FeatherontheWind Member


  • I love Jillians workouts. I start out with JM 30 Day Shred then the 6 Week/Six Pack. Everyone pretty much logs both as Circuit Training and depending on your weight and effort, each is around 270 calories burned. It's different for everyone.
  • Professional trainers have said to stay hydrated with sips of water during your workout, don't take gulps. This could possibly be what is causing your nausea. Also, it's better to wait 30 minutes to an hour after eating a meal before you begin your workout. Personally I eat something small to hold me over and give me…
  • I started JM 30 Day Shred - Level 2 today also. Jillian really kicked my hiney this morning. I'm looking forward to tomorrow though. I feel like I'll be more prepared by knowing what the moves are now. The double jump rope looked like they were just jumping, maybe a little higher, combined with double time arm work. I kept…
  • I just graduated from the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred - Circuit 1 to Circuit 2 today. It's a fabulous 20 minute workout and really burns calories. Also, by doing the workout early in the day, you will maximize calories burned throughout the next several hours of whatever you are doing...even if it is just breathing. :) i…
  • That is not a true statement. I have been a 'picky' eater since infancy. It is impossible for a baby to have psychological issues with food. You either like it or you don't. You either swallow it or spit it out. I've come a long way since being a 'little bit', but I still gag on certain foods, vegetarian or not.
  • I too am a 'picky' eater. Mine is a bit opposite of yours...I don't care for meat for various reasons. I'm almost a vegetarian...sometimes a little fish or chicken breast. It is difficult for me to find easy, healthy meals that are filling and keep me sustained throughout my daily activities. In my research I came across…
  • I have been on the thin side most of my life, but have steadily gained over the last few years. When I've been at the gym and see others larger than myself I think good for them, even when I was a tiny size 0/2. They are here taking the initiative to do something positive about their health. My next thought immediately…
  • I have been on the thin side most of my life, but have steadily gained over the last few years. When I've been at the gym and see others larger than myself I think good for them, even when I was a tiny size 0/2. They are here taking the initiative to do something positive about their health. My next thought immediately…
  • The difference between try and triumph is just a little umph! - Marvin Phillips The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places. - Author unknown It's not whether you get knocked down; it's whether you get up. - Vince Lombardi and last, but certainly not least... THE GREAT ELLEN DEGENERES: You have to stay…
  • Thank you and congratulations on your journey. It sounds like you are doing really well. As far as the scale goes, I was just curious. I'm not a serial weigher. Since I'm new I didn't weigh myself until I completed my first week. My clothes were EXTRA tight and I'd have to be VERY optimistic to think a tape measure would…
  • [/quote] did you poop? [/quote] Not yet, but when I do I'll let you know how much more weight I dropped...if you're really into that.
  • There are so many constructive and informative responses to my posts. Yours is not one of them. I have no idea to whom you are referring. You’re psychic reading does not resemble me in the least. I hope you didn’t hurt yourself jumping to conclusions. You shouldn’t pretend to know me especially when... You have no idea who…
  • I'm new here at FMP, but...for me...long story short...It turned out to be water weight. Like someone told me...at least it wasn't a gain.:smile: Have a great day!
  • In my situation I left first. It was much easier to accomplish my goals when I was away from the negative behavior. Eventually, one starts to feel super sexy again, especially when men start turning their heads in your direction. :love:
  • I believe in marriage vows too...love cherish, honor, etc., etc. Think about it though...did his marriage vows say anything about having the right to verbally or mentally abuse you??? I doubt you would have said "I do" if that were the case. I guarantee the problem is he feels inferior with something in his life so it…
  • You're tugging at my heart. Congratulations on another awesome accomplishment!!! Yesterday I asked my husband to please bring my bicycle home from his warehouse. He should be here tonight with it. I can't wait to put my little dog in the basket and go, go, go! Enjoy every moment of the wind in your hair and the sun on your…
  • Congratulations! You are a fabulous inspiration! Especially for those of us who are just getting started. You inspire me to keep going. Best wishes on your future. :)
  • Congratulations! You are a great inspiration. Keep up the good work!