

  • 16.5. I need to get the Demamp Camp training videos. I hear they'll turn your biceps into triceps and your triceps into god knows what...
  • "Me thinks"- really pisses me off. Your dump opinion is still dumb even if you try to say it like you're Shakespeare. "Dominate" when they really meant "dominant". As in: "The Reds are really going to be dominate this year"
  • "Flash Gordon; Quarterback, New York Jets" -Flash Gordon; Quarterback, New York Jets
  • I don't know that order matters greatly, but I would probably do my lifting first using the same principle that they must have used to decide the order of events in a triathlon. Do the events most likely to hurt you while you're the freshest. Depending on the kind of cardio you're doing, you can probably get away with…
  • I thought it was from Short Circuit.
  • Not sure what my Bench or Deadlift are, but my power level is over 9,000.
  • I'll be a slightly dissenting voice here and say that I'm not sure if a heart rate monitor will give you the whole picture. Especially just starting out, push ups will probably have effects closer to weight lifting than aerobics. I've often read that the bigger calorie burn from lifting is in the bodies repair process, not…
  • This may sound like an oversimplified dumb answer, but have you tried loosening the shoelaces? Sometimes my sister would get this problem of her feet going numb with new shoes, and just loosening the laces helped. It's possible that newer shoes that haven't been broken in yet could be your issue.
  • Mexican Halloween
  • I think the biggest issue here is that she was referring to dating sites if I read it correctly, and I don't think the situation she's describing afflicts only men. Yeah, personality match is ultimately more important than attraction, but how much of a persons actual makeup are you getting from a quick blurb on the…
  • Snatches, with burpees a distant second
  • Big time second on Mcmillan running- but make sure you're using paces based on where you are and not where you want to be. A lot of people go to sites like that, and say- I can run a 20 minute 5k, and my goal is to go 19 minutes- so they'll plug that pace in- which is asking for trouble. He also has an awesome series of…
  • Your first problem might be trying to do your runs at race pace. It's a mistake that a lot of people make- they try to run everything too fast. And believe me, I've been as guilty of it as anyone in the past, but you should only be running close to race pace a few days a week max. Most of your runs should be relatively…
  • Too lazy to read the article, but what makes him certain that whether you're nice or mean to someone determines what they weigh? That's taking a possibly inconsequential factor, and saying that if you change it you'll change outcomes. E.G. So, I kicked four goats last week, and it's still hot in Brazil. I guess that means…
  • Though it's a crude measure, I used some online calculators to guess at my then current body fat percentage, and multiplied that by my weight to arrive at a lean body mass total. Then I used the body fat percentage I want to get to (8-10%) to back into what I would consider my ideal weight. For example, I was 200 when I…
  • Agreed- don't be afraid of natural, healthy fats like avocado. I've been upping my fat intake, and eating unprocessed foods, and the weight is coming off like crazy for me.
  • You have to consider the goal of lifting weights. I'm pretty sure that when you lift, it breaks your muscles down, and the goal is that when your body repairs them, it repairs them just a bit stronger to be able to handle that load better in the future. The same process takes place with cardio, but the breakdown is…