. I have the Insanity & P90X videos, but I joined a gym last summer. I was so burnt out on videos and now I prefer working out at the gym - for many reasons. Here is my question - does Beachbody have a workout program/plan that people can do on their own at the gym or is it all video based?? I looked on the website but did not see anything that wasn't video based.
Thanks so much for the help!


  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    It is all video based. HOWEVER, many Beachbody Coaches run Free Fit Clubs across the country where do the videos in a group setting. I can help you find one in your area if you like.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Your best option would be if you have the work out memorized then you can do it at the gym - in particular weights such as P90X or ChaLean Extreme.

    4 year Turbo Jammer here also joined a gym for the first time Dec 31. Loving the gym btw! I wanted a higher caloric burn therefore I became limited to the 50 min Punch Kick Jam DVD only so it wasn't as fun since I had no variety. Plus my bsmt is cold in the winter, lol ;)
  • craek
    craek Posts: 201 Member
    I started my second round of Chalean Extreme at the gym...the circuits anyways. My package of the program came with a book that showed each strength training exercise so I would take that with me to the gym and follow it. Since it was my second time around it was easier because I knew I had form down and everything.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Did you do the lifting DVD's on the P90X workout? The reason that I ask is because from time to time if I am at the gym I may do my own chest and back workout there. I do it with the same type of speed and intensity that I would do following Tony Horton. So say if I wanted to do chest and back at the gym. i would go over to the lat pull-down machine. I would do a set of 10-15 reps and drop right in front of the machine and knock out some push-ups.

    You can take some dumb bells to a bench. Alternate between shoulder presses and chair dips on the bench. From following the P90X DVD's enough the workouts become ingrained in your mind. You know the type of moves to do and to alternate. Also, you would have learned to only rest between 30 seconds to a minute. The DVD's may get boring after awhile, but you can learn to mix up the programs, incorporate the workouts with your gym visits, or take the intensity that you learned from the DVD's to the gym.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I saw a guy in the gym in my office building who was doing P90X. He has his laptop propped up on the floor, had some weights with him, and would walk over to the pull up bar things when necessary. It actually cracked me up! I guess that's one way to do the DVDs at the gym... hahahaha
  • toddgaines
    I know the Insanity Upper Body weight training routine is actually filmed in a gym setting. It would be easy enough to just write down the exercises / reps on a sheet of paper and follow that at the gym.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I know the Insanity Upper Body weight training routine is actually filmed in a gym setting. It would be easy enough to just write down the exercises / reps on a sheet of paper and follow that at the gym.

    That is great workout to try to copy at the gym. It is super fast and energetic.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    If you have the P90X workout sheets and become familiar with the exercises, you can do that video free at the gym. When I do P90X Mass workouts (heavier weights, weighted vest, 6-8 reps) I don't use the dvds. I just look at the sheets, do the exercise and when it's time for your cardio "break", I hit the stopwatch for the 30 or 60 seconds.
  • dgilner
    dgilner Posts: 120 Member
    thank you everyone for your suggestions!! I didn't even think about just taking the sheets to the gym!! some times I guess things are a bit "too obvious" ha!
  • lafournier2
    lafournier2 Posts: 20 Member
    i had Ab Ripper memorized after about 4 times of doing it at home...

    I also actually uploaded the videos onto my I-touch, and took that to the gym with me so I could watch them as i did it. Not 100% ideal but better than carrying a laptop around :)