

  • Have you googled around for various fat bomb recipes? The most common uses coconut oil, nut butter, and coco powder.
  • I have not had this problem. You say pints of water daily... you should be drinking about 3L. Just want to make sure thats not the issue. Excessive thirst can be a warning sign of diabetes, FYI.
  • Could you plan your weekends ahead of time then eat according to that plan? If you wake up saturday morning, check your plan and think "ok, today I'm having bacon and eggs, BP coffee, chicken salad, and stir-fry" then you know what is "allowed" for the day and you know if you eat just that, you'll hit your macros. You…
  • A LOT of people stall around weeks 3-5. Plus you're a woman, so you know.. shark week.
  • I know its available for iphone, but I wouldn't be able to speak to anythings else, but I found an app called KetoFinder. It has some foods for chain restaurants but needs more users inputting foods to be a more useful database. But its still a helpful resource at times.
  • Why did you choose three days?
  • You aren't logging any exercise or water, so I'm not sure where you are with that, but staying on top of both of these could push you in the right direction. You should be drinking at least 2L of water a day.
  • Just more fat source suggestions: alfredo sauce (check labels carefully) over a stir-fry; eggs fried in bacon grease; spinach, garlic, and mushrooms sauteed in bacon grease; cream cheese spread on warm pepperoni; olives
  • If weighing yourself every day is discouraging, don't do it every day! :) your weight can fluctuate several pounds a day based on things like how hydrated you are, where you are in your menstrual cycle, etc. Maybe you should weigh yourself once a week so you can see progress over time. One other thought... since I'm from…
  • Ok a few thoughts I have looking at the last week of your diary... First, your diary doesn't seem very complete. (If it is, then you need to work on getting all of your 1300 calories on a more regular basis.) If you are only using MFP to track (I say that because I use a spreadsheet to track and MFP for the groups), you…
  • If you open your diary, we can give you feedback about your intake and point out where you may be making mistakes. If you aren't sure you've set your macros correctly, I suggest the following website: http://keto-calculator.ankerl.com/
  • Sorry, just seeing this. Maybe a 1/3-1/2 of an inch? You can go thinner if you prefer - the peel and the center between the seeds tend to crisp up first. I usually just roast long enough so both sides have that roasty golden cooked "film", for lack of a better word. I use very little olive oil. Just enough to keep it from…
  • Congratulations on feeling great! I'm also recovering from ED and I just want to say that I'm really happy you are not over-restricting your carbs (restriction is a slippery slope!) and are eating when you are hungry. It sounds like you are in a really good place right now. Keep up the great attitude towards food and…
  • I make pizza with roasted eggplant slices as my "crust". Since eggplant, particularly when brushed with olive oil, is quite moist, it doesn't take much pizza sauce at all, which saves on some carbs. Pepperoni is an obvious and easy topping - one most of us probably have on hand - but its also excellent with some ground…
  • I'm going to have to continue to be snotty. It is my understanding that it takes about 6 weeks of regularly staying in ketosis before you begin to be keto adapted. You're not going to eat vegetables for a month and a half? I eat vegetables every day and keep my carbs under 25 pretty easily. I haven't dropped out of ketosis…
  • I stand by that statement because I flipped back to Saturday and all I saw was a tablespoon of relish and a few mushrooms. The sentiment I was conveying was shock and concern. The question was to get djgreen to consider just how long it has been since she has consumed vegetables. It should be every day. I use the following…
  • I wasn't trying to be hostile. Firm, sure. But not hostile. It feels like you are being hostile towards me. If djgreen is offended, then I am certainly sorry, but its really not your place to speak for her. I've been told to follow grams, not % of calories, so that's what I was basing my comment on. She still needs more in…
  • I just looked at your diary for the past handful of days what you've just said its inaccurate. You are eating as many grams of protein as fat, if not more. And when was the last time you ate a vegetable? It is absolutely possible to follow a ketogenic diet in a healthy way. What is the point of losing weight if you destroy…
  • I think you may be right. I think a couple months ago the US preview provided a couple pages of recipes but now it doesn't. Thank you for solving my mystery!
  • This just doesn't seem like a healthy approach to Keto or to life. This plan and these behaviors smack of anorexia athletica/exercise bulimia. As a person who is 8 years into eating disorder recovery, I appreciate that this group is about being healthy and fueling our bodies sufficiently. Posts like this topic make me…
  • http://keto-calculator.ankerl.com/ Use this to calculate your macros. Right now you are eating about 6 times the carb limit most people use for a ketogenic diet. You need to cut out grains and sugars, and get your carbs from veggies. I only looked at yesterday's diary, but if that is typical for you, you are not following…
  • Most of what I've seen has touched on two major points: cravings and how your body reacts to fake sugars. I've seen that some bodies are fooled into thinking fake sugar is real sugar and it can impact how deeply into ketosis you are and I think I may have seen that it could potentially knock you out. (I don't have as good…
  • http://keto-calculator.ankerl.com/ Please use that website to set your numbers to a SAFE level. What you are doing now is unhealthy and, long-term, dangerous. You should do a LOT of reading about ketogenic lifestyle and techniques before jumping in all willy-nilly. This isn't a crash diet. This is changing the way your…
  • Thanks, folks! I appreciate everyone's perspective! And to answer the first reply: NOPE! Not with child! I'll try to get a little more magnesium and try not to sweat it too much until life calms down a bit.
  • Just going to give this a bump and say WINGS! But you have to be sure they aren't going to be breaded (which, btw, the boneless ones are breaded 99.9% of the time). I have an iPhone and there is a (kinda crappy, not very thorough) free restaurant keto app. If more people use it and update it, it would be AWESOME. I was…
  • Tanigrrrrr, how did your fat fast go? Any notes on what worked for you or what didn't?
  • I don't log in MFP because I've found it easier to plan my meals in Excel. I made a 4 column list of low-carb foods I use the most or would consider using with the item name, fat, carb, and protein. I have some go-to meals that I just copy from an earlier day and paste into place. I use the auto-sum feature to track my…
  • I'm in almost the exact timeline and situation as Grace, so I just wanted to pop in and say thanks to everyone for the input. After the first week of being stalled (and a 10 lbs initial weight loss) I thought I just needed to recalculate my macros. I did but have really only lost about a pound in a couple weeks. I haven't…
  • I am still SHOCKED that my ketostix said I stayed in ketosis. I allowed myself a bite or two of a couple carby foods, only had two glasses of wine... but then my family fed me cake and pie! Small portions, but I was still amazed every time the ketostix got darker. Before Christmas, I was measuring consistently in the dark…