Brazil :)
Hello, don't matter to much about calories. Just eat right and you'll take the best results!
Keep going guys! You can do this! :)
I log this like ' General Insanity' on MyfitnessPal (and I consider that it burn about 10 calories per minute). How I don't care about the calories it's don't matter for me.
Hello girl!! I started the Insanity on January, 21!! I finished my 7th week today (and I'll do my Fit Test 4 today). I'm loving this. seriously!!!!! Month 2 is really awesome . I'm not losing weight, but my body is totally different now. I feel pretty much toned, lean, flexible and happy!
Sometimes I workout on my Rest days, but don't ever ... For example, today is my rest day, but I'll do my Fit test 4 (because tomorrow is a day of Max Interval Circuit and this is really insanity and I took 1 hour doing this). I know like Insanity is addicting, but you should get some rest. I think that one "day off " per…
Hello girl! I'm on the 8th week now! Keep strong and push yourself for your better! You can do this!!
Hello!!! Congrats for your 3 weeks completed!! Month 2 is really hard, but don't matter with it. You can't stop to do the Insanity! Just push yourself for your better and keep going!!!
Fit test #1 Fit test #2 #Fit test 3 1. Switch Kicks: 39 45 66 2. Power Jacks 50 59 56 3. Power Knees 80 98 107 4. Power Jumps 38 52 61 5. Globe Jumps 10 14 11 6. Suicide Jumps 14 16 19 7. Push-up Jacks 11 21 24 8. Low Plank Oblique 53 67 67
I did my 1st exercise of month 2 and I really loved this! :)
Fit test #1 Fit test #2 1. Switch Kicks: 39 45 2. Power Jacks 50 59 3. Power Knees 80 89 4. Power Jumps 38 52 5. Globe Jumps 10 14 6. Suicide Jumps 14 16 7. Push-up Jacks 11 21 8. Low Plank Oblique 53 67
I almost don't lost weight doing the insanity... Actually , I gain weight after I started this (2 weeks ago), but my arms, thighs and calves are so grateful (these are most strong and toned now)!
My second week was done! I feel so good and pretty much strong to keep going! My thighs and arms are really thankful for this!
Awesome! You inspire me so much!
Hello, I started the Insanity Workout in the last Monday, Jan 21. I'll love follow your progress, and share my results with you. Stay strong. Good luck for us!