Who takes Zija?! i want to hear success stories ! Im starting zija when my shipment comes in on WEDNESDAY <3 and im super excited to take this journey.


  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Had no idea what this was so I did a google search. A wall full of stuff about it being a scam came up. Nuff said.
  • What is it? I'm too lazy to fire up the Google Machine.
  • AJ_Pete
    AJ_Pete Posts: 863 Member
    Why would you feel the need to take any "supplements"?

    You're on a site that gives you the tools to be successful.

    Stop looking for a miracle pill. A calorie deficit is all you need to lose weight.

    Don't waste any more money on crud like that.
  • Im not looking for a miracle pill !

    Zija provides the body with 92 verifiable nutrients, 46 anti-oxidants, 36 naturally occurring anti-inflammatory agents, 20 amino acids including 9 that the body needs to sustain life, and Omegas 3, 6 and 9. That's in ONE serving! Zija comes in powder form which is the purest form of Moringa. There are other forms of Moringa available, but Zija uses the most nutritious parts of the entire tree. The root, leaf, seed, oil & fruit. Zija only adds citric acid, fruit pectin, agar & 2g of pure cane sugar. Moringa is the "Miracle Tree" as scientist call it. It's nutritional value has been verified by John Hopkins Medical School, World Health Organization, Institution of Health, the Discovery Channel, National Geographic & many more. ZIJA is ALL NATURAL & Kosher Certified!
  • nixirain
    nixirain Posts: 448 Member
    It's Shakeology's rival!!!
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Im not looking for a miracle pill !

    Zija provides the body with 92 verifiable nutrients, 46 anti-oxidants, 36 naturally occurring anti-inflammatory agents, 20 amino acids including 9 that the body needs to sustain life, and Omegas 3, 6 and 9. That's in ONE serving! Zija comes in powder form which is the purest form of Moringa. There are other forms of Moringa available, but Zija uses the most nutritious parts of the entire tree. The root, leaf, seed, oil & fruit. Zija only adds citric acid, fruit pectin, agar & 2g of pure cane sugar. Moringa is the "Miracle Tree" as scientist call it. It's nutritional value has been verified by John Hopkins Medical School, World Health Organization, Institution of Health, the Discovery Channel, National Geographic & many more. ZIJA is ALL NATURAL & Kosher Certified!

    So, in other words, you get all the same benefits you get from food?? Seems legit.
  • jenn_may
    jenn_may Posts: 154 Member
    I took Zija for a short while. Short for a reason. First, I drank the XM and if I didn't drink it one day I had migraines. Switched to just the Smart Mix and didn't feel any better than I normally do. I spend less money making one fresh juice every day from organic fruit and veggies and feel far better than Zija ever made me feel.
  • JoshuaL86
    JoshuaL86 Posts: 403 Member
    I know a few people who have lost a considerable amount of weight taking this product. One person lost 90 pounds, another lost 46. HOWEVER, the best way to lose weight is to be at a MAINTAINABLE calorie deficit and with exercise. Most people who use products like this to lose weight have to continue using it to maintain their weight loss, which means more $$$ for the company and less $$$ for you. Once people quit using the product that helped them lose their weight, they usually gain it back.
  • So funny, I came across this thread by accident and just had to reply.

    I've been on Zija for 2 years. I've successfully kept a 60 pound weight loss off, my body is healing. My thyroid levels are now normal, they were borderline before.

    Zija is NOT a rival for Shakeology or anything else. You know what Zija is? Its a supplement derived from one plant. You know the guy that came up with it? He invented the encapsulated vitamin. Yeah, that guy. He also founded Natures Sunshine and formulated Ensure. When THAT guy says that a product replaces his life work with 1 drink, that should tell you something.

    I tried for...years. Literally years, to finally get my calories under control. I loaded my body down with sugar free, fat free, genetically modified crap and loads of salt. I never could make any progress. It wasn't until I had the proper nutrition than I was really and truly able to push back from things that I had previously craved. I was 320 pounds when I started this journey. Zija gave me the nutrition my body needed (this plant can sustain life by itself, it's a complete food), I had the energy to exercise and make better choices.

    It's redefined what I thought I knew about weight-loss. There is nothing else like this plant out there, it's why the National Institutes of Health named it botanical of the year in 2009. A researcher at Johns Hopkins did a ton of research on this plant as well, google Moringa Oliefera Johns Hopkins.

    If you'd like more info, feel free to message me.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    So funny, I came across this thread by accident and just had to reply.

    I've been on Zija for 2 years. I've successfully kept a 60 pound weight loss off, my body is healing. My thyroid levels are now normal, they were borderline before.

    Zija is NOT a rival for Shakeology or anything else. You know what Zija is? Its a supplement derived from one plant. You know the guy that came up with it? He invented the encapsulated vitamin. Yeah, that guy. He also founded Natures Sunshine and formulated Ensure. When THAT guy says that a product replaces his life work with 1 drink, that should tell you something.

    I tried for...years. Literally years, to finally get my calories under control. I loaded my body down with sugar free, fat free, genetically modified crap and loads of salt. I never could make any progress. It wasn't until I had the proper nutrition than I was really and truly able to push back from things that I had previously craved. I was 320 pounds when I started this journey. Zija gave me the nutrition my body needed (this plant can sustain life by itself, it's a complete food), I had the energy to exercise and make better choices.

    It's redefined what I thought I knew about weight-loss. There is nothing else like this plant out there, it's why the National Institutes of Health named it botanical of the year in 2009. A researcher at Johns Hopkins did a ton of research on this plant as well, google Moringa Oliefera Johns Hopkins.

    If you'd like more info, feel free to message me.

    If it works so great why does your ticker say you need to lose 60lbs?
  • mtbchk
    mtbchk Posts: 22
    The reason it works? A very powerful and dangerous stimulant that will soon be taken off the shelves. Do a search for DMAA and geranium.

    Eat real food. Lose weight. It is simple and much cheaper than a "miracle pill" that doubles as a pyramid scheme.
  • Snapper1985
    Snapper1985 Posts: 124 Member
    Like others have said....why not just watch the real food you're eating. Cheaper and most likely more healthy in the end. Plus, it seems like a red flag to me that their priorities aren't in the right spot when the first thing I see on their website is a huge ad for going to one of their conferences and a banner telling you to 'cash in your Zip Points - Cruise the Mediterranean'.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Hey, this is shi*ty. Stop that.

    To OP, you already have your mind made up that its going to work wonders for you... So good luck! :) may it help you with whatever your goals are. Although I personally wouldn't use it or pay for it.

    So funny, I came across this thread by accident and just had to reply.

    I've been on Zija for 2 years. I've successfully kept a 60 pound weight loss off, my body is healing. My thyroid levels are now normal, they were borderline before.

    Zija is NOT a rival for Shakeology or anything else. You know what Zija is? Its a supplement derived from one plant. You know the guy that came up with it? He invented the encapsulated vitamin. Yeah, that guy. He also founded Natures Sunshine and formulated Ensure. When THAT guy says that a product replaces his life work with 1 drink, that should tell you something.

    I tried for...years. Literally years, to finally get my calories under control. I loaded my body down with sugar free, fat free, genetically modified crap and loads of salt. I never could make any progress. It wasn't until I had the proper nutrition than I was really and truly able to push back from things that I had previously craved. I was 320 pounds when I started this journey. Zija gave me the nutrition my body needed (this plant can sustain life by itself, it's a complete food), I had the energy to exercise and make better choices.

    It's redefined what I thought I knew about weight-loss. There is nothing else like this plant out there, it's why the National Institutes of Health named it botanical of the year in 2009. A researcher at Johns Hopkins did a ton of research on this plant as well, google Moringa Oliefera Johns Hopkins.

    If you'd like more info, feel free to message me.

    If it works so great why does your ticker say you need to lose 60lbs?
  • ironmonkeystyle
    ironmonkeystyle Posts: 834 Member
    Moringa Oleifera is a legitimate herb with some decent properties. But zija as a system is a rip off. You would do a lot better with a high quality protein source and some relatively cheap moringa pills off of amazon. Moringa isn't bad for a multi-vitamin substitute: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moringa
  • @greenbluered Amazon sellers are not selling shade dried, UK grade organic, enzematically alive Moringa Oliefera leaves, fruit pectin and fruit. They are only selling leaves that are dried in some uncontrolled conditions. Most of the "Moringa" plants out there are not even Moringa Oleifera but another variation of Moringa.

    @mockchoc - Apparently you didn't read my entire post, because it mentioned that I started at 320. It also mentioned how my thyroid has leveled out. Sometimes your goals should not only be about getting skinny but it should be about getting healthy. How many people are out there skinny, with huge health problems? Lots.

    @Snapper1985 - I tried for years to simply watch my food. The problem was I was malnourished and morbidly obese and had no way of getting to where I needed to be. I was beyond addicted to the fat, sugar and salt.

    @mtbchk - The smartmix contains two ingredients 1) Moringa Oleifera 2) 4 grams of cane sugar to kick start the kreb cycle so that your body absorbs what it is you are taking. There are other options within their product line, and some do kick the metabolism up through other ingredients, but none of those ingredients are unsafe and in danger of being taken off the market. If you are speaking of Nevada ephedra that is in the XM+, you should know that it lacks the nueroactivating ephedrine alkaloids found in some Old World species.

    I was very polite to you all, I'm a real person that lost weight through nutrition. If you don't have the nutrition, you don't have anything. And our food supply is lacking many, MANY of the essential nutrients we all need. Too many genetically modified ingredients grown in exhausted soil. If you can show me anywhere else to get all of these nutrients, I'd be there. Until then, I drink my green mix every morning and thank God that my carpel tunnel went away - that my thyroid cleared up and that I have energy again. I felt damn near dead for most of my 20's - I'd never wish that on anyone.
  • gemstone4
    gemstone4 Posts: 14 Member
    Wow! This was a lively posts. Glad so many of you care about one another. Many of the comments I agree with. The negative tones I do not. Sounds like everyone agrees that hard work, research and respect of others accomplishements are something that we can all agree on. Just keep us updated and alert to your progress. Maybe it is not the option for us personally but it maybe for a friend or someone else we know. We can say hey talk to this person about it they know. Thanks for letting us know what works for you and I wish everyone much success. Let's swing this conversation to a more positive note. Thanks
    Question do the product taste good or do you have to hold your breath to take them? I know lima beans have health perks but yuck I just can't. Some things good for ya are just not good to ya.
  • whitetalia
    whitetalia Posts: 1 Member
    Wow! This was a lively posts. Glad so many of you care about one another. Many of the comments I agree with. The negative tones I do not. Sounds like everyone agrees that hard work, research and respect of others accomplishements are something that we can all agree on. Just keep us updated and alert to your progress. Maybe it is not the option for us personally but it maybe for a friend or someone else we know. We can say hey talk to this person about it they know. Thanks for letting us know what works for you and I wish everyone much success. Let's swing this conversation to a more positive note. Thanks
    Question do the product taste good or do you have to hold your breath to take them? I know lima beans have health perks but yuck I just can't. Some things good for ya are just not good to ya.

    Now this is how the comments should have been! Instead it took a turn. But we defend what we are passionate about. And I take myintegrity very seriously. So ANYWAYS, to answer your question..I think it taste fine, like green tea;)
  • Tommy
    Tommy Posts: 127 Member
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