DrJenO Member


  • Some people only eat one meal a day, and use their entire day's calories all at once. I will sometimes skip a snack or two (I generally plan 3 meals and 2-3 snacks) if I want to have wine with dinner or if we are going out to eat. They are your calories. Use them or not, but just make sure you log it.
  • I've actually had better luck using the recipe builder on the phone app.
  • Eggs are your friend. One of my favorites is egg whites with hash browns and a little turkey chili. Egg with toast and a little cheese. And interesting combo I had recently was egg whites, spinach, quinoa, parmesan (sp?). It was rather tasty. I put a little hot sauce on it as well.
  • Bump Also, what do you guys do with already cooked pasta? I'm assuming the weight in there is for dry weight, and usually we are cooking a big pot for the whole family.
  • I love numbers and graphs. It satisfies some kind of primal need. Google Hacker's Diet. He has a (free) online tool that does something similar - you can also run reports over the prior month/quarter/year, whatever.
  • I don't have time for a gym - I get plenty done @ home. I'm finishing up P90x3, and it has several strength routines. The stuff over @ nerd fitness is awesome. As far as equipment, I was thinking long term, since I know it will be a long time before I am able to join a gym for strength training, if ever. I bought: - a gym…
  • Sometimes I find it hard to keep from sliding back into that self-body-shaming mindset. It's like I'm so used to being fat and not liking the way I look, that I just continue feeling that way. That's only part of the time, though. When I realize how much more I can do, I feel great - like when I had forgotten something in…
  • You can't outrun your fork. Exercise makes you hungry, esp a lot of cardio. If you would like specific suggestions, you might consider opening your diary and letting us have a look.
  • I'm the same height as you, a little older, and I started out at almost 240. In the beginning, I was losing while eating 2000-2200 calories per day, with NO exercise. If you really want to lose 2 lb/week (which you can do just fine @ your current size, but be sure to slow it down when you get closer to/below 200lbs), you…
  • *bump*
  • I am in my second week of Block 3 of p90x3. My knee started bothering me after about 2-3 weeks of Block 1. My sister is a physical therapist, and she showed me how to tape my knee w/ kinesio (sp?) tape, which I thought was going to be a lot of hooey, but it really helped. She said it was my IT band. With taping, I was able…
  • http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1432016-why-has-my-weight-loss-stopped You've gotten some good advice here.
  • At 67 inches and 136 pounds, your BMI is 21.3. Your body is going to be very reluctant to give up those last few pounds. 1/2 pound per week is probably an appropriate rate of loss. Do you lift weights at all? You might look into it, or at least body weight training (google "you are your own gym"). Sometimes what you think…
  • I'm in block 3 of p90x3, and for the first month I was so hungry all the time. I didn't lose a pound, b/c I was eating a ton. I didn't mind, b/c I was trying to get used to the work outs, and I had been eating at a deficit for almost a year, and I wanted to focus on just fitness for a while. Towards the end of block two, I…
  • I've taken zucchini, split them lengthwise, and scooped out the middles; then chop the middles up, chop up some meatballs, mix together with just enough sour cream to hold it together, then stuff back into the zucchini boats, top with a little bread crumbs and shaved parm, cook at ?425 until toasty, maybe 15-20. So yummy.
  • As long as you are staying under your calorie goal, an excess of protein will not make you "fatter". Usually the only people that have to worry about an excess of protein are those with kidney problems for which their doctors have already told them to eat less than a certain amount per day. For otherwise healthy people,…
  • Your calorie burns are figured into your TDEE, so you don't need to worry about that. A generally acceptable method is to eat 20% less than your TDEE, so roughly 2100 cal per day for you. That assumes that your TDEE doesn't change (i.e., you keep your exercise consistent). If you have more to lose, you can go TDEE-25%. If…
  • I eat 3 meals w/ 2 snacks, and the occasional after dinner dessert if I have the calories for it. My evening meal is the largest, sometimes comprising 40-50% of my total daily allowance. It really doesn't matter, as long as it works for you.
  • Hello. First of all, as you are under 18, you aren't supposed to be here, technically. Secondly, your BMI is in the middle of the normal range, so you are going to have difficulty losing weight. If you are unhappy with the appearance of your body, body recomposition is what you are looking for - eating at a small deficit…
  • I assume you are talking about your desk at work. One obvious method is to not have any snacks at your desk at work. If you have access to them, you will eat them (I do, anyway). Bring two planned snacks to get you through the day. Have you tried chewing gum? I can't chew gum, but it can help with cravings. You could also…
  • http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/ihad/view/the-path-of-success-631437
  • Google: Hacker's Diet Online There is a free online tool he has on his site (you have to register a username, but it's free) where he takes a running average of your daily weight and gives you your "true" weight. If I could figure out how to do a screen shot, I would post mine. I've been steadily losing 1lb/week, but my…
  • ^Agreed. Tighten up your logging for at least 3-4 weeks, and I'll be shocked if you don't start losing again, no matter what kind of exercise you are doing.
  • Milk is my go-to when I'm not feeling hungry but need additional calories and protein. I agree with the above posters. Trust the numbers. Honestly, you could probably eat a lot more than 1420 per day and still lose.
  • I think it sounds great. Since it's almost the exact opposite of what you've tried before, maybe it'll work where those other things failed :)
  • I am also 5'6". I started off at 230ish, and was eating at around 2000-2100 cal at the beginning (I was still nursing @ the time). No exercise. Once I got the hang of calorie counting and tracking (and once 15-20 pounds had come off), I brought my calories down gradually as I kept reaching new weight milestones. I also…