

  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    annette_15 wrote: »
    I confess that I hate reading and I'm sad this thread has turned into a conversation about books and ppl I couldnt care less about
    I love how this thread morphs into a new conversation regularly. Hang around, the topic will change.
  • JSurita2
    JSurita2 Posts: 1,304 Member
    I hate Taylor Swift's music.

    Me too....She is SOFA KING annoying.
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Confession: I keep telling my 4-year old that all the cars and trucks with Transformers stickers are either Autobots or Decepticons and actually transform into giant robots to fight each other. He's starting to give those cars a wide berth when we walk by. Sometimes I'm an evil dad.

    Now I'm sad there aren't more cars around us with those stickers. Our neighbors tend to go the stick figure family route or the truck nads. *sigh*

    I totally judge people with truck nads. Crude rednecks.

    What are truck nads?

    <~~~unenlightened Brit

  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Confession: I keep telling my 4-year old that all the cars and trucks with Transformers stickers are either Autobots or Decepticons and actually transform into giant robots to fight each other. He's starting to give those cars a wide berth when we walk by. Sometimes I'm an evil dad.

    Now I'm sad there aren't more cars around us with those stickers. Our neighbors tend to go the stick figure family route or the truck nads. *sigh*

    I totally judge people with truck nads. Crude rednecks.

    What are truck nads?

    <~~~unenlightened Brit

    This probably qualifies as NSFW for people, despite them being on the backs of pickups all over the place.
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    I had McDonalds for dinner... a more moderate serving than I usually would have... but the guilt after is still awful!! :s:s

    i eat mcdonalds once a week because of the play place they have, I have a standing playdate with a friend of mine there. I never feel guilty, they post the calories right on the menu! easy squeezy!
  • JSurita2
    JSurita2 Posts: 1,304 Member
    Confession: Went out dancing on a Tuesday night, had three guys ask for my number even though I was wearing an ugly dress. Two of them spent most of the night sort of competing for my attention. I'm pretty sure they didn't know each other, it was just random. If that has ever happened to me before, it has been a very long time.

    Ended up making out with a guy half my age behind the wine barrels...maybe won't be going back to my favorite wine bar for a few weeks.

    It's the strangest thing, every time I drop below 215 I suddenly start to get tons more attention from Latinos. Below 210 and even American guys start following me around. Obviously I am still huge. Maybe I am prettier than I realized? I don't know what the deal is lately, but it is both flattering and slightly terrifying.

    I swear, I dress really conservatively for a salsa dancer...I had on a slip (in case of skirt flying up) and a dress that shows absolutely zero cleavage.

    You Go Girl!

    p.s. I love Salsa dancing!
  • Slashnl
    Slashnl Posts: 338 Member
    -Someone left an almost full bottle of shampoo in the shower at my gym, I threw it in my gym bag and have been using it for the past several weeks... I justify it by telling myself the staff would've thrown it out anyway. Happy to have it since they frequently run out of soap in the dispenser and don't keep it refilled.

    -A frequent breakfast of mine is 2 hardboiled eggs, chopped up and mixed with Louisiana hot sauce. It makes a sort of paste like consistency. I eat it at work and definitely get some strange looks.

    -I've been lurking in this thread for a long time

    My breakfast almost every day is cottage cheese drowned in Louisiana hot sauce!! definitely get some weird looks at work (I go through a bottle every couple weeks), but nom nom nom!

    Sounds good. I have to try this!!
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    I have nicknames for the people I regularly see at my swimming pool (I don't know their names even though we always say hello). Some of them are:

    Flower Power (she has an awesome flowery swimming costume)
    Annoying breast stroke man (likes to cut in front of people and then SLOW DOWN)
    Dave 1
    Dave 2 (looks so similar to Dave 1 at first I was wondering how he could swim so fast until I realised they were two different people).
    Fast and Furious
    Macho Splashy man
    Staring man
    Penelope Perfect

    I wonder what they have nicknamed me? It's probably 'spluttering lady' or 'guess who got distracted halfway through her shower and only shaved one armpit'. That only happened once.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Another confession: There's a guy in my office, Mr. Foot Shuffler, the guy I want to throat punch, that pronounces Missouri, Miss er uh. Like with an "a" at the end. It irks me a lot more than it should but every time he says it, the throat punch urge becomes really strong with me.

    Much like @tincanonastring‌ I overreact to insignificant things.

    Ditto. This is the story of my life. Big, huge crisis? Fine. I can handle it. Pen clicker? I will stab your eyeballs out with the pen. Popping gum on the treadmill next to me? I will shove you off the machine. (good thing this is the confession thread; I sound terrible!)

    You would murder me then...I do both of those things. I used to get in trouble all the time by an old boss for popping or snapping my gum. She'd make me go spit it out. I don't do it on purpose, it's just a habit.

    Logically, I understand that people aren't doing it to intentionally annoy me and that they probably don't even realize they are doing it and those are the only thoughts that keep me from going into a rage. I fully realize this is a "me" issue. Working on it, but not been very successful.

    Also, wanted to add to the "annoying word usage" conversation: saying "prolly" instead of "probably". Grates on my nerves.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Today is my 12th anniversary and I picked the restaurant a week ago (we have to go for lunch, as we don't have a babysitter). I've been looking at the menu every day and thinking about it and I logged my meal 3 days ago... and for all I know I'm going to get the special and mess it all up. And maybe an appetizer too. I'm hungry.

    I think going back on a cut the last 3 weeks has been taking its toll on me but I still feel bad at the idea of going over maintenance today (which I might).
  • JSurita2
    JSurita2 Posts: 1,304 Member
    IAmTheGlue wrote: »

    I cannot stand touching wet skin. (Not my own but I avoid touching other people's wet skin if possible as it makes me nauseous.) I also can't stand touching aluminum foil and cardboard. *gag*


    I CANNOT touch wood!

    I just giggled at this like a teenage boy.
  • Bulls_23
    Bulls_23 Posts: 199 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Today is my 12th anniversary and I picked the restaurant a week ago (we have to go for lunch, as we don't have a babysitter). I've been looking at the menu every day and thinking about it and I logged my meal 3 days ago... and for all I know I'm going to get the special and mess it all up. And maybe an appetizer too. I'm hungry.

    I think going back on a cut the last 3 weeks has been taking its toll on me but I still feel bad at the idea of going over maintenance today (which I might).

    Happy anniversary! I would worry one bit about what you eat today!

    Eating healthy and getting into better shape is great and all that, but if you can't order what you want on special occasions, then what's the point! As long as your not doing that every week, it probably won't matter that much!

    Have fun!
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    landfish wrote: »
    IAmTheGlue wrote: »

    Whenever someone notices my weight loss and asks me how I did it, I'm going to say "I eat a pinecone every day."

    (slow claps) you are a genius.

    Agreed! That is a fantastic response. As a matter of fact, I think we need to propose this on MFP and have everyone post their results: when people ask you how you've lost weight answer with the MOST ridiculous thing you can come up with. Should be highly entertaining!
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    I do that eggs and hot sauce thing too. Sometimes a bit of mustard. Totally gross and I don't care. I'll put both of those things on pretty much anything at all. I think it's the vinegar that I'm so into because I also love pickle juice.
  • JSurita2
    JSurita2 Posts: 1,304 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    landfish wrote: »
    IAmTheGlue wrote: »

    Whenever someone notices my weight loss and asks me how I did it, I'm going to say "I eat a pinecone every day."

    (slow claps) you are a genius.

    Agreed! That is a fantastic response. As a matter of fact, I think we need to propose this on MFP and have everyone post their results: when people ask you how you've lost weight answer with the MOST ridiculous thing you can come up with. Should be highly entertaining!

    Indeed I think this would be a hoot. I'm already thinking of ridiculous responses.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    I haven't been on much today, but I took a quick look at the boards earlier and THOROUGHLY enjoyed the Low Crab Diet thread.

    Now I can't find it. Sadness.

    At first I was all happy to be the first responder to that OP, but then I read all the witty responses and felt really lame. Wish I could come up with some of that stuff!
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    crfischer4 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Another confession: There's a guy in my office, Mr. Foot Shuffler, the guy I want to throat punch, that pronounces Missouri, Miss er uh. Like with an "a" at the end. It irks me a lot more than it should but every time he says it, the throat punch urge becomes really strong with me.

    Much like @tincanonastring‌ I overreact to insignificant things.

    Everyone I work with says ECK-specially. When they say it, I quit listening.

    I made fun of my mom 2 weeks ago for saying "pacifically" instead of "specifically". My response..."Oh instead of Atlantically?!" She didn't appreciate my witty comeback.

    Confession: I am a terrible person that makes fun of my mother's grammar.

    Then I am a terrible person too. My mom messes up so many words I just have to laugh. She can't say "manila" or "millennium". Crashed Ice was here last weekend and she kept calling it Crushed Ice, and she was convinced the phrase was "nip it in the butt".

  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,500 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    landfish wrote: »
    IAmTheGlue wrote: »

    Whenever someone notices my weight loss and asks me how I did it, I'm going to say "I eat a pinecone every day."

    (slow claps) you are a genius.

    Agreed! That is a fantastic response. As a matter of fact, I think we need to propose this on MFP and have everyone post their results: when people ask you how you've lost weight answer with the MOST ridiculous thing you can come up with. Should be highly entertaining!

    I tell people it's magic beans, like "Jack and the Beanstalk."

  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    IAmTheGlue wrote: »

    I have read this entire thread on my phone while walking laps around my kitchen, dining room and foyer. It's addictive and I've got 18k steps in the past couple days.

    I cannot stand touching wet skin. (Not my own but I avoid touching other people's wet skin if possible as it makes me nauseous.) I also can't stand touching aluminum foil and cardboard. *gag*
    I have consumed more calories today in Whiskey than food (medicinal reasons). I feel better & I'm still under my goal. I log everything religiously.

    Whenever someone notices my weight loss and asks me how I did it, I'm going to say "I eat a pinecone every day."

    You all know if I say " I watch what I eat and exercise" they will be sad so... I am really just bringing more joy to the world. I will straighten them out so I'm not to blame when somebody chokes to death on a pinecone but for a brief moment, they will have the secret knowledge of an ancient magical weight loss cure. And I will have the satisfaction of knowing that many people would rather eat a pinecone than count calories. ;)

    I hate touching microfiber towels

  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    -Someone left an almost full bottle of shampoo in the shower at my gym, I threw it in my gym bag and have been using it for the past several weeks... I justify it by telling myself the staff would've thrown it out anyway. Happy to have it since they frequently run out of soap in the dispenser and don't keep it refilled.

    -A frequent breakfast of mine is 2 hardboiled eggs, chopped up and mixed with Louisiana hot sauce. It makes a sort of paste like consistency. I eat it at work and definitely get some strange looks.

    -I've been lurking in this thread for a long time

    My breakfast almost every day is cottage cheese drowned in Louisiana hot sauce!! definitely get some weird looks at work (I go through a bottle every couple weeks), but nom nom nom!

    It's also good with Sriracha. (pretty sure I'm misspelling that for some reason)