

  • You Are Your Own Gym ...and I'm in this thread for the other suggestions as well...
  • Not trying to bash, but you seem to have an excuse for everything... I used to be like that. Before I had kids, I lost 53 lbs. A couple of years later, I found my weight creeping back up, and I had every excuse in the book why I couldn't prepare any meals (funny, because I have so many more responsibilities NOW (2 little…
  • Yes. See screenname.
  • How are you calculating your calorie burn? I ride 45 minutes a day on the road on a 19 lb bike, and burn around 400 cals (at most) as indicated by my hrm. Unless you are riding for 85 minutes on very hilly terrain, or on a hilly, technical trail or on a 40 lb bike, 1000 cals sounds high for someone your size (you appear to…
  • I had a coworker who sold Zija, so I did a bit of research... Can any of you Zija folks tell me just HOW MUCH of the formulation is actually moringa vs. "other stuff"? The distributors tout all of this research and "bioavailablilty" and the "MIRACLE" of moringa, but nowhere could I find exactly HOW MUCH is in there? 5 mg?…
  • Can one of you Zija people post the current ingredient list of XM? It contained DMAA, aka., "Geranium", but now that that is illegal and has been taken off the shelves I was wondering how they reformulated it and what they are now using as the primary stimulant?
  • I have a ONE. If I'm not wearing pants with a pocket, I actually just put it IN my bra, without the clipy holder thing. Never had it fall out. In fact, it "sticks" so well to skin that I have forgotten about it, changed into a bathing suit (with it still stuck to my boob), gone swimming and, well, needed to buy a new one.
  • Sorry, it won't work on Android or Blackberry.
  • I hear what you're saying and agree. I just don't want people thinking that a., their daily points target is 20 and b., they can't go over their points. That's basically equivalent to telling someone they can't go over 1200 calories (or enter set calorie limit du jour). My thought is, if you are going to go as far as to…
  • I don't know what WW plan you are following, but it's not the current one. I believe the LOWEST points for anyone on the current plan (which this plug-in calculates points for) is 26. You are never supposed to go BELOW your points. Say your points target is 26. You should eat AT LEAST 26 points today and every day. You…
  • Nothing to see here.... I fixed my issues! Thanks again for this great tool!
  • Thank you so much for this fix! I finally got it working in Chrome! I love this!
  • Are you asking about the subtraction on the MFP site? It's subtracting your overall activity (earned calories) from what you've already eaten to show a "Net" for what you ate. It essentially finds your TDEE for you without having to guess and adjusts your calories for you. Say your "goal" caloric intake is 1500. Then say…
  • No thread about Blue Footed Boobies would be complete without THIS:
  • I have a Fitbit One and sync it with MFP. It has been very reliable. I have worn it along with my Polar FT7 while exercising, and find the two are very close. I like syncing with MFP because it takes the guesswork out of TDEE. The sleep tracking feature is cool, too.
  • PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do your research when taking supplements. I'm assuming Zija has changed their formulation, since the FDA just banned DMAA (geranium). That was the ingredient that was the main stimulant (in addition to caffeine) in Zija's weightloss formulation. More importantly, however, for women to realize is that…
  • Here is my answer copied/pasted from a similar thread: I wear my Fitbit all the time, and I wear my HRM for "real exercise" (along with the Fitbit). If you go to the Fitbit website, you can add an activity and its calorie burn. It will overwrite the activity that the fitbit recorded during that time and will "correct" the…
  • From what I can tell, the One and the Flex track the same things, but the Flex is worn as a bracelet while the One has a clip for your pocket, bra, or whatever. The One shows all of your stats (your "flower" that grows as you are more active, steps, floors climbed, distance, calories, and current time). I think the Flex…
  • I wear my Fitbit all the time, and I wear my HRM for "real exercise" (along with the Fitbit). If you go to the Fitbit website, you can add an activity and its calorie burn. It will overwrite the activity that the fitbit recorded during that time and will "correct" the caloric burn. I find it very useful when I do…
  • She needs to realize that just eating the WW foods does not mean she is following the WW plan. I lost 53 lbs and have been a Lifetime WW member for 14 years (back now, after having 2 kids). If all I ate were the WW prepackaged meals, I doubt I would have been as successful. They are all processed and expensive and not…
  • The reason it works? A very powerful and dangerous stimulant that will soon be taken off the shelves. Do a search for DMAA and geranium. Eat real food. Lose weight. It is simple and much cheaper than a "miracle pill" that doubles as a pyramid scheme.