JoEllen92 Member


  • It's the couch to 5k program - it's supposed to get you running 5k/30 minutes straight in 9 weeks.
  • It's the couch to 5k program - it's supposed to get you running 5k/30 minutes straight in 9 weeks.
  • I'd say 7 days a week would be a bit too much ,everyone needs a day to rest and let their bodies recouperate i'd say 3-5 times a week is plenty of enough exercise. If you want to do something on the other days gentle exercises like walking would be fine but nothing overly strenous.
  • On my first try (I got to around day 9) i was using 3kg weights i think that's just over 6lbs which on some moves is way too much. I'm attempting it today using 1.5kg/3lbs weights on some moves and the 3kg/6lb weights on others.
  • If I could afford Vibram's then I'd get them but until I get a job my age old nike's will have to do. I'm thinking of maybe running in the dunes but wearing my trainers for now and then gradually going to doing a few minutes or so without them each time to build up my strength. The dunes are lovely,there's boardwalks to so…
  • I'm 5'4 and my ugw is between 110-120 I have quite a small build but I want to have that athletic toned look about me.
  • I used to but I'm not going to anymore. I get obsessed with lowering the number and not how my body looks and feels so i'm going to try and make an effort to only weigh myself once every 2 months or once a month at minimum. I've never had a full blow ED but I've always teetered on the brink of those unhealthy and dangerous…
  • 5'3 and I want to be between 110-115 but more importantly I want to look in the mirror and see toned arms,strong abs and the legs of someone who runs a whole frickin' lot. So as long as I have those things ,if I'm a bit higher than 115 it won't matter. But yeah I want to be slim/a uk size 8 but very toned and athletic…
  • I already eat loads of eggs, they're yummy I shall buy some guacamole next time I go shopping. I'll also try eating more banana's because they're higher in calories than most fruit but I don't fell horribly guilty eating them. I'm not a huge fan of peanut butter,it's horrible. I think part of my problem is I tend to…
  • 2 1/2 hours is a rarity , most of my workout is cardio based with some strength thrown in . Usually I tend to go for 2 hours and do an hour and a half of cardio and now about half an hour strength training. My machines all had instructions on them and that was really useful as I made sure I was doing the exercises properly.
  • I can't , I've never been a huge eater and I suffer with eating problems so on days like yesterday where I worked off about 750 calories eating that all back would put me just under 2000 calories and that much food for me is just too much , I'd probably have a panic attack if I had to eat that much and keep it down . I…
  • I really want to start doing insanity because I've heard so many good things about it , so when I get a job and can afford to buy it I will. Do you all still feel able to go the gym aswell? Or does it tire you out too much ? Also how long are the workouts and do you get a rest day once a week of is it a case of doing it…
  • Just done day 6 whilst watching 10 0'clock live on 4od it took me about 30 minutes so 3 minutes more than it would of with Jillian but I sweated the same and I added a few more on to some exercises to make the numbers even with each other so I wasn't doing more on one side so that might of been why I took a bit longer.…
  • Just incase I can't watch the 30 day shred or I get annoyed of hearing Jillian's voice I've written it all down on paper which will be useful when I go to the caravan with my boyfriend this week as I can't watch it there. Though since I have the workout all written down I shall be able to do it,I just hope I can keep up…
  • Well Done :D
  • Mind if I join here are my current measurements Waist-26 Inches Hips-33.1 Inches Under Bust-30.7 Inches Full Bust-35 Inches R+L Thigh-20.5 Inches R+L Calf-12.2 Inches R+L Wrist-5.9 Inches R+L Bicep-9.4 Inches. At the moment I'm almost 1/6th of the way through the 30 day shred (only 25 more to go ahh) I'm combining it with…
  • I've heard it's good if you workout before you eat breakfast though? I tend to have breakfast pretty much straight after I've done the 30 day shred,well I lay down on my bed for around 10 minutes and then get up and go and eat. I don't really like to work out just after i've eaten a full meal (i usually leave an hour or so…
  • It's a home workout dvd well a set of dvd'd I think you get ten alltogether,I don't have it so I'm not positive but that's what I remember from looking it up. I'm not sure how you use them but I think you're meant to do one a day for 60 days,though I think you get a rest week or something? But basically it's a high…
  • Thanks everyone :) I've gained an Inch on my waist since the last pic was taken,so I'm in the process of losing it again and then some. Hopefully I'll lose 2 inches off my waist doing the shred ,I can not wait to post pictures after I've done that.
  • Wow you look amazing,such good progress. I really want to do Insanity ,it's just the price that's putting me off it at the moment. I will get it once I get a job though and I have money to spend. It's on my list of things to get .
  • You can't lose fat from just a certain area,you can tone up your arms though do you go to a gym? most gyms have machines that help to tone specific areas in the way lifting free weights can't. However if you only have acess to free weights then…
  • Thank you for the tip, I shall try it. I can sometimes do pushups but more often than not I end up splaying on the floor or just not able to push my body up properly
  • Most people don't sweat when walking because it doesn't raise your heart rate high enough,you can still burn calories of course it'll just be at a slower rate. I sweat loads during the 25 minutes of doing the shred and I burnt just under 200 calories , walking for an hour burns 200 calories so you burn the same ammount of…
  • Doing my 2nd day of this is a minute :D I only have 6lb weights which are fine for the most part but I end up just using one (i hold it with both hands) for the side lunge and arm raise exercise do you lot think that's alright? because I physically can not do side lunges whilst lifting 12lbs,my arms refuse to raise after…
  • I am really thinking about buying this for cheap off ebay once I get a job and am slightly more fitter than I am now. If it kills really athletic fit people,I'll be dead in the first minute. From what I've seen the results are great though.
  • Mind if I join ? I'm only planning on doing it 5 days a week as I usually go up and see my boyfriend at the weekend or if not he comes down her on the days he's not working ,so 5 days is fine for me and I should finish on the day of my friends party. If I need to I'll double up workouts to. Just to let you know I've given…
  • I'm doing it for 5 days out of the week,I tend to go to my boyfriends at the weekend and i'd feel weird doing the shred there,having the weekend off also gives my body time to rest and recouperate.
  • Ahh I've given up Chocolate/Crisps/Pies for lent and I rarely eat burgers and pizza's anyway so they are now also officially given up for this month unless they're proper hand made burgers. No mcdonald's ****. I've done well on the crisp/chocolate front ,I've managed to avoid dipping into the huge multipack of crisps in my…
  • I knew there was a reason to why I always lose weight when I stay over at my boyfriends (he lives about 70 miles away) or he comes to mine.
    in SEX! Comment by JoEllen92 March 2011
  • Wow there is a huge difference especially on your midsection, well done for completing it.