

  • AllTheNoms
    AllTheNoms Posts: 135 Member
    Latest confession: I cannot stand "TMI Tuesday" and I get stabby when I see people in my friend list littering my home page with it
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,717 Member
    81Katz wrote: »
    Confession: I've never watched any of the shows being discussed.

    Me neither! I'm sure they are all really good shows, but I don't like to sit in front of the TV for very long. I only watch sports, really. In the evenings (while my husband binge watches all of these series mentioned on Netflix) I prefer to listen to music and read in the other room. Much more relaxing for me.
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    AllTheNoms wrote: »
    Latest confession: I cannot stand "TMI Tuesday" and I get stabby when I see people in my friend list littering my home page with it

    1) Love your username!

    2) I unfriend those people. Immediately. No mercy. ;)
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,717 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Northern -ish Alberta. It's supposed to be +16 today (about 60F), then we might get a couple centimetres of snow tomorrow. The weather changes quickly here lol
    Calgary here. It's currently 17C and gorgeous. I've just spent a couple of hours doing some belated Fall cleanup in the front yard. Confession: I feel guilty for having woken up the ladybugs. What if it snows again?! (it will)

    Awww, that's cute! I have a massive bug phobia, but I'm ok with a few of the cute ones like lady bugs, rollypollies (have NO idea how to spell that), and butterflies and such.
  • Fassopony
    Fassopony Posts: 18
    For the past few years I seem to have been developing allergies. This year, a spring cold plus allergies knocked me on my butt. I finally caved and got some daytime allergy medicine, daytime 24 hour Allegra. Not only am I less sneezy congested itchy but I also noticed a very interesting side effect. I have a normal appetite. It has literally killed my wanting to eat 24/7 as much as possible, never feel full no matter what cravings. I could care less about sugar! I feel normal :) I get hungry like normal, can eat a normal meal and be completely satisfied, no wanting to binge out or overeat or anything! I have had to purposefully leave room for "desert" (I like a Qwest bar some days) otherwise I am too full!

    THIS IS AMAZING. No more lethargic over eating to make me sleepy all day! I have lost 5 pounds.

    I think I like taking Allegra LOL!!
  • ladybuggnorris
    ladybuggnorris Posts: 276 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Northern -ish Alberta. It's supposed to be +16 today (about 60F), then we might get a couple centimetres of snow tomorrow. The weather changes quickly here lol
    Calgary here. It's currently 17C and gorgeous. I've just spent a couple of hours doing some belated Fall cleanup in the front yard. Confession: I feel guilty for having woken up the ladybugs. What if it snows again?! (it will)

    It just hit +20 in West Central Saskatchewan. Snow in the forecast for Thursday, though. I think Mother Nature is off her meds again.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Fassopony wrote: »
    For the past few years I seem to have been developing allergies. This year, a spring cold plus allergies knocked me on my butt. I finally caved and got some daytime allergy medicine, daytime 24 hour Allegra. Not only am I less sneezy congested itchy but I also noticed a very interesting side effect. I have a normal appetite. It has literally killed my wanting to eat 24/7 as much as possible, never feel full no matter what cravings. I could care less about sugar! I feel normal :) I get hungry like normal, can eat a normal meal and be completely satisfied, no wanting to binge out or overeat or anything! I have had to purposefully leave room for "desert" (I like a Qwest bar some days) otherwise I am too full!

    THIS IS AMAZING. No more lethargic over eating to make me sleepy all day! I have lost 5 pounds.

    I think I like taking Allegra LOL!!

    Maybe I should switch from Zyrtec to Allegra.
  • xMrBunglex
    xMrBunglex Posts: 1,121 Member
    AllTheNoms wrote: »
    Latest confession: I cannot stand "TMI Tuesday" and I get stabby when I see people in my friend list littering my home page with it

    1) Love your username!

    2) I unfriend those people. Immediately. No mercy. ;)


    People that insist on using Facebook to constantly "praise their Lawd n Saivyuh" make me want to maliciously comment "Hail Satan" on their post.

    Just stop. You have no idea how many people you are offending.

  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,567 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    In the past, I've eaten an entire jar of White Chocolate Wonderful peanut butter. It's my drug of choice. Literally.

    My store was out (said some was supposed to be on the delivery truck scheduled to arrive the next day), I couldn't wait, so I drove to 3 other stores in town with no luck, then drove 45 minutes to the next store that carried it!

    I've never heard of this stuff before now and certainly haven't seen it in any stores... but of course now I'm going to be on the hunt for it, probably my next trip to the US.

    I see BZAH10 has put up a new shoulder/arm avatar to taunt inspire and motivate me. Lol. I'm glad she posts so often in this thread so I get to see my Dream Shoulder regularly. :)

    Hahaha! Thanks for noticing! I only posted a new picture because I was really white and pale in my other picture. Been outside recently and have a bit of color, so I thought I'd update it.

    I've been toying with the idea of posting my own shoulder pic just for laughs (which will be totally meaningless to anyone outside of this thread) but it would definitely out-pale your old one as we're on our fifth month of winter here... snowing outside as I type.

    I get confused when people change their avatar lol. Someone had your llama pic in a Facebook group I'm in, and I was like "you can't use that picture! That's @ythannah! ".

    In other news, we're supposed to get a bit of snow tomorrow too.

    Lol! That's what I get for putting up a pic poached from the net.

    And if I'm not mistaken, somebody recently changed her avatar from a masked purple-haired girl to a very pretty brunette...

    Thanks... The picture is actually a year and a half old, but I haven't changed much lol

    It is a great picture of you!

    And snow? Where do you live? I live in South Carolina and it is 76 here today.

    Northern -ish Alberta. It's supposed to be +16 today (about 60F), then we might get a couple centimetres of snow tomorrow. The weather changes quickly here lol

    I grew up in north-ish Alberta, but live in Alabama. It hurts :disappointed:

  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,567 Member
    G8rRay wrote: »
    I've never dyed my hair either. I've been told that I have "virgin hair."

    Not really a confession, but I just bought whey protein powder from Optimum Nutrition on a whim. It's vanilla flavored. Has anyone tried this? Is it good? I am a newbie to protein powder.

    The ON Whey Double Dutch Chocolate is pretty good, too...if you like chocolate. I like to mix it with Fage Greek Yogurt (either 0% fat or 2% fat)--I use about 30-35g powder to about 150-175g yogurt.

    That sounds really good. I've seen some people on here swear by peanut butter marshmallow or cookies and cream. Whenever I hear"cookies and cream," my ears perk up.... but the vanilla ice cream one sounded good and was cheaper!

    The vanilla ice cream and double rich chocolate are both very good mixed with 2% greek yogurt!
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    mellb34 wrote: »
    I had to have my hair thinned too as it's so thick and frizzy! It's much better now that I condition first then shampoo.

    I've just put my calories to maintain this week, we're having friends over at the weekend for part two of a Firefly marathon which includes dominos, alcohol and shots so have been worrying about fitting it all in, after changing it to maintenence it's a lot less scary to see how much I actually have without putting anything back on!

    And today is the second time since reading this thread that I exercised with no underwear on and it's so much more comfortable so thank you :p

    Never tried conditioner first.
    Have tried exercising with no underwear. Not for me. Too much sweating happens.

    TMI Confession: I have used deodorant (down there) when exercise. Haha

    Hahaha so do I! They actually make deodorant for down there- I use it before I go to the gym as I sweat a TON! I call it hoo ha deodorant and I swear by it
  • Fassopony
    Fassopony Posts: 18
    Francl27 wrote: »

    Maybe I should switch from Zyrtec to Allegra.

    I have been looking into it online, seems to be a pretty common side effect? But some people do not do well on it (like anything I suppose). My biggest concern was getting sleepy or loopy on the stuff, so far no issues, I don't feel too awake or sleepy at all. Just the constant munchy wanting to eat no matter what is gone. I think I have some sort of chemical imbalance that Allegra does something to? It's nice though :) Also, long term use of Allegra is normal so hey, why not!?

  • denielle715
    denielle715 Posts: 101 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    mellb34 wrote: »
    I had to have my hair thinned too as it's so thick and frizzy! It's much better now that I condition first then shampoo.

    I've just put my calories to maintain this week, we're having friends over at the weekend for part two of a Firefly marathon which includes dominos, alcohol and shots so have been worrying about fitting it all in, after changing it to maintenence it's a lot less scary to see how much I actually have without putting anything back on!

    And today is the second time since reading this thread that I exercised with no underwear on and it's so much more comfortable so thank you :p

    Never tried conditioner first.
    Have tried exercising with no underwear. Not for me. Too much sweating happens.

    TMI Confession: I have used deodorant (down there) when exercise. Haha

    Hahaha so do I! They actually make deodorant for down there- I use it before I go to the gym as I sweat a TON! I call it hoo ha deodorant and I swear by it

    I was not aware of the specialized deodorant. My secret works fine for me. In fact, I have separate deodorants for separate "areas" lol
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    AllTheNoms wrote: »
    Latest confession: I cannot stand "TMI Tuesday" and I get stabby when I see people in my friend list littering my home page with it

    1) Love your username!

    2) I unfriend those people. Immediately. No mercy. ;)


    People that insist on using Facebook to constantly "praise their Lawd n Saivyuh" make me want to maliciously comment "Hail Satan" on their post.

    Just stop. You have no idea how many people you are offending.

    Oh yes. This. Ugh. I unfriended someone because of it... cannot deal. Or they post that because they are good followers they HAVE to post that stuff... please stop.

    Confession - waiting to go out for dinner. Pizza place. I only have 400 calories left and have it all planned out (spinach salad with chicken and parmesan) but I'm getting really hungry and if my husband doesn't get home soon I don't know how good my willpower is going to be once we get there.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »

    My hair is fine and dry. It's also falling out like crazy. It doesn't hold colour at all, it will fade to a straw colour within a couple weeks. And bleaching it would probably leave me bald.

    Unfortunately, it's not "just hair" to everyone and it might not grow back :( Perhaps I should just invest in colourful wigs...

    My hair is fine and dry, but it holds color like CRAZY. I dyed it dark last fall (first time ever) with demi color--the stuff that is supposed to last 6 weeks. Four months later it had faded a tiny bit, but it was still dark. I've used color remover several times, and it does get me back to my natural blond, but the brown kind of creeps back up. Very strange.

    The odd part is that the dark color looks more natural on me than my real color does.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    Confession: I've never watched any of the shows being discussed.

    Me neither! I'm sure they are all really good shows, but I don't like to sit in front of the TV for very long. I only watch sports, really. In the evenings (while my husband binge watches all of these series mentioned on Netflix) I prefer to listen to music and read in the other room. Much more relaxing for me.

    Yep, that's me, too. Other than football season, I'd rather be buried in a good book!
  • ladybuggnorris
    ladybuggnorris Posts: 276 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    Confession: I've never watched any of the shows being discussed.

    Me neither! I'm sure they are all really good shows, but I don't like to sit in front of the TV for very long. I only watch sports, really. In the evenings (while my husband binge watches all of these series mentioned on Netflix) I prefer to listen to music and read in the other room. Much more relaxing for me.

    Yep, that's me, too. Other than football season, I'd rather be buried in a good book!

    Yes! We don't even get any channels on our TV. I have super fast internet, so I can stream the CFL (Real Football - longer field and one less down than NFL) games. I also LOVE listening to the games on the radio...the announcers are SOOOO exciting! Go RIDERS! /=S=/
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    AllTheNoms wrote: »
    Latest confession: I cannot stand "TMI Tuesday" and I get stabby when I see people in my friend list littering my home page with it

    1) Love your username!

    2) I unfriend those people. Immediately. No mercy. ;)


    People that insist on using Facebook to constantly "praise their Lawd n Saivyuh" make me want to maliciously comment "Hail Satan" on their post.

    Just stop. You have no idea how many people you are offending.

    YES!! My sister-in-law... every alternate post is either praising her Lawd and Saivyuh or a racist rant. I can't. I couldn't unfriend her, but I unfollowed.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    AllTheNoms wrote: »
    Latest confession: I cannot stand "TMI Tuesday" and I get stabby when I see people in my friend list littering my home page with it

    1) Love your username!

    2) I unfriend those people. Immediately. No mercy. ;)


    People that insist on using Facebook to constantly "praise their Lawd n Saivyuh" make me want to maliciously comment "Hail Satan" on their post.

    Just stop. You have no idea how many people you are offending.

    Yep. I got unfriended by my husband's grandmother (who had already unfriended him) because of my retorts to her insane status which basically said hurricane Katrina was the fault of all the "sinners" in America. :expressionless:

    I don't always involve myself in stupid conversations. But that one I just couldn't stop myself. She ended up deleting all my comments anyways.
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    I didn't friend my SIL on FB because 1. she's a gossip and 2. she was reportedly posting about her 'female problems' at times. Gross!