

  • Of all the things being said in this thread I can't believe the above quote hasn't been commented on.
  • Cardio itself doesn't necessarily kill muscle instead of fat, it's not that simple and your calorie deficit will influence how much muscle you consume. Lifting weights isn't going to give your body a signal to keep muscle and lose fat unless you feed your muscles/body appropriately and enough. LOVE IT!
  • There is basically no difference between what you are suggesting and eating nothing, or very little, while doing no exercise and barely moving. Just because you achieve a massive deficit through exercise doesn't make it any healthier than achieving it by starving yourself. (you may improve your aerobic fitness slightly,…
  • This is a very good point. The occasional maintenance day is far better than throwing in the towel and eating crap tomorrow or binging at night. Well done Crystal. I think this article may be of some use to you: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/core_march_8.htm (specifically the part about binging) Don't be put off by it…
  • This is important. There's a very apt quote doing the rounds that says: “Oh, I’ve already ruined my good eating today. I’ll just eat crap” is like saying “Oh, I dropped my phone on the floor. I’ll just smash it till it breaks.” found it: https://iheartinspiration.com/quotes/fitness/good-eating-habits/
  • Grow up. Butter is used for many things other than frying. The broad subject of the thread was "butter substitutes" while the focus may be frying that doesn't exclude the discussions of other uses. I apologise for offending your myopic mind.
  • Another option is ripe avocado. Mash it and spread it thinly on toast. Tasty and very nutritious, full of good fats.
  • I believe one glass = one cup = 250ml = 1/4 litre
  • This thread should really be closed, it adds nothing and encourages unhealthy behavior. (nothing to do with your 'freedoms') It's clear that many of you don't truly understand what that means, yet you are so arrogant to assume that the countries that people are posting from have more restrictions on freedom - which is not…
  • I love it when US* Americans spout the first amendment and other US rules. *I include US so as not to offend people who live in other American countries, you know... the rest of the continent.
  • I feel the same way. But I use PLAIN whey protein (just whey protein concentrate, not brand named crap) to get enough calories without feeling too full and also when I'm in a big hurry and don't have time to make anything other than a smoothie, or not feeling well and can't be bothered eating. I'm gradually using less and…
  • Please explain? Sounds like a very bad idea, but I'll hold off judgement until I know what you're actually doing?
  • The idea is to not buy from the big 'brands' In Australia these are some of the well known companies: http://www.proteindirect.com.au/ http://venomprotein.com.au/catalog/index.php http://www.bulknutrients.com.au/ These guys just buy bulk whey protein straight from the dairy companies (like Fonterra) and then repackage it…
  • If you insist on protein powder based meal replacement then make it up your self and don't fall for the marketing crap from the big protein companies(ON etc), just use plain whey protein concentrate or isolate. You should be able to buy this from a wholefoods company or there would be plenty of online options. (being in a…
  • @Matilda - any sugar has the opposite effect on me I just eat a handful of almonds. I dare anyone to eat anything after eating a few almonds. They are nutritiously superb. (They are high in energy so don't over do it)
  • @Firefox: That site was just one random example, probably a poor one, I have no association with them. I feel confident in my technique, but really I reached my goal and have no intention of breaking it. That wasn't the point of this, that was just to quantify my muscle I guess, and I thank you for your nutritional advice.…
  • You make some very good points firefox water: yes I'm going to drink less. vegetables: I intend to eat more. never thought of avocado in a smoothie! I intend to add a vegetable juice(with fibre) to my breakfast. weights: those are my one rep max and I've had my technique checked by several trainers. I don't agree that it's…
  • Check that the time zones are the same on Fitbit and MFP. Don't assume that the time for your area on MFP is correct. My MFP was set to my local area(Australia), but it didn't account for the extra hour for daylight saving time, so it was an hour behind Fitbit (which was correct) If the time for your area is wrong, just…