The JJ Diet



  • Julesconan
    And also, why should a person have to hide in a closed forum, other than because you disagree with their lifestyle? As far as I am aware, public stoning was outlawed many years ago. Do you harass the drunk you pass in the street on the way to work?? not likely. the internet is here for us all to utilise and people have bent their manners and consideration (or lack of them) beyond the limit of everyday society.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    So in your eyes, over 3 pages of negative comments from a combined force, is somehow NOT classed as using superior strength to influence another?? lol.
    I suggest you re-read your statement, as it has proved my point precisley.

    No. Someone saying something is not a good idea is NOT bullying. How on earth do you get that anyone can use force to enforce their opinion over the internet in this context I do not know.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    And also, why should a person have to hide in a closed forum, other than because you disagree with their lifestyle? As far as I am aware, public stoning was outlawed many years ago. Do you harass the drunk you pass in the street on the way to work?? not likely. the internet is here for us all to utilise and people have bent their manners and consideration (or lack of them) beyond the limit of everyday society.

    Dramatic much? They do not have to hide - but then they cannot expect people to be pom pom waving cheerleaders. I did not see anyone being rude - just expressing their opinion. Are you saying they are not allowed to? Isn't that a form of bullying?
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    Wow, the bullies are out in force! Everyone who undertakes a "fad" diet, usually will do so after looking into all harmfull side effects and after weighing up the pro's and con's for them personally.
    I am yet to meet someone who cares about themselves enough to go undertake a fad diet, that would had severe risk to their health and well being, It would really defeat the purpose.
    One of the most important systems offered by these "fads" is educating the dieter on the importance of maintennance after completing their programme, and if followed, people can be sucessful, much like I have been following my stint on HCG.
    People are here for support in their current challanges, if you have nothing but negative to offer, then you should comment and offer advice on a forum that you do support, as this kind of rallying and demeaning another will always be unwelcome.

    Not necessarily on the "will look into it" part. A friend of mine decided to try the USANA diet after her friend convinced her to purchase the products from her, and used the claim "I saw it on Dr Oz a couple weeks ago, so it must be okay". Even after I tried to convince her to DO HER RESEARCH about it, and cautioned her about the diet's unusual low calorie intake and weird eating habits. The diet even recommended avoiding exercise until phase 2, two weeks later, after ALL the bad toxins were out of the body. Total BS, and I knew it, but she wouldn't listen to me.

    Here's how THAT fad diet worked for her: She turned cranky, miserable, angry, and was STARVING. So, she started making her own "rules" up. She couldn't eat sugar, BUT somehow it was totally okay for her to drink alcohol, so she started drinking sugar free Red Bull with vodka. Meanwhile, I was using MFP and counting calories. We were doing our own thing, and she jumped down MY throat for refusing to have another shot of vodka because it was over my calorie limit for the day.

    Did she lose weight? Yep, 15 lbs. Did she gain it back a month later? YES and then some. She gave the diet up shortly after that.

    All she could have done was come to me and ask me for advice on proper eating and exerise. I even offered to be her work out buddy. But, no, she didn't want to put in the hard work and effort it takes to lose weight and get in shape. Two years later, she's still morbidly obese and no longer seems to care that she is a health disaster waiting to happen. I can't be around her, because she looks at me as "the enemy food n*zi".
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    Wow, the bullies are out in force! Everyone who undertakes a "fad" diet, usually will do so after looking into all harmfull side effects and after weighing up the pro's and con's for them personally.
    I am yet to meet someone who cares about themselves enough to go undertake a fad diet, that would had severe risk to their health and well being, It would really defeat the purpose.
    One of the most important systems offered by these "fads" is educating the dieter on the importance of maintennance after completing their programme, and if followed, people can be sucessful, much like I have been following my stint on HCG.
    People are here for support in their current challanges, if you have nothing but negative to offer, then you should comment and offer advice on a forum that you do support, as this kind of rallying and demeaning another will always be unwelcome.

    Everyone I've seen that have done "fad diets", has failed to research all the pros, and cons, and has failed to pay attention to the maintenance phase of the program. I had many friends that have done HCG. Every one of them did it for a quick weight loss to either win weight loss competitions, or they wanted to lose for a certain purpose, like a cruise, then go back to eating the way that got them fat....Thinking that if they needed to lose again, they would just go back on the HCG.

    If a person can't lose weight the "healthy way", then they may need to look into why. If they have "intolerances" to certain foods, it is a good idea to avoid those foods, but if you cut out all "risky" foods at the same time, How do you find out which one you have problems with?
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    And also, why should a person have to hide in a closed forum, other than because you disagree with their lifestyle? As far as I am aware, public stoning was outlawed many years ago. Do you harass the drunk you pass in the street on the way to work?? not likely. the internet is here for us all to utilise and people have bent their manners and consideration (or lack of them) beyond the limit of everyday society.

    Yeah, too bad most of the people on MFP with good advice have had to go to closed forums to express their opinions because of the massive witch hunt going on to ban them from the forums for giving honest answers to peoples questions. Oh, but public stoning has been outlawed...right.
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    I am starting a group where you need to be invited to join. If you are interested in this diet and a SAFE place to be encouraged and talk to other people on the diet please friend me and I will give you the link.

    I won't come back here! Life is too short for rude people. :frown:

    I wish everyone the best in what they are trying to help them in their weight loss journey.

    For me it was more about getting my body and mind to feel better. This diet is working for me. I have found out that I am gluten intolerant. That was a shock. I don't like it but I hope in 3 months I can try gluten again.

    Best of luck! Vickie :flowerforyou:

    PLEASE DO YOUR RESEARCH before you begin ANYTHING! Now that you have discovered you are gluten intolerant, that means YOU SHOULD NOT EAT GLUTEN, EVER, AGAIN. If you want your health to improve and maintain that improvement, you need to do what is right and correct. You cannot pick and choose what to listen to, follow, etc.

    As one who discovered that gluten was the cause/exacerbator of: my bloating, gas, eczema, insomnia, weight gain, lethargy and extreme joint and muscle pain/fatigue, I make it a conscious effort to avoid gluten as best as I can. Am I a celiac? No.

    Please, I implore you, to be wise, do your research, read what is out there, CLINICALLY, not just someone posting on a blog somewhere, and LEARN what you need to do.
  • AlexInFlorida
    It's a whole food diet with an elimination component of the most common problems. It uses liquid meal replacements as part of the process, which boosts the results (the few studies on them show that they seem to work well for rapid weight loss). The shakes are optional, she offers an alternative breakfast that works (oatmeal based).

    The book is a lot of feel good stories to pump you up. My wife got it from her mother who has lost weight and feels great (turns out she had a soy problem, accidentally ate tuna fish with soy in it, felt horrible, now she knows), and has been on it and losing weight and feeling great. She's about to start adding things.

    The book takes some short cuts... eliminate whole soy, but when she discusses soy in the book she acknowledges that fermented whole soy (Asian style) is probably fine, but GMO American soy derivatives are the problem... nonetheless, all soy is currently out of shared meals in my house.

    We ate healthy before, mostly whole foods, so she lost 7 pounds in about 11 days, felt great, and is enjoying losing weight and feeling better. My wife had a gluten intolerance years ago that appeared to go away, but perhaps started to come back with too much gluten in our diet.

    The diet emphasizes food journaling, tracking how you feel, monitoring your responses. So her dieters are not calorie counting (though you can), they're tracking feelings to see if it's a lagging response.

    All in all, I think it's a decent book, a decent set of advice for eating healthy, and decent information on exercise.

    JJ Virgin's general advice:
    1. Drink a lot of water
    2. Eat a LOT of vegetables
    3. Don't juice fruit, eat fruit (in moderation)
    4. Don't eat processed food
    5. Eliminate the problematic foods entirely for a few weeks to get a baseline, then re-introduce them over the course of one food/week and see how you respond, if you respond well, keep it in moderation, if you respond poorly, leave it out
    6. Exercise: moderate stuff all the time (pedometer and walk more), then burst (high intensity training) training for rapid fat loss
    7. If you had problems reintroducing a food in weeks 4-10, try again in a few months

    All in all, decent advice, nothing brilliant. She's obviously selling product (shakes, equipment, etc) like all diet plans do now, but the book has decent advice that seems to be working for the few people I know doing it.

    I'm not, I'm pretty happy with my whole food diet, but our major meals are Virgin-friendly... it hasn't exactly killed me to swap Coconut Aminos in for Tamari Sauce in my life. :)