My knees hurt from running

I looooove running. I'm already running/jogging about 3.5 miles at a time (started last Thursday). The only thing is, my knees hurt the next day, forcing me to take a rest day in between the days I can run. Is there something to strengthen my knees so I can can run 4-5 times a week instead of just 3?



  • Pie319
    Pie319 Posts: 129 Member
    Lunges and Squats are great. You just have to strengthen all your leg, glute, and hip muscles so they support your joints.
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    Get fitted for running shoes that cater to your specific needs at a running store. I had this problem too when I started running, then I went to a running store where they watched my gait and looked at my feet, and recommended shoes with a specific kind of support (for me, good arch support since my feet tend to pronate). Everyone's needs are different which is why the brand or cost don't necessarily mean they will be right for you. I'd also recommend wrapping your knees during your runs or getting a band for just under your knees, for support.

    Of course, I'm not an expert, and it's possible there are other issues for you, but these things made a HUGE difference for me!
  • nrvo
    nrvo Posts: 473 Member
    If you can, try running on grass rather than pavement. It's less impact on the knees.
  • lafournier2
    lafournier2 Posts: 20 Member
    I was having the same problem, got up to 5 miles and my knees started pooping out. Started wearing knee braces which did help quite a bit but still at the 5 mile mark my knees would start really bothering me and i would be limping for 2 days afterwards. I ended up deciding that running just isnt for me.... sticking to Insanity and other forms of exercise because its a great workout but the lack of repetitive motion involved in running doesn't bother my knees. Good luck, try the braces and strengthening, most people find a huge difference by doing that.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Go get yourself properly fitted for running shoes if you haven't already - the shoe can make a huge difference!

    Also, the main way that new runners get injured is by going all out too far, too fast, too much, too soon. You should look to increase only your weekly mileage by 10% each week. (I think the number of 10% you should google it, or look up some training tips from Runners World). Regardless, take it easy and build up slowly!

    Some weeks I can run 4-5 days, other weeks I can only run 3 days - friends of mine can't run more than two days in a row, and others can run every day of the week. Listen to your body, it'll tell you how often its ready to run!

    Good luck!