The JJ Diet



  • Xhell_on_heelsX
    Gluten, sugar and corn I agree with..but why no eggs? They are an excellent source of protein and if you can get eggs that are from free range chicken from local farms, not ones that are not penned up, they can be very good for you. I can see how eliminating some of these items can help people since there are so many with gluten allergies and who are lactose intollerant..but maybe it's best that only one item is deleted at a time from the diet, to see what is actually harmful to your particular diet. I just don't believe telling people that they have to delete all of these items if they really don't have to. Good luck on your new lifestyle though, I hope you reach the weight goal you desire :smile:
  • Xhell_on_heelsX
    I just looked over the "diet" -- really, it's a way to check for food intolerances. So yes, it's "restrictive" in that it removes the foods most likely to cause issues in the general population. As long as it's used for a limited time, I don't see a problem. Having said that, I don't see where you then add foods back in one by one to confirm which are the problem. There is no long term point to removing everything if your body chemistry doesn't have a problem with it. Twelve years ago, I did an elimination diet, where I removed EVERYTHING for a week long period (felt better than I had in years and years, but only last six days eating chicken, rice, pears and I can't remember what else :-P) then every other day added one type of food (citrus, sugar, eggs, wheat) back in. Discovered gluten was the main culprit and have been gluten free since.

    I saw a diet like this on Dr. Oz, it really is a great way for people to truly find out what is "bothering" their systems. I think most people find that it is gluten or dairy. I do agree with getting rid of the sugar though..processed sugar is just no good for the body or weight loss
  • scruffykaz
    scruffykaz Posts: 317 Member
    What happens when you go back to eating normally or do you have to make those changes permanently.

    I haven't heard of this diet but I doubt it would work for me because I subscribe to the "everything in moderation" theory which is working well for me.

    Does the weight stay off because I thought that the slower you lose it, the more chance you have of keeping it off. My MIL tried the ducan diet and lost 7lbs very quickly but once she started eating normally again it went back on.
  • shirleydawson
    shirleydawson Posts: 17 Member
    On Day 9 and I've lost 6.2 pounds which is great since I haven't been able to lose anything in a couple of years. I plan on keeping on with this. A lot of my inflammation is gone and loving it. I've already found that beans (especially pinto beans) are an enormous problem, was so sick for 24 hours after I ate them. I'm now being very careful with beans. Had some black beans last night and they did not affect me like the pinto beans. I'm eating hummus, so garbanzo beans must not be a problem. Just finding this out is wonderful. Not missing the bread or cheese or milk. I'm eating some feta cheese and a little Almond Milk, so no craving at all for them nor for eggs. I've never really liked corn so no problem there. Figuring out what has soy in it is a little more difficult.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member

    This diet over promises and under delivers. If you did manage to lose 7 pounds in one week it's going to be water weight and you'll gain it back in two days. She's but a doctor. The diet disappoints. Restrictive diets have a high rate of failure. This is an open forum. Start a private thread if you want.

    Welcome to the internet. Dave
    You're posting on an open publim forum, if you'd like to keep responses limited to only those who believe this type of "diet"I would suggest creating a group or private group.

    I'll keep my personal opinions about the diet to myself as I don't know anything about it, but when I google someone and the top 3 or 4 things are negative or have the words scam, critics and a promise of lose 7 pounds in 7 days it would be something I would avoid.

    Having to put a disclaimer on my choice because I know it will fall under intense scruitiny would be reason enough for me to question how educated of a decision I was making, but I do wish you the best of luck finding a healthy way of life that suits your needs.


    If you want to only receive supportive comments - start a group. As for this diet - what DavPul said. Unless this or any other diet plan, pills, etc is something you are going to be doing for the rest of your life (and consistently) - then no, I don't believe it is a good idea.
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    Oops. Wrong thread.

    Thought this was the Vajayjay Diet thread
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    No offence, but diets don't work. Lifestyle changes do. Can you go for the rest of your life without eating those foods? If you can't sustain this eating plan for the rest of your life, then it's not worth it IMO. But I'm not here to tell you what to do. Your body, your choice. Just make sure you're getting enough protein, fats and carbs from other sources, or vitamin supplements if needed.

    As far as I am concerned, absolutely everybody is "on a diet". Calling it a "lifestyle change" is just semantics.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I eat all 7 of the foods this diet says to avoid.
    Arbitrarily cutting out foods and going on these fad celebrity-backed diets is no path to long term success. It's a path to serial dieting and yo-yo-ing.
    This is yet another stupid fad diet, and I am not afraid to say so, despite your big honking disclaimer.

    Go ahead. Report me. The mods love having to read through frivolous reports. :flowerforyou:
  • scruffykaz
    scruffykaz Posts: 317 Member
    No offence, but diets don't work. Lifestyle changes do. Can you go for the rest of your life without eating those foods? If you can't sustain this eating plan for the rest of your life, then it's not worth it IMO. But I'm not here to tell you what to do. Your body, your choice. Just make sure you're getting enough protein, fats and carbs from other sources, or vitamin supplements if needed.

    As far as I am concerned, absolutely everybody is "on a diet". Calling it a "lifestyle change" is just semantics.

    I don't agree. To me "diet" is something that has a start and end date. That isn't the case for me. I needed to change my old unhealthy lifestyle and incorporate new eating and exercise routines and habits. There is no going back. It is a lifestyle change
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    No offence, but diets don't work. Lifestyle changes do. Can you go for the rest of your life without eating those foods? If you can't sustain this eating plan for the rest of your life, then it's not worth it IMO. But I'm not here to tell you what to do. Your body, your choice. Just make sure you're getting enough protein, fats and carbs from other sources, or vitamin supplements if needed.

    As far as I am concerned, absolutely everybody is "on a diet". Calling it a "lifestyle change" is just semantics.

    How are we "on a diet" being "on a diet" is restricting yourself, I don't restrict myself, I probably eat more than I ever have done and weigh less than I ever have in my entire adult life. Don't judge me by your standards.

    ETA: Never mind, 1200cals or less, you're definitely on a diet!
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    this diet seems like horrible advice.
  • juliefis14
    juliefis14 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm amazed how rude people can be.... I just read The Virgin Diet because my Dr recommended going gluten free. I thought JJs elimination diet might help me get started and possibly help me identify other foods that might be a problem. However, I just can't motivate myself to get started.

    Any advice? Are you drinking her shakes?
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    I'm amazed how rude people can be.... I just read The Virgin Diet because my Dr recommended going gluten free. I thought JJs elimination diet might help me get started and possibly help me identify other foods that might be a problem. However, I just can't motivate myself to get started.

    Any advice? Are you drinking her shakes?

    On the whole I don't think anyone has been rude, apart from people rudely pointing out they think others are being rude. It's called an opinion, everyone has one, some are just more educated than others :flowerforyou:
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    I've just looked on her website and two of the first things I see are adverts for shakes and meals. She's not a Dr, just a nutritionist who is trying to sell products. I don't think any diet should involve cutting food stuffs out completely, and I just think this is another fad diet which isn't sustainable.

    ETA - I also don't agree food intolerance is the cause of weight gain!
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    Its DY-NO-MITE!

    How did this thread get to page 2 without anyone saying that!
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    You're posting on an open public forum, if you'd like to keep responses limited to only those who believe this type of "diet", I would suggest creating a group or private group.

    I'll keep my personal opinions about the diet to myself as I don't know anything about it, but when I google someone and the top 3 or 4 things are negative or have the words scam, critics and a promise of lose 7 pounds in 7 days it would be something I would avoid.

    Having to put a disclaimer on my choice because I know it will fall under intense scruitiny would be reason enough for me to question how educated of a decision I was making, but I do wish you the best of luck finding a healthy way of life that suits your needs.


    Please form a private group where you can talk about this sca--. "diet" all you want, free from any logical, well informed, productive advice. You're just pot stirring here, and technically, should be reported for your harsh threats.
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    I've just looked on her website and two of the first things I see are adverts for shakes and meals. She's not a Dr, just a nutritionist who is trying to sell products. I don't think any diet should involve cutting food stuffs out completely, and I just think this is another fad diet which isn't sustainable.

    ETA - I also don't agree food intolerance is the cause of weight gain!

    I want to disagree with the last sentence. I dropped 20 lbs by eliminating wheat and grains from my diet. I discovered a food intolerance to gluten, and I have the blood work to back that up. My RA factor went from high (23) to 14 (normal level) after three months, at which time I also had lost 20 lbs from eliminating those foods AND moderate exercise. My cholesterol also dropped 40 pts, even though I was still pounding the eggs and bacon.

    (I don't follow any fad diets, I just found what works for me)
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    A disclaimer on a public forum post? its public - and it runs alongside with free speech. it wouldnt be fair just because someone disagrees with you or claims what you like to spout off about is wrong.... that you have them reported. what the heck??

    I say eat all in moderation. Otherwise if you are restricting yourself from foods only to lose weight then its not a healthy lifestyle that you can live with. I have always taught my daughter to eat in moderation, anything you want from time to time. dont restrict yourself because it's just not natural. you'll live happier and healthier if you refrain from 'dieting'.

    I won't say anything negative but I will say go start a group or something for such .... you'll be better off. I'm surprised you havent been hammered by others for this post yet.

    good luck.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    There are educated people who are anorexic and bulimic. There are educated people who eat garbage food all day long. Just because you've read a book on a diet does not mean you are educated in nutrition. You are, at best, educated on that fad diet. Good luck with your choice.
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    Wow, I'd like to say I'm surprised at the responses here but unfortunately I'm not. What's it to you if a stranger on a message board who did not ask for your opinion wants to cut gluten/soy/eggs or whatever out of their diet? Whether you like eggs or have lost 30 lbs eating nothing but eggs, soy and gluten is beside the point.

    It's not helpful. Isn't that what we're trying to be?