Weight Watchers confusion!

I have a friend (who I promise is an actual friend, not just me trying to keep focus off myself!) who recently told me that she had started doing weight watchers. When I asked her about which group she was going to she told me that she wasnt actually going to group, just eating the weight watchers meals. Will she get the same benefits doing this as she would actually going to weight watchers? Surely you must get something other than 'community and support' by going to group, or weight watchers arent really doing themselves any favours by selling these meals if thats all it takes? perhaps someone could shed some light as I am thoroughly confused!


  • rosieg1979
    rosieg1979 Posts: 99 Member
    I lost loads of weight through the weightwatchers online thingy, never went to a meeting. I'm not sure how successful she'll be just eating the meals, though her wallet will be a lot lighter!

    Tell her to log all her WW meals on MFP, and then hopefully she can wean off them.
  • mtbchk
    mtbchk Posts: 22
    She needs to realize that just eating the WW foods does not mean she is following the WW plan. I lost 53 lbs and have been a Lifetime WW member for 14 years (back now, after having 2 kids). If all I ate were the WW prepackaged meals, I doubt I would have been as successful. They are all processed and expensive and not filling. She would not be getting all of the Good Health Guidelines if she only ate WW packaged foods. I am a huge proponent of the WW plan and its Good Health Guidelines specifically, and to truly follow WW, she should sign up online or as a meeting member to get the materials. It's more than just counting points.

    (FWIW, the last time I ate a WW-branded food was probably about 8 years ago..)
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    WW is as successful as it is because it provides the support. The rest is just gimmicks to get people to pay more for their support.