

  • everything in moderation. Personally, if Im craving chocolate, I will have a choc dairy food yoghurt or cocoa puffs, still the taste i need but in a healthier form. Apart from this, I havnt really had any cravings sorry and have lost over 10 kilo!!
  • Im limited to 1200 per day and am having no trouble with it. I did recently finish the HCG 500 cal diet, so as you can imagine, this seems like alot to me. It is now the norm. I think if you are feeling deprived, or that you are hungry then I would listen to your body. (not as far as the bad food cravings) but fill…
  • Hiya, I recently stopped the 500 cal hcg diet and switched to a much healthier 1200 cal and added breads and grains back into my body. Had the same trouble for a good week on both sides of the change, dont worry too much, things will come right, add a laxative if your uncomfortable or metamucil, etc youll be back on parr…
  • There are weight managment supplements (healtheries) on the market that contain a microscopic amout of nicotine and other substances that are supposed to decrease your appetite, and aid metabolics, personally, I would just drink green tea with each meal and carry on as you are, the last few pounds always seem to be the…
  • have a dairy food chocolate yoghurt instead, works for me, and BTW, choc cravings usually represent low magnesium or iron
  • Home made wholemeal, banana muffins, heres me thinking I was being "healthy" by not touching the biccies and chocolate. Also was shocked re: corn, It WAS the most common vege eaten in my household
  • And also, why should a person have to hide in a closed forum, other than because you disagree with their lifestyle? As far as I am aware, public stoning was outlawed many years ago. Do you harass the drunk you pass in the street on the way to work?? not likely. the internet is here for us all to utilise and people have…
  • So in your eyes, over 3 pages of negative comments from a combined force, is somehow NOT classed as using superior strength to influence another?? lol. I suggest you re-read your statement, as it has proved my point precisley.
  • WOW!! You look smoking chick, not that you didnt before, you were still pretty, but you must feel so much better and healthier. Congrats : )
  • Wow, the bullies are out in force! Everyone who undertakes a "fad" diet, usually will do so after looking into all harmfull side effects and after weighing up the pro's and con's for them personally. I am yet to meet someone who cares about themselves enough to go undertake a fad diet, that would had severe risk to their…
  • Awesome! Im currently on a stupid, fad, 500 cal diet, but was using this site after my last stint to track and ensure I didnt get back into the cream cheese and chocolate diet I was on before. lol. Welcome back. : )
  • Hay, know how you feel, but im on a measley 500 cals per day, The best thing is to get on the floor and do 60 sit ups, go have a shower and then bed, read a book if your not tired, keep busy, and think of something else. prehaps also calcium supplements, or a cold low cal milk milo??
  • WOW, EXCELLENT OPENING, I posted yesterday regarding the diet I am currently on and was mocked, abused and generally disliked. As educated adults we dont generally go into these things blindly, especially as there is so much information at our fingertips, readilly avaliable. I wish you well with your journey : )
  • Would also depend on your muscle tone, my lowest was 63kg (10 stone) whilst kickboxing, trained hard and ate minimal trying to get to a lower weight class but muscle didnt budge.
  • Hay thanks, Im sure it was the content of my post they were bashing rather than me personally. Thanks for the kind words, and for getting my intentions, much appreciated
  • Excellent site alright! : )
    in Hi Comment by Julesconan January 2013
  • Awesome that you can see a difference already. I agree that the scales arnt the best, I use the tape measure also. Good work!
  • Sounds like the same trouble I was having, put on 20kg after quitting smoking and couldnt do anything to shift the weight, eating well and running everyday achived nothing! I have been on the HCG diet, completed a 2 week stint and lost 7 kg, had a month off, weight stayed the same, now Im on day 3 of another 2 week stint,…
  • Hiya, lots of us kiwis on here!