How to Track Weight Watchers Points on MFP!!



  • Yay it works! But those of us who are super blonde haha be sure to put NONE after you put your nutrients in order. I had Sugar on the last drop down choice and it threw it off
  • Sapphire1812
    Sapphire1812 Posts: 104 Member
    Yay it works! But those of us who are super blonde haha be sure to put NONE after you put your nutrients in order. I had Sugar on the last drop down choice and it threw it off

    Someone posted earlier in thread that if you wanted to say have sugar too in your nutritional values, you would need to edit the following lines. Just installed this today and done this, so can verify that it does work.

    Line 114
    else if (index==6 && $(this).hasClass('delete')) {
    else if (index==7 && $(this).hasClass('delete')) {
    We're simply offsetting the columns where total points should be displayed by 1

    Line 96:
    To display the total in the right most column as well

    I'm using firefox, but with Scriptish instead of greasemonkey.

    Hope that helps. :)
  • mtbchk
    mtbchk Posts: 22
    For those experiencing this issue in Chrome, here is how to get it to work:
    Just add this to the top of the script file:
    (function () {

    and then this to the very bottom of the script:

    FYI- Here is the bug I filed with Tampermonkey:

    Thank you so much for this fix! I finally got it working in Chrome! I love this!
  • mtbchk
    mtbchk Posts: 22
    Nothing to see here.... I fixed my issues!

    Thanks again for this great tool!
  • 0Caligirl0
    0Caligirl0 Posts: 38 Member
    This is BRILLIANT!!!!!!! I love it! The MFP database is so much easier to use, and I like learning what to eat/nutrition instead of some arbitrary points system only. I really think this might take the place of the online tools for me, and help me decide to switch to the meetings alone for accountability!

    Anyone else do that?
  • 0Caligirl0
    0Caligirl0 Posts: 38 Member
    One more question, does anyone know how to enter our daily allotment of points into MFP?
  • Took me FOREVER to figure it out lol. I was confused on where to look for the points value but I found it by going to my food diary on my computer. Not sure if I can see the points on my phone yet. Thanks so much for sharing this info :)
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    Glad to see this is still helping a lot of people!! If you have questions about how to get it to work, please look through the previous pages, as it has been explained in detail, many times.
    As far as I know, this does not work on Android or Iphone.
  • healthy4five
    healthy4five Posts: 11 Member
  • Thank you so much, this is eye opening!

    ON a good day of 1130Cals I actually ate 24 points, which is 4 over my limit! Some days it went to 30 points, with my cals still under 1200!

    No wonder I'm not loosing weight, the food choices I made was wrong
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    Actually, you aren't losing weight because you aren't eating enough calories. Under 1200 calories is not going to help you lose weight. You are probably eating WAY too low.
  • SunnySouth2013
    SunnySouth2013 Posts: 37 Member
    Thank you. I'll try this later.
  • 4flamingoz
    4flamingoz Posts: 214 Member
    This is awesome-saving for later
  • Will check it out out of curiosity. Thank you.
  • mtbchk
    mtbchk Posts: 22
    Thank you so much, this is eye opening!

    ON a good day of 1130Cals I actually ate 24 points, which is 4 over my limit! Some days it went to 30 points, with my cals still under 1200!

    No wonder I'm not loosing weight, the food choices I made was wrong

    I don't know what WW plan you are following, but it's not the current one. I believe the LOWEST points for anyone on the current plan (which this plug-in calculates points for) is 26. You are never supposed to go BELOW your points. Say your points target is 26. You should eat AT LEAST 26 points today and every day. You earn activity points (which MFP doesn't account for), and you also have 49 weekly points to use above and beyond your 26 points. If you are not eating your points, you're doing it wrong. Also, since the current system does not "count" fruits and vegetables, those would not figure into your daily points and you will need to subtract those.

    This plug-in is a GREAT tool for those of us who know and use the current points plus system. I like MFP software and database better than WW etools, but I also like using points, so being able to merge the two (with the understanding that there are some differences) is awesome.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    Thank you so much, this is eye opening!

    ON a good day of 1130Cals I actually ate 24 points, which is 4 over my limit! Some days it went to 30 points, with my cals still under 1200!

    No wonder I'm not loosing weight, the food choices I made was wrong
    I don't know what WW plan you are following, but it's not the current one. I believe the LOWEST points for anyone on the current plan (which this plug-in calculates points for) is 26. You are never supposed to go BELOW your points. Say your points target is 26. You should eat AT LEAST 26 points today and every day. You earn activity points (which MFP doesn't account for), and you also have 49 weekly points to use above and beyond your 26 points. If you are not eating your points, you're doing it wrong. Also, since the current system does not "count" fruits and vegetables, those would not figure into your daily points and you will need to subtract those.

    This plug-in is a GREAT tool for those of us who know and use the current points plus system. I like MFP software and database better than WW etools, but I also like using points, so being able to merge the two (with the understanding that there are some differences) is awesome.
    This is mostly true, except that you don't have to eat your exact points number every day. (same goes for calories). As long as you met your total points/calories for the week, then it is fine if you are over one day or under another day. I average my calories and points out for the week and there are plenty of days that I am under or over. The only thing that truly matters is the end number. No, you shouldn't be eating 500 calories under your goal every day, but if your points goal is 26, and you eat 25,its really not that big of a deal.
  • mtbchk
    mtbchk Posts: 22
    Thank you so much, this is eye opening!

    ON a good day of 1130Cals I actually ate 24 points, which is 4 over my limit! Some days it went to 30 points, with my cals still under 1200!

    No wonder I'm not loosing weight, the food choices I made was wrong
    I don't know what WW plan you are following, but it's not the current one. I believe the LOWEST points for anyone on the current plan (which this plug-in calculates points for) is 26. You are never supposed to go BELOW your points. Say your points target is 26. You should eat AT LEAST 26 points today and every day. You earn activity points (which MFP doesn't account for), and you also have 49 weekly points to use above and beyond your 26 points. If you are not eating your points, you're doing it wrong. Also, since the current system does not "count" fruits and vegetables, those would not figure into your daily points and you will need to subtract those.

    This plug-in is a GREAT tool for those of us who know and use the current points plus system. I like MFP software and database better than WW etools, but I also like using points, so being able to merge the two (with the understanding that there are some differences) is awesome.
    This is mostly true, except that you don't have to eat your exact points number every day. (same goes for calories). As long as you met your total points/calories for the week, then it is fine if you are over one day or under another day. I average my calories and points out for the week and there are plenty of days that I am under or over. The only thing that truly matters is the end number. No, you shouldn't be eating 500 calories under your goal every day, but if your points goal is 26, and you eat 25,its really not that big of a deal.

    I hear what you're saying and agree. I just don't want people thinking that a., their daily points target is 20 and b., they can't go over their points. That's basically equivalent to telling someone they can't go over 1200 calories (or enter set calorie limit du jour). My thought is, if you are going to go as far as to track points here on MFP along with your other macros, you should know what YOUR daily points target is, and realize that your DP are to be used in conjunction with AP, WP and the eight good health guidelines.
  • Denjo060
    Denjo060 Posts: 1,008
    cool Ill have to look at this I used to belong to WW and it worked but I hated paying for it thanks
  • kimmyj74
    kimmyj74 Posts: 223 Member
    bumping for reading later :)
  • GregJourney
    GregJourney Posts: 80 Member
    Just installed the script and I feel like an idiot, I am getting point totals but can figure out how to actually edit the script for whole numbers only. The script is giving 6 less points than the ww app so I figured the fractions are what is throwing it off .