sara4159 Member


  • If you know the hosts well you could always have a conversation before the party. Start with you appreciate the invite and always love the food they serve, but you're trying to eat a little lighter. Would they mind holding back a plain serving of whatever they are having without the sauce? Would it help if you brought a…
  • We have monthly cake for all the birthdays that fall in the month. I generally avoid them. Last month, since it was my birthday, they brought the cake to me. I had to turn down 3 pieces that people were kind enough to deliver to my door. I suggested to the person who orders the cakes to get fruit salad instead or as well.…
  • SW:183 CW:185 GW (March):178 Weigh in dates: 3/3:185 3/9: 3/16 3/23 3/31 Normally, my weigh in days are Sunday, but I was out of town over the weekend, so weighed in this morning. Scale shows a gain of 3 pound since my last weigh in, but I know a lot of it is from the stress of traveling, the drinking and the restaurant…
  • I'm in. I weigh in on Monday because I'm out of town this weekend. SW:182 CW:182 GW (this month):177 weigh in dates: 3/3 3/9 3/16 3/23 3/30 Reward: See a Show while I'm in Vegas at the end of the month.
  • I was just thinking along these lines. My SO insisted on taking me out to lunch. So the turkey sandwich that was 400 cal that I brought for lunch sits in the fridge, while I log 700 cal for a turkey sandwich, 200 cal for a soda. Now I have almost nothing left for dinner!
  • Losing 4 pounds won't make you the happiest person ever. Sorry. Only you can decide to make yourself happy. Exercising is a big part of that. So is maintaining good relationships with friends and family. As for losing the last little bit of weight, everyone here says it's the hardest to lose. Keep at it, workout hard and…
  • Might be time to bring in a professional who can help you in person. I found I have this problem as well, but not as pronounced as you, it sounds like. I was working with my yoga instructor to slowly work on bringing my knees into better work alignment. My problem is from a few years of working with horses.
  • I deal with anxiety a lot right now. I just starting getting help for it. It was scary going to the doctor's office about it, but it was helpful to get a plan going. I'm trying to focus on the present and avoid distractions (not very good at that part yet, as I'm online during work!). I put a note above my computer that…
  • I hold a 10# plate behind my head. I've also seen someone holding a plate but with arms out straight behind them.
  • I got 5 days this week. Starting Stage 2 today!
  • I'm the same. I just started using the bar for squats, but my seated row and lat pull down are at 70. I thought it was weird too. My last Stage 1 workout is tonight! Yay! I don't think I'll take a week off before starting stage 2.Life happened for these past 2 weeks and I feel like I've already taken a break.
  • Victory from my workout last night: I finally squatted with the bar! I need to get deeper, but I did it!
  • It's taken me about 6-8 weeks to really notice a difference in how my clothes fit. I take measurements every week and that gives me concrete feedback on how much I'm losing even when I can't see it. I don't think anyone else has noticed, except my SO because I pointed it out.
  • I usually do yoga on a non-lifting day. My normal yoga class is on a long break and I really miss it. I feel a lot more tension and tightness, especially in my back and shoulders. I try to do the poses on my own, but it's not the same. :(
  • I do TDEE -20% every day as well. I like the consistancy and I don't have to have a new plan for each day, depending on what I'm doing that day. I've done the eat less on non-workout days and more on workout days, but for me it's too easy to go overboard with the 'reward' of extra calories when I workout. If I know I have…
  • I'm almost done with stage 1-only 3 workouts left. I've lost about 2 pounds in the past 6 weeks, but I've also lost about 2 inches off my waist and thighs. I'll count that as a win. I'm eating at about a 20% deficit everyday, but I don't panic if I go over that as long as I'm under TDEE.
  • My Febuary challenge will be to hit my calorie goal everyday, 1750-1800. That should get me my last little loss before I have to get my wedding dress fitted and maintain until 4/27. I've tried working out everyday, but I seem to do best at about 4 days a week-3 lifting and 1 cardio.
  • I'm on B6 tonight after work. I'm excited to increase my dead lift and shoulder press weights, and hopefully my step-ups on to the bench will be less wobbly. mcbellnz- Good luck working with a trainer. I've been thinking about that as well, but I think a once a month check in would be all i can manage right now.
    in Stage 1 Comment by sara4159 January 2013
  • Right now my motivator is to make my wedding dress look good. Longer term it's to be able to do a real pull up this year. I have a friend who started crossfit 6 months ago and watching her progress is strong motivation. If she can do it with two kids and a job where she travels all the time so can I.
  • Thanks for the link. I like how it shows which muscles are working too.
  • I went into the shop with no idea what I wanted, so we just started pulling totally different dresses and trying them. I pointed out exactly what I liked and didn't like about the dress, then we moved onto the next. I don't know how many dresses I tried on, but when I got to 'the one' I pointed out what I liked and didn't…
  • My wedding is April 27th too! I'm doing New Rules of Lifting for Women and watching what I eat, about 1700-1800 everyday. It's working really slowly, but every week my shoulders and back look better. I'm also losing inches off my waist and hips. I just wish my thighs would get with the program and start losing more! My…
  • I sometimes brush my teeth when I don't want to eat. Usually it's in the evening after dinner though.
  • I was really sore the first week, but as I've gone along, it's gotten better. I'm still sore, it's just not as bad. I like the sore feeling, it means I really worked and pushed myself.
    in Stage 1 Comment by sara4159 January 2013
  • Is it weird that I'm lifting the same amount for deadlifts and lat pulldown? Both are at 70. I would have thought my legs would be stronger than my arms and upper back. Maybe it's just one of those you start where you start, no need to make judgments. But I am curious.
    in Stage 1 Comment by sara4159 January 2013
  • Awww! That's really sweet.
  • Work out 4A for me tonight. I like the lifting and I'm always amazed at myself when I can up the weight. I tried stepping up onto the bench, but it seemed too wobbly (or maybe I was too unbalanced), so I had to go back to using the aerobics stepper. I've never seen anyone at my gym stepping up onto the bench before. Are…
    in Stage 1 Comment by sara4159 January 2013
  • Is there another mom you know with fitness goals that you could trade off kid watching with? You watch all the kids for an hour while she works out, then she watches them for an hour the next day while you go. I know some people who do this for kid-free grocery shopping time.
  • Activities for the kids: decks of cards, books, notebooks and colored pencils, scavenger hunts, bikes to ride around the campground. Look into hiking or biking trails. Lots of parks offer guided hikes or activities for kids. I guarantee the kids will proclaim "I'm bored" with in about 20 minutes. Be ready with the next…