Just A Check?

I started the weight loss plan last Monday (I joined the Dietbet with a bunch of pals, it's fun and very motivating!). I clocked in at a huge 251 pounds on my petite 5'4" frame, so I eat 1200 or less daily except Sunday when I let it slide to about 2000. I have been doing the Leslie Sansone walk videos 6 days a week, I did the one mile M-F last week then the 2 mile Saturday. I am alternating the 1 mile and 2 mile with some free weights on the 1 mile days. I have always been a pretty strong person but when I quit the smoking I turned all my energy to eating hot wings and donuts. No joke! So the workouts feel good and I seem to be progressing as much as anyone in just the short week and a half. I will be trying some others that are harder down the line.

Last week the weight poured off, I went to 243 on Saturday. This week, clocked in at 244 and haven't budged. Is it true you gain a little with exercise? Am I expecting too much? I would like to drop 2 to 2.5 pounds weekly until I hit about 200, this seems like it should be do-able, so by May.



  • HelloImKelsey
    HelloImKelsey Posts: 53 Member
    The exact same thing just happened to me. I lost 8.2 pounds my first week and didnt lose any this week. Don't be discouraged though. The first few weeks your weight will fluctuate a lot. If you keep up doing what you said theres absolutely no way you wont lose weight. I know how you feel right now, kind of discouraged with no loss this week, but I promise if you continue on you'll get better results in weeks to come :)
  • Fassopony
    It is discouraging! And thank you for the kind words :)

    My goal is to be fit and healthy enough to ride again (horses). I used to do jumpers and you can't be out of shape and fat in the pants for that LOL!!
  • MadTownD
    MadTownD Posts: 149 Member
    My two cents: 1200 doesn't sound like enough calories. If your body thinks it's starving, it will do everything it can to hold on to the weight it has.
  • vvvalentines
    I'm the same height as you but about 20 lbs heavier. I've lost ~38 lbs so far, and it's not very constant. Some weeks I gain half a pound or stay the same, some weeks I lose 4 lbs seemingly overnight. Keeping hydrated a constant amount seems to help the weight loss be steadier (if I accidentally get dehydrated, I seemingly "lose" 5 lbs overnight that comes back on as soon as I drink enough water for a couple days.)

    Aim for lots of water/low-cal drinks every day. I aim for 12-16 glasses daily, based on the recommendation (found from many reputable sources such as the Mayo Clinic) to drink as many oz of water each day as half your body weight in lbs. So I weigh 277, half of that is 138.5, 138.5 oz is 17 cups.
  • Markguns
    Markguns Posts: 554 Member
    Weight loss is quick at first then it starts to slow as there is less to lose. If you are hitting 2-4 lbs a month loss you will be fine. Be careful not to go too low on cals as it will eventually backfire on you. Also as you gain muscle it will offset your scale so you may lose some fat and gain muscle for a net zero loss on the scale. That's why you should also take measurements. Also there is water weight to consider. You can fluctuate as much as ~5 lbs from one day to the next.
  • vvvalentines
    Also, log your cardio and eat back a portion (I try to get half) of your exercise calories. That way, your total calories each day are more than 1200, but your net is still at/around 1200.
  • Fassopony
    Thanks all! Just an FYI, I did have 1200 cals a day recommended by my doc. I know it is the "trend" to say your body goes into starvation mode but, in reality, it just slows a bit to try and conserve energy. If there was truly a starvation mode folks in third world countries would be fat as heck! I am not advocating for ridiculously low cal diets but for a should be petite gal who is actually just under 5'4", 1200 is enough.
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    Check out this post. I has helped me tremendously. I was also doing the 1200 cal diet MFP recommended for 2 lb a week loss, but I found it wasn't sustainable and I would get into trouble (mostly on the weekends) for going over calories. I now eat my BMR and don't go over my tdee. I eat back some of my exercise calories if I feel hungry. Good luck to you!

  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    As discouraging as it seems, I wouldn't let one week get to you. Weight loss isn't always going to be the same, just give it some more time.