

  • I have been looking into it online, seems to be a pretty common side effect? But some people do not do well on it (like anything I suppose). My biggest concern was getting sleepy or loopy on the stuff, so far no issues, I don't feel too awake or sleepy at all. Just the constant munchy wanting to eat no matter what is gone.…
  • For the past few years I seem to have been developing allergies. This year, a spring cold plus allergies knocked me on my butt. I finally caved and got some daytime allergy medicine, daytime 24 hour Allegra. Not only am I less sneezy congested itchy but I also noticed a very interesting side effect. I have a normal…
  • I was on carpet but I also have a mat. I will try the mat next time. I think it is the joint hurts because it can't hold the weight :(
    in OUCH! Comment by Fassopony March 2014
  • I do a protein shake on Mondays for lunch, I eat whatever on Sundays and don't limit calories so it's a good way to lower the calories, etc., starting the new week for me. I like Spirutein (I order from Amazon), the cookies and cream that everyone says is fabulous is actually fabulous-and not too sweet. I'm trying the…
  • Leslie Sansone walk at home vids are what I am using. I have the 1, 2, 3 and 4 mile one. I do 2 miles on Mon and Fri, 1 mile on Tues and Thurs (and lift after), and 3 miles on Wed and Sat, I also lift on Saturdays.
  • I have lost weigth with diet before, as fat as I am it just dropped off. I started 3 weeks ago, this time with working out, and the dang scale barely budged. Week 2 (just last week!) I stayed at 244 all dang week. Finally Saturday then Sunday I dropped 2.5 pounds. I peed all day. ALL DAY. Yesterday I peed all day (I think…
  • I read that about working out, especially super unfit types, the muscles retain water. I am super unfit! But, I am naturally pretty strong so I don't find beginner type stuff that challenging so I keep on. Perhaps even though I felt fine, I was overdoing? I think that is fine.
  • Thanks for the encouragement. However, I see so many pals who do that bypass thing who eat 800 cals a day and drop weight like crazy. 80 pounds in 6 months crazy. Granted, I am not looking to be uber skinny, I want a fit, healthy body to do what I want to do activity-wise. But! This is very, very discouraging. I could…
  • I seriously just had a good old fashioned melt down complete with dropping f-bombs, slamming things, and almost taking a hammer to the scale not 30 minutes ago for the same damn reason. I have been at 244 pounds all.damn.week, went down to 243.2 yesterday., but still ALL DAMN WEEK. I woke up this morning excited to add…
  • Mmm. Well, that has already been accomplished but thanks for the sarcasm.
  • Just hand weights :) I got your invite to the group but am not sure where to find the groups?
  • Thanks all! Just an FYI, I did have 1200 cals a day recommended by my doc. I know it is the "trend" to say your body goes into starvation mode but, in reality, it just slows a bit to try and conserve energy. If there was truly a starvation mode folks in third world countries would be fat as heck! I am not advocating for…
  • It is discouraging! And thank you for the kind words :) My goal is to be fit and healthy enough to ride again (horses). I used to do jumpers and you can't be out of shape and fat in the pants for that LOL!!